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1、五年级英语模拟试题 (时间:60分钟20060610)听力部分一、听录音,判断你听到的单词或短语与提供的英语是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。 (5分)spend( ) same( ) half( ) time ( ) catch( )二、听录音,选择你所听到的单词或短语。 (5分)( ) A. quietlyB. carefullyC. beautifully D. loudly( ) A. highB. fast C. wellD. doll( )A. go shoppingB. grow flowersC. make clothesD. make model ships( ) A.

2、 giving ordersB. following the orders C. taking photosD. talking about their weekends( ) A. lift up your left legB. lift up your right leg C. left and rightD. up and down三、根据你所听到的问句,选出相应的答句。 (5分)( ) A. No, I dont.B. Yes, we can. C. Yes, I do . D. No, we dont.( ) A. Its time for lunch.B. Its time for

3、 breakfast. C. Its one to one.D. Theres a football game at one.( )A. He usually waters the flowers.B. She usually goes shopping. C. I often do homework.D. She often does housework.( ) A. It likes flowers.B. It lives in the grass. C. Its a grasshopper.D. It likes to fly.( ) A. Its China.B. Shes from

4、Australia. C. Its from France.D. Hes from Japan.四、根据录音,填写所缺单词补全句子。 (5分)Theyre free today. They are talking about their .Bob likes teaching . He teaches in a primary school.Fireflies are very special. They glow at .Put your together and jump up and down ten times.He lives in a small near New York.笔试部

5、分一、从栏中选出与栏相配的句子,将序号写在题前的括号里。(10分)( ) Do you want to join me ?A. No, I dont.But I sing beautifully.( ) Do you dance beautifully?B. Yes, I do. I like jumping .( )Wheres Nancy from?C. Yes, she does. She speaks English, too.( ) Does WangYing speak French?D. He usually takes photos.( ) What does he usual

6、ly do on Sundays?E. Shes from England.二、选择最佳答案,将序号写在题前的括号里。(15分)( ) I to school on foot, he to school by bike .A. goes, goesB. go, goC. go, goesD. goes, go( ) I like PE, I jump very high.A. dont, cant B. cant, cantC. doesnt, dontD. doesnt, cant( )He like PE . He jump very high.A. dont, cant B. cant,

7、 cantC. doesnt, dontD. doesnt, cant( )I seven lessons every day, but he only five .A. have, hasB. have, haveC. has, haveD. has, has( ) your hands your head and turn left and right.A. Put, onB. put onC. Touch, withD. touch, with( ) your feet your hands .A. Put, onB. put onC. Touch, withD. touch, with

8、( )He is busy seven in the morning ten at night.A. form, toB. from, toC. to, fromD. from, from( )I English Tom.A. learn, toB. learn, fromC. teach, fromD. learn, a lot( ) My mother is a housewife, she does all the and .A. cooking, cleaningB. cooking, cleanC.cook, clean D. clean, cooking( ) Its half s

9、ix.A. pastB. toC. inD. at( ) Its eleven forty-nine(11:49). Its eleven twelve.A. pastB. toC. inD. at( ) Nancy and David are from the same , and Ben and Liu Tao are from different .A. country,countryB. country, countriesC. countries, countryD. countries, countries( )- How you spend your weekends, Yang

10、Ling? - I often to the park.A. do, goesB. does, goC. does, goesD. do, go( )- How YangLing spend her weekends? -She often to the park.A. do, goesB. does, goC. does, goesD. do, go( )-Are you ready breakfast? -Not yet, mum. Im my teeth. A. to, brushing B. for, brushingC. to, brushD. for, brush三、词组互译。 (10分) 参观日本 on duty 度周末 glow at night 向他学习法语 talk about 向左转 of course 繁忙的一天 in a primary school 四、按要求写单词。 (10分)city(复数) right(



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