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1、第一讲 单回合对话(短对话)当前讲授短对话题型的考查重点侧重于考查日常生活中的语言功能及语意“潜规则”。具备能力:日常会话中的一些习惯用语和表达例:M: My chemistry project is in trouble. My partner and I have actually different ideas about how to proceed.W: You should try to meet each other halfway.Key: They should come to compromise.表示拒绝或接受、同意或不同意的词句虚拟语气以及建议等语气肯定和否定的转换,即

2、用肯定句式表达否定的含义,或用否定句式表达肯定的含义。根据语调来判断说话者的真实意见一、判断职业身份与人物关系型考察人物的职业、身份以及与他人的关系。对话中经常提供一个情节或情境,反映所涉及人物的职业、身份或彼此关系。这类题型的常见提问方式有:Who is the manwoman?What is the manwoman?What are the speakers?Who are the two speakers?What is the manswomans joboccupationprofession?What is the probable relationship between t

3、he two speakers?例1:A) Store manager and customer B) Landlord and tenant.C) Tourist guide and tourist D) Hotel clerk and guest.隐藏答案【原文】W:I wonder if there is a single room available.M:Yes. We have a single room with an attached bathroom at forty dollars a night.Q:Whats the probable relationship betwe

4、en the two speakers? (D)例2:A) The woman is the mans assistant.B) The woman is the mans student.C) The woman is his assistants neighbor.D) The woman is the mans neighbor.隐藏答案【原文】M:Math Department. Dr. Mead speaking.W:Hello Professor Mead. This is Jane Carter calling. I live two doors from your teachi

5、ng assistant, Susan Hill. Susan asked me to call you because she has lost her voice and cannot talk to you herself.Q:Whats the relationship between the man and the woman ? (C)解题对策(1) 浏览选项,确认题目类型。(2) 对大多数情景来说,考生无须听懂整个句子或对话连贯的意思,只要听清几个孤立的线索词就能解题。因此听音时要注意捕捉对话中出现的与说话人身份、对话的时间、地点等相关的线索词或关键词,而后推断作答。(3) 留意

6、对话中双方的说话方式及语气。另外很多情况下,一些见面常用语也可以暗示某种职业。如:Can I help you? 一般是服务行业人员的用语,而Whats wrong with you? 是医生的常用语。librarian and student: borrow, return, due, renew, fine, books, journal, magazines, reference books, check out, book catalog(ue), library card, bookshelfdoctor and patient: tablet, pill, medicine, op

7、eration, doctor, dentist, physician, surgeon, patient, nurse, ward, fever, cough, headache, temperature, blood pressure, dizzy, pain, sore, throat, flu, sick, injection, vaccine, whats trouble/wrong真题练习例题A) Colleagues.B) Husband and wife.C) Employer and employee.D) Mother and son.隐藏答案重听题目【原文】W:John,

8、 what are you doing on your computer? Dont you remember your promise?M:This is not a game. Its only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary.Q:What is the probable relationship between the speakers? (D)二、地点场景题问题是关于对话发生的场合、地点或者涉及到的人或事物所处的位置。这类题型的常见提问方式有:Where is the conversation most prob

9、ably taking place?Where does the dialogue likely take place?Where are they taking?Where are the two People?例1:A) At the clinic. B) In a supermarket.C) At a restaurant. D) In an ice-cream shop.隐藏答案【原文】M:Ill have the steak, French Fries, and lets see, chocolate ice-cream for dessert.W:Oh-oh, you know

10、these things ruin you health, too much fat and sugar, how about ordering some vegetables and fruit instead?Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? (C)例2:A) In a bank. B) In a school.C) In a clothing store. D) In a barbershop.隐藏答案【原文】W:You seem very confident about the job interview,d

11、ont you?M:Yes,I feel ready for it. I bought a good suit at a clothing store and I had my hair cutI had studied almost everything about finance and economics.Q:Where is the man probably going to work? (A)解题对策(1) 对话中并未提到具体的场所,根据对话内容推测。要求抓住信息词,即与特定的地点相关的最常用词语。(2) 对话中提到多个地点,就其中一个提问,解题关键在于区分细节,抓关键词。(3) 熟

12、悉常考场景。Clinic, hospital, school, campus, railway station, post office, bank, restaurant, bookstore, airport, library, hotel真题练习例题A) At a booking office. B) In a Hong Kong hotel.C) On a busy street. D) At an airport.隐藏答案重听题目【原文】W: Can I help you, sir?M: Can you show me the way to Gate 9 for Flight 901

13、 to Hong Kong? Im quite confused here.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? (D)例题A) At a newsstand. B) At a car dealers.C) At a publishing house. D) At a newspaper office.隐藏答案重听题目【原文】M: Excuse me. Id like to place an advertisement for used car in the Sunday edition of your paper.W

14、: Ok, but you have to turn your advertisement all week. We cannot quote rates for just Sunday.Q: Where is the conversation most probably taking place?(D)三、数字与计算型特征明显,涉及广泛,包括对年月、日期、时间、价格、人数、号码等的提问,也可能就具体数字要求考生做相应的简单运算。4个选项一般都是相似或相关的数字,偶尔会有介词后跟数字。出题形式一般为两类:数字辨别和数字计算。数字与计算类试题常见的提问方式有:How muchmany?How f

15、ar does the manwoman?How long willdid it take to?What time?At what time did the conversation take place?When willstart?例1:A) At 5:10. B) At 5:00.C) At 4:30. D) At 5:15.隐藏答案【原文】M:I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 oclock.W:Her husband said she left home at 4:30. She should be here at 5:10, and 5:15 at the latest.Q:What time did Suzy leave home? (C)例2:A) At 10:30.B) At 10:25.C) At 10:40.D) At 10:50.隐藏答案【原文】M:So when are the other guys going to get here? The train i



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