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1、1.Greeting问候1)Typical Expressions:经典句型Hi.你好。Hi,there.喂,你好。Hello.你好。Hello!你好。Morning.早上好。Good morning.早上好。Good afternoon.下午好。Good evening.晚上好。How are you?你好。How do you do?你好。Hows everything?还好吗?How are things with you?一切还好吗?How are you doing?一切顺利吗?How have you been doing?感觉怎么样?How have you been feeli

2、ng?感觉怎么样?How are you getting along with your job?工作进展如何?Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。Glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。Happy to see you.很高兴见到你。Pleased to see you.见到你很高兴。Havent seen you for ages.好久没见面了。Long time no see.很久没见面了。Im so glad to meet you.很高兴遇到你。How nice to see you again.再次见到你很高兴。Hi,its really a small wor

3、ld.你好,世界真小。Its so good to see you.看见你很开心。Nice having you.你能来很高兴。Im so pleased you could come.您能来我太高兴了。Its so nice of you to come.你能来太好了。How are you feeling?你感觉怎么样?Are you feeling better today?今天你感觉好一些了吗?I hope youre feeling fit today.我希望你今天感觉舒服一些。Dialogue 1对话1A;Hello,hows everything?喂,你好吗?B:Fine,tha

4、nk you.And you?我很好,谢谢你。你怎么样?A:Im fine,too.Thanks.我也很好。谢谢你。B:How are the kids?孩子们怎么样?A:They all are OK.Mary went to university,and Peter is still at middle school.他们都很好。玛丽上了大学,彼得还在中学读书。B:Oh,theyre growing fast.他们成长得真快。Dialogue 2对话2A:Hi,Mary.Long time no see.喂,玛丽。好久没见面了。B:Hello,Peter.How have you been

5、 doing?你好,彼得。你好吗?A:Im doing very well,thank you.How about you?我很好,谢谢。你呢?B:Not bad.还不错。Dialogue 3对话3A.I hope youre feeling fit today.我希望你今天感觉舒服一些。B;Pretty good.Thank you.很舒服。谢谢你。A:Have you heard from your parents?有你父母的消息吗?B:Yes.I just got a letter from them yesterday.有。我昨天才收到他们的一封信。A:Oh?How are they

6、doing?噢?他们好吗?B:Theyre going very well.Thanks a lot.他们很好。谢谢您。2.Introductions介绍1)Typical Expressions经典句型Im Tom.我是汤姆。My name is Tom.我的名字是汤姆。Let me introduce myself.允许我介绍我自己。Allow me to introduce myself.请允许我自我介绍。May I introduce myself?请让我自我介绍。I dont think weve met.My name is Tom.我想我们一定不认识。我的名字叫汤姆。This i

7、s Peter,and this is David.这是彼得,这是大卫。Meet my friend Peter.This is David.认识一下我的朋友彼得,这位是大卫。My friend Peter.我的朋友彼得。Heres my friend Peter.这是我的朋友彼得。I dont think youve met.This is my cousin Helen.我想你们一定不认识。这是我表姐海伦。Do you know each other?你们彼此认识吗?Have you met my friend Peter?还没有见过我的朋友彼得吧?I would like to intr

8、oduce my friend Peter.我想介绍我的朋友彼得。May I present me friend Mr.Smith?请允许我介绍我的朋友史密斯先生。May I introduce you to Mr.Smith?我可以介绍您和史密斯先生认识吗?I would like to introduce you to Mr.Smith.请让我介绍您和史密斯先生认识。It is a great pleasure to introduce Mr.Smith.He is the new manager of our company.很荣幸向大家介绍史密斯先生,他是我们公司新任的经理。Dialo

9、gue1对话1A:Hello,everybody.My name is Mary.喂,大家好。我的名字叫玛丽。B:Hi,Im David.This is my friend,Tom.您好,我是大卫。这是我的朋友汤姆。A:How are you,David?How are you,Tom?您好吗,大卫?您好吗,汤姆?B&C:Fine,thank you.And you?谢谢,我们很好。您好吗?A;Im fine too.Nice to have met you.我也很好,很高兴见到你们。Dialogue 2对话2A;It is a great pleasure to introduce Mr.S

10、mith.He is the President of our company.很荣幸向你介绍史密斯先生,他是我们公司的董事长。B:How do you do,Mr.Smith?My name is Mary,the secretary.您好,史密斯先生。我的名字叫玛丽,公司秘书。C:How do you do,Mary?Hows everything?你好,玛丽。一切都还好吗?B:Everything is going very well.一切都很顺利。3.Thanks and Gratitude致谢和感激1)Typical Expressions经典句型Thanks.谢谢。Many tha

11、nks.多谢。Thanks a lot.不胜感谢。Thank you very much.非常感谢你。Thank you indeed.太感谢你了。Thank you awfully.感激不尽。Thank you so much.万分感激。Thank you for helping me.谢谢你帮助了我。Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助。Im obliged to you.我很感激你。Much oblige to you.太感激你了。Im really grateful to you.我非常感谢你。I really cant thank you enough.我对你

12、感激不尽。I would like to express my gratiude to you for.我想表达对你的感激之情。I really dont know how to express my thanks to you.我真不知道如何向你表达我的感激之情。Its very kind of you to.太感谢你了。I appreciate what youve done for me.谢谢你为我做的一切。You helped me a lot.谢谢你帮了我的忙。You did me a great favor.你真帮了我的大忙。How kind of you.你真好,谢谢你。Its

13、most thoughtful of you to do so for me.你为我这样做,确实考虑得太周到了。Dialogue1对话1A:May I use your pen?我可以用一下你的笔吗?B:Of course.Youd better put it back on my desk.当然可以。用完后你最好把它放在我的桌子上。A:Thank you for your pen.谢谢你的笔。B:Youre welcome.不用客气。Dialogue2对话2A:Can you help me?你能帮我的忙吗?B:Sure.What can I do for you?当然可以。我能为你做什么?

14、A:I need to move this computer into my study,but.我想把这台电脑搬到我的书房,可是B:Oh,I see.You just show me where to put it.哦,我明白。你只要告诉我把它放在哪儿就行了。A:You did me a great favor.你帮了我的大忙。B:Dont mention it.别客气。4.Farewell and Departure告别和告辞1)Typical Expressions经典句型Bye.再会Bye,now.再见。Bye-bye.再见。Goodbye.再见。Cheers.再见。So long.再见。See you later.待会儿见。See you then.到时见。See you again.再见。See you soon.等会儿见。See you at six oclock.6点钟见。See you tomorrow.明天见。See you next time.下次再见。Good night.晚安。Ive got to go.我得走了。I must go now.我得走了。Times flying



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