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1、Unit 3 复习与练习一.单词复习。把相应的英语单词或汉语意思补充完整。21. . v.刺穿;刺破2. . n.许可证,执照3. a.傻的,愚蠢的4earring. 5instead of. 6. 熬夜7concentrate. 8. 全神贯注;专心于9. n.学习;研究10. n.设计;构思;谋划11. n.现在;礼物12.at present. 13. n.机会,时机14. n.自愿者 v.自愿;自愿服务15.local. 16. n.成员,会员,社员17.mess. 18. n.养老院19. adj.困倦的;不热闹的,不活跃的20.reply. 21.newsletter. 22.ob

2、ey. 23.in the way. 24. v.实现,完成25. adj. 现实的,注重实际的26. n.重要性,重大,价值27.care about. 28. 成功;达到;完成29. n.尖;点,小数点;要点,观点30. 体验,经历31. 会员,成员二基本短语、句型归纳。1. be allowed to do sth 被允许干 allow sb to do sth 允许某人干 allow doing sth 允许干2.sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old boys and girls 16岁的孩子3. part-time jobs 兼职工作 4. a d

3、rivers license 驾照5. on weekends 在周末 6. at that age 在那个年龄段7.on school nights 在上学期间的每个晚上8. stay up 熬夜9. clean up (相当与及物动词) 清扫 10. fail (in) a test 考试不及格11. take the test 参加考试 12. the other day 前几天13. all my classmates 我所有的同学 14.gethave sth done 使让某事被做,get the ears pierced15. be good for 对有益好处 16. in g

4、roups 成群的,按组的17. get noisy 吵闹(系表结构) 18. learn sth from. 向学习某物19. at present 目前,现在 20. have an opportunity to do sth 有做的机会 21.English-English dictionary 英英词典22. at least 最少 at most 最多 23.eight hours sleep a night 每晚8小时的睡眠24.at his the age of.在他岁的时When he .(years old). 当他岁时25. in the end 最后,终于=at last

5、=finally26. primary schools 小学 27. haveoff 放假.,休息28. reply to 回答.,答复,对做出反应 29. get in the way of. 妨碍.30.a professional athlete 职业运动员 31.achieve ones dreams 实现梦想32.think about 思考,考虑 33.in the end 最后,终于34.be serious about 对热忠/极感兴趣35. practice sthdoing sth 练习某事做某事36 care about 关心,担心,在乎 37.agree with 同意

6、disagree with不同意38. stop doing sth. 停止做某事。stop to do sth. 停止下来去做某事39.so情态动词be助动词主语 主语也是。so主语情态动词be助动词。主语却是如此.Neither/Nor情态动词be助动词主语 主语也不是.40.also 也 (用于句中)either也 (用于否定句且用于句末)too=as well 也 (用于肯定句且用于句末)41.success(n.)成功successful (adj.) 成功的 succeed (v.)成功succeed (in)doing sth .三.自我检测。( )1. Great change

7、s _ in my hometown since 1980. A. have been taken place B. took place C. have taken place D. were taken place( )2. Do you like the skirt ? It _ soft. A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt( )3. Miss Chen _ just _ to speak at the meeting. A. has been asked B. has been asked C. Have been asked D. h

8、ave been asked( )4. _ the job _ by Lucy or by John? Tell me the truth, please. A. Has finished B. Has being finished C. Is finishD. Has been finished( )5 Have you seen him recently?Yes. I _ him the other day on the street. A. see B. saw C. have seen ( )6. Last year he has an opportunity _ abroad, bu

9、t he gave it up. A. study B. to study C. of study ( )7. You will stay healthy_ you do more exercise and eat healthily. A. if B. how C. before ( ) 8. Did you go to Jacks birthday party?No, I _.A. am not invited B. wasnt invited C. havent invited ( ) 9. After playing football for more than half an hou

10、r, the students took _ rest.A. a few minutes B. a few minutes C. a little minutes ( ) 10. You _ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do. A. neednt to come B. dont need to come C. neednt coming ( )11.- You go to the park tomorrow morning. _.A. so will he B. so he will C. s

11、o he does ( )12. I want to know _ you will come back at 8:00 tomorrow. A. that B. when C. whether( )13. We are _ of Yang Liwei, the first spaceman in China. A. proudly B. proud C. pride( )14.Johnlikeswalkingintheopenair,_. A.SodoesTomB.soTomdoes C.Tomlikesalso( )15.Thisisagoodbook.Eachtimeyoureadit,youwillfind_. A.somethingnew B.newsomething C.nothingnew ( )16.Mr.Wangisverystrict_hisson.Andheisvery_everythinghedoes. A.with;with B.with;in C.in;in( )17.Ihadmybike_



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