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1、小学六年级英语第十一册(第7课)形成性训练卷(06、9)学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 评价等级_ Listening I. 听录音,用线条将相关的词语连接起来。(念两遍)coffee biscuits eggs butter hamburger juice tofu sandwiches bread sugar water milk beef pork drink glass spicy sweet sour fried vegetablechocolateTimSueTomMaryBobPatjuicefooddrinksoupbiscuitsriceII听录音,用线条将相关的人物与词连接起来。(

2、念两遍)III. 听录音,用1,2,3,4给下列情景图画排序。(念两遍)IV. 听录音,填写下列短文中所缺的词。(念三遍)Tim likes meat very much. He needs to buy some _ and _. Bob likes spicy food. Hes going to make a _ and spicy _ for dinner. Anne likes _ food. Shell buy some chocolate ice cream. Koko will cook some leafy _. She must buy some _ and _. She

3、cant make delicious food without them.WritingI. 用适当的词填空。sugar sour sweet tomatoes lemon eggs beef pork1. We need some meat. I am going to buy some _and _.2. We are going to eat some _things, so I take out some chocolate.3. We like to add some_ to make our soup sour.4. I want to make our food more be

4、autiful. I am going to cut some _to decorate the food.5. Ann likes sweet things. Please add some _in it. She doesnt like lemon because it is _.6. I am going to make a birthday cake, I need some flour and _.II. 阅读短文,根据短文内容用1,2,3,4给后面的句子排序。Self Service(自助餐) If you are in a hurry and you want to have a

5、 quick meal, there is no better place than a self-service restaurant. You go into the restaurant, then pick up a tray(托盘), knife, fork and spoon. Next you can pick out the food you like and put them on your tray. Then you take the tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another custome

6、r. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. And there is no waiter, you dont have to give a tip. Finally you go to the cashiers(出纳员) and pay for(付钱)your meal. You pick out the food you like and put them on your tray. You go to the cashiers and pay for your meal. You pick up a tray, knife, fork and s

7、poon. You take the tray to any table you like.III. 阅读短文,判断下列句子的正误,用“T”或“F”表示出来。It Must Be Fake Food(伪劣食品)At the supermarket, a customer(顾客)was complaining(抱怨)to the shop assistant. “I dont want this box of food. Please give my money back.” “Sorry, Madam. You know, food cannot be returned after it is

8、 sold,” the assistant said. “But I cant pay for this fake food,” the customer shouted. “How can you prove that this is fake food?” the assistant asked angrily. “Look at the label(标志)on the box. The Date is: June 31, 1996. How can you prove that there are thirty-one days in June?” the customer asked.

9、( )1. The customer and the shop assistant talk happily.( )2. The customer wanted to return the food to the shop.( )3. The assistant agreed to take the food back.( )4. Food cant be returned after it is sold.( )5. The food was bad.( )6. The food had a wrong label on it.f4a0268231b410eaac2d53a1bb296749.pdf 第 2 页 共 2 页


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