跨文化交际课件 cultural differences in verbal communication

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《跨文化交际课件 cultural differences in verbal communication》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《跨文化交际课件 cultural differences in verbal communication(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Cultural Differences in Verbal Communication,In this part you are expected to understand some commonly observed differences between English and Chinese verbal communication and learn to make cross-cultural comparisons and analysis in the following aspects: Cultural differences on lexical level Cultu

2、ral differences on syntactic level Cultural differences on discourse level EFL and language transfer Cultural differences on pragmatic level,Cultural Differences on Lexical Level,1. Types of Lexical Meaning,2 types: denotation and connotation. Denotation: the conceptual meaning of the word that desi

3、gnates or describes things, events or processes, etc. It is the primary, explicit meaning given in the definition of a word in a dictionary. Connotation: the emotional or stylistic associations that a word or phrase suggests in ones mind. It is the implicit, supplementary value which is added to the

4、 purely denotative meaning of a word or phrase.,Denotation and Connotation,Denotative meaning of the word “mother” is “the female parent”. Connotative meaning of the word “mother” is the associations we usually have with the word “maternal love”, “care”, “tenderness”, etc. So we can have the sentenc

5、e “the young teacher is like mother to the kids”.,Meaning of Words,Cultural differences in lexical meaning occur on both levels of denotative meaning and connotative meaning.,2. Cultural Differences in Denotative Meaning,Absence of referent in the speaker or listeners language “炕”,“节气”,“经络”,“大字报”,“三

6、讲”,“关系”,“太极拳”,“黄梅戏”,“三纲五常”,“玉皇大帝”,“嫦娥奔月” “privacy”, “Thanksgiving Day”, “parliament” For the sake of clarity and accuracy, adequate explanation can be added in translating such words.,Overlapping of denotative meaning,3. Cultural Differences in Connotative Meanings,Words with same denotation but dif

7、ferent connotations e.g. color words, animal words Words with connotations in one language but none in the other e.g. plants like pine tree, bamboo, plum blossom e.g. numbers,Cultural Differences on Syntactic Level,1. Paratactic Structure vs. Hypotactic Structure,Parataxis (意合) and hypotaxis (形合) ar

8、e two grammatical terms describing the ways sentences are built up. Parataxis: the arranging of clauses one after another without connectives showing the relation between them. Hypotaxis: dependent relation or construction.,Chineseparatactic Englishhypotactic,明早还赶路呢,睡去吧。 Go to bed now as youll set o

9、ut early tomorrow. 快点儿,迟到了会挨说的。 Hurry up! Youll be criticized if you are late. 生活费用不断上涨,许多人拿不出这笔开支。 The cost of living is rising and therefore many people are having a hard time in paying their bills.,Chineseparatactic Englishhypotactic,听到有人说话,他赶紧将文件放回抽屉,拿起桌上的报纸,疾步回到沙发上,假装读起来。 Hearing someone talkin

10、g outside, he hurriedly put the file back into the drawer, picked up a newspaper from the table, and hastened back to the sofa pretending to read it.,A Chinese Poem,枯藤,老树,昏鸦, Crows hovering over rugged old trees wreathed with, rotten vinethe day is about done. 小桥,流水,人家, Yonder is a tiny bridge over

11、a sparkling stream, and on the far bank, a pretty little village. 古道,西风,瘦马, But the travelers has to go on down this ancient road, the West wind moaning, his bony horse groaning, 夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。 trudging towards the sinking sun, farther and farther away from home.,2. Bamboo Structure vs. Tree Structure

12、,Englishtree structure The notion of the tree structure suggest that: There is a basic structure All other constructs sprout out from this basic structure The expansion of the branching constructs does not affect the basic structure,Englishtree structure 7 types of sentence patterns,SV SVO SVC SVA S

13、VOO SVOC SVOA,They are running. Our parents love us. They worked very hard. She was watching TV in the living room. My friend sent me a New Years card. I found the book very interesting. We shall finish the work as quickly as we can.,Chinesebamboo structure,Chinese sentences are constructed like an

14、up-going bamboo, which means that: There is not a basic structure or framework The Chinese sentences are built up by placing one word upon the other, one phrase upon another or one clause upon another Without the rigid control of a basic framework, the structure may change as the sentence extends.,C

15、hinesebamboo structure,下雨了,快走吧,又该迟到了。 Its raining already. Lets go right away; or well be late again. 处处都有热心人。 You can meet kind-hearted people everywhere./There are kind-hearted people everywhere. 这件事我现在脑子里一点印象都没有。 I do not remember anything about it.,3. Left Expansion vs. Right Expansion,As a resu

16、lt of the parataxis structure and hypotaxis structure, the Chinese and English sentences take different patterns in their expansion: The Chinese sentences tend to expand from the right to the left with an open beginning and a closed ending. The English sentences tend to expand from left to the right with a closed beginning and an open ending.,书 给我买的书 我姐姐给我买的书 我过生日时我姐姐给我买的书 那是我过生日时我姐姐给我买的书 This is This is the book This is the book that my sister gave me This is the book



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