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1、牛津初中英语8Aunit6词组1 be all wet 全湿了2 not until 直到才 not unitl half an hour later 直到半小时后3 mop sth up / mop up sth 把某物拖干净4 natural disasters 自然灾害5 bad weather 坏天气6 lose the game 输了比赛7 thousands of people 成千上万的人们8 a car accident 一起车祸9 crash into 撞到上10 wash sth away / wash away sth 把冲走11 fall from/off 从摔下来12

2、 thunder and lightning 雷电13 survive the earthquake 在地震中幸存下来 an earthquake survivor 一个地震幸存者14 at first 起先15 feel a slight shaking 感到一阵轻微的震动16 hear a big noise like thunder 听到像雷一样的一阵巨响17 look at each other in fear 惊恐地互相看看18 like bombs under the ground 像地下的炸弹爆炸一样19 run in all directions 向四面八方逃跑20 run o

3、ut of the shopping center 跑出购物中心21 run out to the street 跑到街上22 pieces of glass and bricks 玻璃碎片和砖头23 fall down 掉下来24 come down 倒塌,下来,下降25 calm down 平静下来26 be trapped 陷入困境27 say to oneself 自言自语28 a moment of fear 片刻的恐惧29 shout /scream for help 大声喊救命30 stay/be alive 活着31 a packet of chocolate 一袋巧克力32

4、hear shouts from excited people听到兴奋的人们发出的叫喊声33 be in a (great) hurry (to do sth )(极为)匆忙地(做某事) do sth hurriedly/ in a hurry34 move sth away / move away sth 把搬走35 stop being nervous 停止感到紧张36 the noise of thunder 雷声37 sound like 听起来像38(be) around 7 7摄氏度左右39 drop a little 下降一点drop to -5C 降到零下5摄氏度40 beco

5、me / get worse 变得更糟41 be sunny / cloudy /foggy / frosty / stormy 晴朗的/多云的/有雾的/有霜的/暴风雨的42 discuss sth with sb 与某人讨论某事43 stand on the side of the road 站在路边44 wait for a taxi 等出租车45 break down 损坏,出毛病46 fall over 摔倒47hide behind the tree 藏在树后48 a snowball hit him 一个雪球击中了它 a snowstorm hit the city 一场暴风雪袭击

6、了这个城市49 an accident report 一份事故报告50 coverwith 用覆盖be covered with 被覆盖51 conditions of victims 受害者的情况52 time of arrival 到达的时间53 send sb to someplace 送某人去某地 54 be serious 严重的 something serious 一些严重的事55 hear about 听说56 a heavy storm with thunder and lightning 一阵大风暴伴随着雷电声57 catch fire 着火58 be (badly/ ser

7、iously) hurt (严重)受伤59 several accidents 几场事故60 call the police 报警61 in the wind/ in the snow 在风中/ 在雪中62 hear the noise of traffic 听到车辆的声音63 continue to fall around us 继续落在我们周围64 come from behind 来自身后65 remove the snow 把雪移走66 typhoon signal number 台风信号67 snowstorm warning 暴风雪警报68 roll up trousers 卷起裤腿69 the terrible situation after the earthquake 地震后的可怕情形70 give out food and clean drinking water 分发食物和干净的饮用水


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