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1、Unit 1How do you study for a test?温故知新(课前复习类训练)Word recycling and grammar reviewing(旧词循环和语法复习).Write down the correct forms of the following words.(根据括号内要求写出下列单词的相应形式。)1.write(名词形式)_ 2.forget(过去分词)_3.understand(过去式)_ 4.write(现在分词)_5.difficult(名词形式)_6.many(比较级形式)_答案:1.writer2.forgotten3.understood4.w

2、riting5.difficulty6.more.Complete the sentence with the right word form.(用单词的适当形式填空。)(http:/)1. _ (not play) games now.Please_ (do) your homework first.2.The students_ (be) busy now.They_ (have) an exam next week.3.Jack_ (not do) his homework yesterday afternoon.4. _Lily usually_ (go) to work by bus

3、?5.My mother_ (cook) when I_ (get) home yesterday afternoon.答案:1.Dont play;do祈使句是以动词原形开头,其否定形式是在动词前加Dont。2.are;will have/are going to have由时间状语now和next week可作出判断。3.didnt do由时间状语yesterday afternoon可作出判断。4.Does;go由频率副词usually可作出判断。5.was cooking;got由时间状语从句结构和时间短语yesterday afternoon可作出判断。有备无患(课前预习类训练)Pr

4、eparation for new lessons (新课预习).Complete the sentence with the proper word.(用适当的单词完成句子。)1.How do you study for a test?I study _working with a group.2.Do you ever practise conversations with friends?I do that sometimes.I think it_with my English.3.Have you ever studied with a group?Yes.It improves m

5、y speaking _.4.What is your favourite_to learn more English?5.He thinks that the movie is frustrating because the people speak too _.答案:1.by问句询问的是学习的方式。2.helps主语it是单数第三人称形式,谓语动词应该用“单三形式”。3.skills题意是:小组学习能提高我的说话“技巧”。4.way题意是:最喜欢的“学习方法”。5.quickly/fast修饰动词speak应该用副词形式。.Please go through the text and co

6、mplete the following sentences according to the tips.(预习课文,根据汉语提示完成句子。)1.He thinks_(学习英语语法)is too boring.2.The best way to learn new words is by_(读英语杂志).3.Youd better_(大声朗读)to practise pronunciation.4.He said he couldnt_(记忆单词).5.She said that having conversations with friends_(一点也没有作用).6. _(看英语电影)is

7、 also a good way to learn English.答案:1.studying English grammar动名词短语作主语。2.reading English magazines介词后跟动词ing形式。3.read aloudhad better后跟动词原形。4.memorize the words情态动词后跟动词原形。5.was not helpful at allnot.at all意思是“一点也不”,常用来加强语气。6.Watching English movies动名词短语作主语。一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练).

8、Complete the sentence with the right word form.(用单词的适当形式完成句子。)1.If you want to improve your_ (pronounce),you must do more speaking.2.I won the first prize in the English contest and my father got_ (excite) about it.3.Working hard is one of the_ (secret) of learning English well.4.Some students had m

9、ore specific ways_ (learn) English.5.I become good at English and my teacher is very_ (impress).6.She had_ (trouble) riding her bike to the cinema last Sunday.7.Later on,I _ (real) it didnt matter if we did not understand each word.8.Reading_ (loud) is my best way to practice pronunciation.答案:1.pron

10、unciation物主代词后一般跟名词形式。2.excitedget excited about意思是“对感到激动”。3.secretsone of the +名词的复数形式。4.to learnthe way to do something意思是“做某事的方法”。5.impressed be impressed意思是“感到印象深刻的”。6.troublehave trouble doing sth.意思是“在做某事上遇到麻烦”。7.realized根据从句时态和句意来判断,动词应该用过去式。8.aloud根据常识可知“大声读书”是练习发音的好方法。Exercises for phrases(

11、短语专练).Complete the sentence with the proper phrase in the box.(用方框里适当的短语形式完成句子。)laugh atlook upmake uptake notesat allbe angry with 1.I was afraid to speak English in class,because some of my classmates always_me.2.Li Hong decided to_ lots of grammar_in every class.3.I learn English by_conversations

12、 with my classmates.4.I didnt like to see English movies_,and I think it helps little.5.If you meet new words,you can_them_in a dictionary.6.My father_me because I did bad in math exam.答案:1.laughed at害怕说英语的原因是“怕别人笑”。2.take notes句意是“李红决定在每一堂课上做大量的笔记”。3.making up“编对话”是学习英语的一种方法。4.at allat all用于否定句中,加强

13、语气,意思是“一点儿也不”。5.look uplook up in a dictionary意思是“查阅字典”。6.was angry with题中后半句提到我考试不好,所以“我”父亲对我“生气”。Exercises for function items(交际用语专练).Complete the conversation with the right word.(情景交际,每空一词。)A:Tony,your English 1 very good.2 do you learn it 3?B:I learnt 4using English.A:5the best way of learning new words?B:You should 6 English magazines and memorize the 7of pop songs.A:It helps me a 8.9you very much.B:10a pleasure.答案:1.is2.How3.well4.by5.Whats6.read7.words8.lot9.Thank10.ItsExercises for grammar(语法专练).Multiple choice(单项选择)1.How do you learn English?I learn English by_ .



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