河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练

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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练_第1页
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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练_第2页
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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练_第3页
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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练_第4页
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河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练_第5页
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《河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省2019年中考英语二轮复习 第二篇 语法突破篇 语法专题09 动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、语法专题(九)动词及常考动词词组语法综合演练.单项选择1.2018江西 The food is very delicious in that restaurant. We could go andit.A.sellB.helpC.produceD.try2.2018日照 The high-speed train will you about two hours from Rizhao to Jinan.A.saveB.payC.useD.spend3.2018无锡 I dont have much money, but Id like to buy my dad something reall

2、y special, if you know what I .A.wantB.careC.meanD.prefer4.2018宜昌 In the past five years, China has played an important role in the Belt and Road.It has many nations a great chance to communicate.A.offered B.supported C.included D.directed5.2018东营 Jack, the Maldives(马尔代夫) may because of the rising s

3、ea levels.God! We must do something to stop that happening.A.rise B.move C.grow D.disappear6.2018襄阳 Is your brother at home? I want to tell him about our picnic.Oh, he is out at the moment. Can Ia message for him?A.findB.giveC.takeD.tell7.2018宜昌 A research suggests that walking helps people live lon

4、ger.I quite agree, but it on when and how they walk.A.remainsB.separates C.returns D.depends8.2018青岛 I cant find my mobile phone.Dont worry. Maybe you it at home.A.forgotB.missedC.lostD.left9.2018天津 I am afraid we can not to take a taxi. Lets go by underground instead.A.refuseB.affordC.forgetD.fall1

5、0.2018包头 I know what you are thinking about. I can your mind from the look on your face.A.stayB.spareC.read D.attend11.2018包头 Im afraid I didnt you. Could you repeat your words?A.believeB.followC.pleaseD.satisfy12.2018呼和浩特 The price of vegetables so quickly these days.Oh, no, but I dont think so.A.a

6、ffordB.risesC.improvesD.raise13.2018天水 If you always yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure.I feel the same way. One should believe in himself.A.connectB.complainC.compareD.consider14.2018苏州 What do you think of Jason?He has me with his good sense of humor.A.impressedB.admiredC.reminded

7、D.warned15.2018本溪 Lin Jia, you have a loving grandma, right?Yes, she always her time with me whenever I need her.A.spendsB.usesC.takesD.pays16.2018盐城 Yueda Group has found a way to the waste and doesnt put it into the river any more.A.produceB.recycleC.requireD.protect17.2018铜仁 Jenny, its cold outsi

8、de. your coat when you go out.OK, Dad.A.Put awayB.Put onC.Take offD.Take away18.2018淮安 The girl has to her grandma because her parents are working in another city.A.look atB.look intoC.look throughD.look after19.2018常州 Manager, all the machines just now!What? Call the engineer at once.A.broke downB.

9、turned downC.broke outD.turned out20.2018徐州 I look stupid with this haircut. All my classmates will me.A.laugh atB.agree withC.depend onD.worry about21.2018本溪 When will the plane ?At 2:00 this afternoon.A.cut offB.put offC.turn offD.take off22.2017重庆 No one can be right all the time. When people mak

10、e mistakes, we shouldnt them.A.wait forB.send forC.knock atD.laugh at23.2018资阳 The air in the morning is so fresh here that I early to exercise.A.get upB.get onC.get offD.get down24.2018新疆 Jim, its dark now. Please the light in the room.OK, Mom.A.turn onB.turn upC.turn offD.turn down25.2017石家庄模拟 Wer

11、e old enough to some problems by ourselves.A.get onB.get intoC.get overD.get off26.2018南充 Do you think it is popular to red envelopes(红包) on WeChat during festivals?Yes. But I prefer giving gifts to family members.A.give out B.give awayC.give backD.give up27.2018重庆 Please the TV. Its time to go to b

12、ed.A.turn onB.turn offC.put onD.put off28.2018武汉 I took the subway and at the downtown station.A.got throughB.got overC.got onD.got off29.2017鄂州 If you do that, you will with an egg on your face.But I wont regret it.A.take upB.end upC.keep upD.catch up30.2017广东 If you want to know more about space,

13、please the book A Brief History of Time.A.look throughB.look around C.look afterD.look down upon31.2017随州 The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the moon.A.give upB.turn upC.cut upD.make up32.2017连云港 Have you heard of the big fire that broke out on Huaguo Mountain at Qingming Fest

14、ival?Yes. Luckily, hundreds of firemen went there and the fire immediately.A.put offB.put awayC.put downD.put out33.2017青岛 You can the word in the dictionary if you dont know it.A.give awayB.cut offC.take afterD.look up34.2017襄阳 In a soccer game, it is important for players to play together and the best in each other.A.hang outB.leave outC.bring outD.take out35.2017荆州 Whats the news about?People near the lake didnt allow them to a factory so as not to pol


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