travel reimbursement instructions差旅费报销指令

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《travel reimbursement instructions差旅费报销指令》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《travel reimbursement instructions差旅费报销指令(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Travel Reimbursement InstructionsInstructions for Travel Expense Reimbursement / Travel Advance Request form. Complete the UCI employee or non-employee section. Choose a payment type. Enter the destination, purpose, and travel dates in the appropriate boxes. Be sure to include your departure and ret

2、urn time. Select an expense type: Advances (pre-payments): Enter the amount of the advances paid to you or on your behalf. For example; cash, airfare, lodging, or registration. Enter the trip number in the appropriate field. Airfare: Enter the amount of the cost of the airfare. Each expense must be

3、supported by an original receipt / invoice / itinerary which contain a 13 digit ticket number. NOTE: A credit card statement is generally not acceptable as a receipt, but may be used to support an exceptional request if the original documents have been lost or destroyed. Be sure to include a justifi

4、cation explaining the circumstances. NOTE: Some foreign and U.S. air carriers such as JetBlue may not assign a ticket number. Please contact the Finance Office if you have questions regarding specific airlines. Lodging: Enter the amount of the cost of the room and tax only. The cost of food, phone,

5、internet, or parking charges that may show on the hotel folio should be entered under other expenses. Special Instructions / Other Expenses not under lodging. Each expense must be supported by the original hotel folio. Lodging that is considered “within the vicinity” (less than 50 miles from the wor

6、k place) will need a justification and exceptional approval. Registration: Enter the amount of the cost of the registration along with a copy of the meeting/conference agenda. Expenses must be supported by the original receipt. Rental Car: Enter the amount of the cost of the rental car. Each expense

7、 must be supported by an original receipt which contains the miles in and the miles out. Additional insurance expenses will not be reimbursed.NOTE: Travelers on University business should use approved rental agencies (see: current Rental Car Agreements on forms list). The negotiated rates include PD

8、W/LDW. Additional insurance will not be reimbursed. Ground Transportation: Enter the date and the amount of the cost of each expense. Receipts are not required for expenses that are less than $75. If necessary, list dates and expense amounts on a separate sheet. Mileage: Complete the Mileage Log For

9、m and submit it along with the completed Expense Reimbursement Form. Gasoline is not reimbursed in lieu of mileage. Meals / CONUS (48 contiguous states within the continental U.S. including Washington, D.C.): Enter the date and the expense amount not to exceed the current (M&IE) cap of $71/day. Alth

10、ough the Universitys cap amount is tied to the maximum federal per diem, travelers may seek reimbursement only for their ACTUAL EXPENSES UP TO $71 in accordance with existing policy. The CONUS meal cap is not a per diem. NOTE: Meal cap for travel of more than 12 hours, but less than 24 is $46. NOTE:

11、 Incidental expenses are defined as fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, and hotel maids. Per Diem Meals / Foreign / OCONUS (outside the continental U.S. including Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. possessions): Enter the date, location and the appropriate foreign meal rate. Rates may be found a

12、t:http:/ necessary, list locations, dates and amounts on a separate sheet. Per Diem Lodging / Foreign / OCONUS (outside the continental U.S. including Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. possessions): Enter the date, location and the appropriate foreign lodging amount. Ra

13、tes may be found at:http:/ necessary, list locations, dates and amounts on a separate sheet. NOTE: Lodging tax is not included in the foreign per diem rate and may be reimbursed as a misc. expense (enter the tax in the Special Instructions / Other Expenses area

14、 of the form). Special Instructions / Other Expenses (foreign lodging tax, phone, internet, road tolls, gasoline for rental car, supplies, entertainment, etc.). Enter notes, special instructions, or miscellaneous expenses that do not fall into another category. Amount Column: Enter an amount in U.S.

15、 dollars in the column next to the appropriate category. Total: Enter the total payment in U.S. dollars. Reimburse Payee: Enter the amount to be directed to the payee. Pay UCI Corporate Visa: Enter the amount to be directed to U.S. Bank. Expense Certification: Sign and date the form. Funding: Enter

16、the account(s) and fund(s) to be charged. Approval Signature: Submit the completed form to your department for review and approval. Your department will forward the documents to the business office for processing and payment. Dont forget to securely tape receipts to an 8 x 11 sheet of paper. Please be careful when taping NCR paper receipts the tape ma



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