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1、五年级英语上册期中考试 姓名:_成绩:_一.看单词,找出画线部分读音不同的一项.( )1.A.he B.hen C.letter( )2.A.river B.rice C.rabbit( )3.A.pencil B.apple C.photo( )4.A.run B.cute C.jump( )5.A.toe B.thank C.butter二.找出不同类的单词( )1.A.book B.pencil C.panda D.pen( )2.A.cat B.cake C.bear D.tiger( )3.A.cap B.hat C.tie D.photo( )4.A.five B.my C.his

2、 D.her( )5.A.toy B mine C.yours D.hers三 .英汉互译1.in the box_2.Be craeful._3.give out _4.昨天_5.每个人_6.大英博物馆_7.伦敦眼_8.明信片_9.长城_ 10.结束_四.按要求写一写1.box(复数)_2.skip(现在分词)_3.I(名词性物主代词)_e(单三形式)_5.feel(现在分词)_6.drop(过去式)_7.meet(过去式)_8.go(过去式)_9.buy(过去式)_10.do(过去式)_11.take(过去式)_12.see(过去式)_13.are(过去式)_14.is(过去式)_15.v

3、isit(过去式)_五.单项选择( )1.You should say hello _your friends. A.on B.to C.at( )2.I won a chess game. Now I feel _. A.bad B.sad C.happy( )3.He is blind. He cant _ A.hear B.see C.speak( )4._is the picture? Its on the wall. A.What B.Where C.Who( )5._milk do you want? A.How much B.How many C.How box( )6.Ther

4、e _ enough pencils. A.are B.is C.am( )7.There are too _books on the desk. A.much B.many C.enough( )8.What _Sam do last weekend? A.does B.did( )9.Sam, give one pencil to _ child. A.a B.every( )10.This bag is _. A.she B.her C.hers六连词成句1.are too there many books_2.arent there cars enough_3.at did the y

5、ou do weekend what_4.Sam out gave them_5.bought I twenty pencils yesterday_七.给下列句子选择恰当的答语.( )1.How many pencils are there? A.He went to the shop.( )2.What did Mike do yesterday? B.By bus( )3.Whats the matter? C.Yes ,ther are enough( )4.Are there enough books? D.Nothing.( )5.How did they go? E.There

6、are ten pencils八.翻译下面的句子.1.你什么时候回来?_2.我们参观了许多地方._3.袋子里的苹果太多了._4.你想要多少牛奶?_5.我给你发一张明信片._6.Daming took a photo of his father._7.Sam took my T-shirt. He wants to wear it._8.There are twenty-five children in the class._9.Youve got two pencils now._10.We went to the British Museum._九.补全下面的句子.1.Look _ thos

7、e ice creams!2.Can you read the shopping list _ me?3.How _ cheese do you want?4._did you go?5.It isnt his,Its _十.阅读理解(对的画T,错误画F)Dear Daming:Yesterday I went to the park with Sam and Amy. We met john in the park. Hes Sam and Amys friend. We bought ice creams. Then we went home by bus . I run to the bus,But I dropped my ice cream!( )1. lingling went to the park yesterday( )2.They met John.( )3.They went home by bike.( )4.Lingling walk to the bus.( )5.Lingling dropped her ice cream.十一.作文要求:写一写你过去一天的生活_



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