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1、小学六年级英语(上)Module 3检测题一. 根据汉语意思,选择适当的选项补全单词。(10分)()1. b_cy_le 自行车A. i,cB. i, eC. e, o()2. c ll ct收集A. e, eB. o, eC. o, o()3. hobb 业余爱好A. i B. e C. y()4. d_ll 玩具娃娃 A. o B. a C. e()5. st mp邮票 A. uB. aC. e二. 写出下列单词的复数形式。(10分)1hobby 2photo 3this 4woman 5radio 三选出不同类的一项。(10分)()1. A. Chinese B. Canada C. A

2、merica()2. A. sing B. paint C. hobby()3. A. plane B. ship C. TV()4. A. fruit B. orange C. pear()5. A. have B. has C. had四 单项选择。(30分)( )1. Have you got stamps from China?A. someB. any C. a( )2. are stamps from Canada.A. TheseB. ThisC. The( )3. We all love our .A. hobbyB. hobbysC. hobbies( )4. Simon c

3、ollects some .A. stampB. a stamp C. stamps( )5. Flying kites my hobby.A. amB. are C. is( )6. Have you got any books? .A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haventC.No, I have( )7. Please give the book the boy England.A. to, from B. to, onC. from, from( )8. These stamps from my letters.A. is B. areC. am( )9. Ther

4、e is a letter you. A. to B. ofC. for( )10. Do you toy cars?A. collect B. collectsC. collecting( )11. is my hobby.A. collectB. collects C. Collecting( )12. Where you from ?A. areB. do C. is( )13.Are any stamps from China on the wall?A.theseB. there C. those( )14. Has Lingling got any kites? .A. Yes,

5、she did. B. No, she has. C.Yes, she has.( )15. These are some stamps.A. ChinaB. ChineseC. china五. 英汉互译。(10分)1collect stamps 2my hobby .3另一张中国邮票 4a famous man .5放风筝 .Flying kites hobbies Chinese These China六选词填空(10分)1. Different people have different .2. are some stamps from Canada.3. is her hobby.4.

6、 Have you got any stamps from ?5.Ive got lots of kites. 七连词成句。(10分)1my is hobby stamps Collecting (.) 2. another have You can stamp Chinese(.)3. your What hobby is (?)4. stamps are Canada from These (.) 5. got you any from Japan Have dolls (?)八. 根据短文的内容判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。(10分)Im Simon. Im twelve.

7、I live in New York. Collecting stamps is my hobby. Look! These are some stamps from Canada. They are famous men and women. And this stamp is from China. All of these stamps are from China, too. These stamps are from Damings letters. They are very beautiful.()1. Simon is eleven years old.()2. Simon lives in Beijing.()3. Simons hobby is collecting stamps.()4. These are some stamps from Canada.()5. These Chinese stamps are from Linglings letters.



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