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1、 第四节形容词和副词考点一:形容词的句法功能1.(2013厦门外国语月考)Finally, the two brothers climbed up the last floor, _.A. hungry and tired B. hungrily and tiredlyC. hungrily and tired D. hungry and tiredly【解析】A句意:最终,两兄弟爬上了最后一层楼,又饿又累。形容词短语hungry and tired在句中作状语,说明the two brothers的状态,不表示动作的方式。2.(2012合肥一检)John was dismissed last

2、 week because of his _ attitude towards his job.A. informal B. casualC. tough D. violent【解析】B句意:约翰上周被开除是因为他对待工作的态度太“随便”。informal“非正式的”;tough“强硬的,艰苦的”;violent“暴力的”。3.(2012南京一模)Invention can be _ as it may suddenly begin just by noticing something usual.A. accidental B. carelessC. necessary D. imagina

3、tive【解析】A句意:发明有时候是偶然的,因为它可能是人们在观察平常事物的时候突然迸发的灵感。根据后面的suddenly begin可知,应用accidental表示“意外的,偶然的”。4.(2013届湖南省洞口一中高三周考)Can they finish the project in time?They are _ to delay it because of the rainy season.A. possible B. probableC. likely D. truly【解析】C句意:他们能按时完成这项工程吗?由于雨季的原因他们可能会推迟(时间)。possible“可能的”,主语不能

4、是“人”;probable“可能的”,主语不能是“人”;likely“很可能的,有希望的”,主语可以是“人”;truly“真实地,真诚地”。考点二:副词1.(2013浙江六校联考)The girl was left alone in the room and couldnt help crying _.A. perfectly B. narrowlyC. bitterly D. simply【解析】C句意:这个女孩被单独留在房间里,不禁伤心地哭了起来。bitterly“伤心地”。2.(2012黄冈3月质检)Smith is a man of strong character, so he ar

5、gued _ in favor of the proposal.A. severely B. calmlyC. forcefully D. heavily【解析】C句意:史密斯是个很有主见的人,因此他激烈地争论,赞成这个提议。这里用forcefully表示“强有力地,激烈地”。3.(2012绍兴质量调研)The latest model of camera can _ brings the object into focus, with which even a child can shoot very well.A. instantly B. automaticallyC. steadily

6、 D. randomly【解析】B句意:最新款的照相机能自动地对物体进行调焦,用这样的照相机,即使小孩也能拍出很好的相片。由句意可知,选B,表示“自动地”。A.“立刻”,C.“持续地”,D.“随意地”。4.(2012云南一检)The company is planning to reduce the number of employees and _ to cut cost.A. however B. thoughC. so D. thus【解析】D句意:公司正打算裁员,以这种方式减少开支。thus“以这种方式”;however“然而”;though“然而,不过”;so“这么,如此”。考点三:

7、常用副词辨析1.(2013届岳阳一中高三第三次月考)Thanks for your help.Not at all. Im _ pleased to help you.A. too much B. too onlyC. so much D. only too【解析】D句意:谢谢你的帮助!没什么。我非常乐意帮助你。too much( much)“太”;too不能置于only前面;so much“如此”;only too“非常,很”。2.(2013届怀化三中高三第5次月考)Shall I help you carry your travel case to the train, Granny?On

8、, no, my boy. It is _ heavy. Thank you anyway.A. so B. not muchC. rather D. not that【解析】D句意:奶奶,要我帮您把旅行箱搬到火车上去吗?噢,不用了,孩子。不是那么沉。谢谢了。D项中的that为副词,意为“那样,那么”,相当于so,用来修饰形容词。much一般不修饰形容词、副词原级,常用来修饰形容词或副词的比较级;rather不符合题意。3.(2012浙江六校联考)Are you satisfied with the result?Not a _. I should have done much _.A. li

9、ttle;better B. bit;badC. little;bad D. bit;better【解析】D句意:你对考试成绩满意吗?一点也不,我本应该考得好很多。not a bit not at all一点也不;not a little非常。第二空:much后修饰比较级而非原级(bad),根据句意也可知此处为“好得多”,故选D。4.(2013届娄底市一中高三第三次月考)He took his responsibilities as a father seriously but in matters of discipline he was _ too demanding.A. very B.

10、 quiteC. so D. rather【解析】D句意:他严肃认真地履行做父亲的责任,但在管教方面,他太苛刻了。rather too表示“太”,其余3项均不能与too搭配使用。考点四:形容词和副词的比较级和最高级1.(2012皖北协作区一模)Its reported that women with demanding jobs are almost _ to suffer a heart attack.A. as likely twice B. likely twice asC. twice as likely D. twice likely as【解析】C句意:据报道做费时费力的工作的妇女

11、得心脏病的可能性是其他人的两倍。做考查倍数的题时要记住倍数要放在比较部分的前面。本题的比较部分为as likely(as),所以选C。2.(2012西安重点中学三模)_, the more severe the winters are.A. The more north you goB. The farther you go the northC. The more you go northD. The farther north you go【解析】D句意:越往北走,你会发现冬天越寒冷。“The比较级,the 比较级”意为“越,越”,为固定句型。从语意上排除A、C项;B项go the nor

12、th应为go north。故答案选D。3.(2012届湖南省新田一中高三第五次月考)Do you think the weather is good enough for an outing?Yes. You couldnt hope for _ at this time of the month.A. a nicer day B. the nicer dayC. the nicest day D. a nice day【解析】A句意:你认为(今天)天气足够好,适合远足吗?是的。这个月的这个时候不可能有更好的天气了。根据句意可知,题干中使用了省略,原句即You couldnt hope for

13、 a nicer day than today at this time of the month,表示“这个月的这时候没有哪一天会比今天天气更好了”。4.(2011届湖南省师大附中高三第六次月考)Are you pleased with what he has done?It couldnt be _. Why didnt he put more effort into his work?A. any worse B. much betterC. so bad D. the best【解析】A句意:你对他所做的满意吗?不能再糟糕了。为什么他就不能在工作上多付出些努力呢?此处用否定词与形容词比

14、较级连用表示最高级意义。1.(2013届株洲市二中高三第2次月考)If you can get the new job, your salary will be _ your present.A. three times higher thanB. three times as higher asC. higher three times thanD. as three times high as【解析】A句意:如果你能得到这份新工作,你的薪水将是现在的3倍。表达倍数可用“倍数 as 形容词原级 as”或“倍数形容词比较级than”的形式,故选A项。2.(2013届益阳市一中高三第三次月考)W

15、e had a party last night and Tony said he would come; he didnt, _.A. though B. alsoC. either D. too【解析】A句意:昨晚我们有个聚会,Tony说他要来,可是却没有来。though表示“然而,可是”时,常置于句末。3.(2013届娄底市蓝蒲学校高三第1次月考)The kind of juice imported from abroad is _ healthier than that made in our country. Both of them are harmful to people.A. not B. noC. far D. much【解析】B句意:这种从国外进口的果汁和国内生产的一样对健康不利,它


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