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1、高考英语知识串讲第 1 讲一、Language Points1. share v. 分享、合用:share sth with sbn. 一份,股份spare a. 业余的,备用的:spare time, a spare tirev. 抽出,匀给:spare me five minutes/spare one of sandwiches for the boyspare no efforts:不遗余力 spare no expense:不惜工本save v. 节省,救出2. He felt lucky to have survived the war.3. with sb about/over

2、sth:和某人就某事争论argue for/against sth:赞成 /反对Sb into/out of (doing) sth:说服某人做/不做某事4. have/make/let/see/watch/listen to+宾+宾补(do/doing/done)get sb to do sthhave+宾+宾补(to do/to be done)5. So+同一主语+助动词So/neither/nor+助动词+另一主语So it is/was with+另一主语6. should/ought to/need/could/might/would+do/have done7. except/b

3、ut/except for/except that/except wh-clausebesides/in additionapart frombut for=without8. The first time+从句For the first time:作时间状语Its the first time+that-clause(完成时)the first+名词+to do9. mostmost of the +n.(pl)/pron. the majority of (the)mostly: 主要地(状)10. be equal to sth:与相等be equal to (doing) sth:胜任

4、(做) 某事equal sth:与相等equal sb in sth:在 方面与某人匹敌11. compareto/withcompared to/with12. a great manyseveral/two dozen/hundred +n.(pl.)(many) dozens ofa great many of +the/these/those+n.(pl.)seveal/two dozen of +pron.13. much too+adj/adv(原级)too much+n.(u.)too many+n.(pl.)14. 没有被动态come about(主要用于疑问句、否定句)hap

5、pen(表示偶然、碰巧之意)sth+ take place(多表示有组织、有计划)break out(指战争、灾害、疾病等的爆发 )occur(与 happen 通用)It occurs to sb that/to do:某人突然想起15. n./pron./adj./adv./prep-phraseto do:表将来With+宾+宾补 doing:表正在进行Done:表过去16. 强调句型的判断方法:如果将句子中的 “it be”和“that”去掉,原句通顺则是强调句,否则就不是强调句。例:It was in the street that I met an old friend yeste

6、rday.二、语法专题名词的考点1. 考查可数名词和不可数名词,尤其是许多不可数名词在一定情况下变为可数名词。2. 考查名词的格,即 s 所有格,of 所有格或双重所有格。3. 名词作定语。4. 名词及名词短语的辨析。5. 名词与介词,冠词,动词的搭配。三、题型归纳辨析型单项填空1. 名词的辨析名词的辨析首先要注意名词单复数的意义区别,如 parent 指父亲或母亲,而 parents 指父母双亲;people 指人们,而 a people 指民族。其次注意可数与不可数时的意义区别,如: exercise 指锻炼;而 exercises 指练习题或练习操;再次,注意同义名词或近义名词的区别,如

7、: event 指发生的重大事件、体育项目; incident 指偶发事件;而 accident 指意外事件。最后还要注意近形词的区别,如: cloth 指布; cloths 指各种不同用途的布;clothes 指衣服(复数) ,clothing 衣服 (总称)。2. 动词的辨析对于动词的辨析,首先要了解动词的及物与不及物,如: reply 意为“回答,答复”后面接名词时需接介词 to, 此时为不及物动词;后接从句时,则为及物动词。其次是要弄清动词的词义区别,如: advise 与 persuade, 前者指劝说、劝告,强调过程;而后者指说服,强调结果。最后还要区别各种非谓语动词间的意义和用法

8、:动词的 v-ing 形式表示正在进行或伴随的动作;v-ed 形式表示完成或被动;to do 形式表示即将进行的动作等。3. 形容词、副词的辨析对于形容词、副词,一是要注意近义词间的区别,如: clever 指对问题处理的圆滑;bright 指对问题的反应快;wise 指选择的正确等。此外,如 wide 与 broad; strong 与 powerful; interesting 与 interested; exciting 与 excited 等。二是注意同形的形容词和副词,如: close 作形容词时意为“亲密的” ;作副词时意为“接近,靠拢” 。三是注意同根副词的区别,如: hard

9、与 hardly, 前者指猛烈地、努力地;而后者意为几乎不。四是注意副词形式的形容词,如: friendly, lovely, lively 实际上是形容词,切不可当作副词使用。五是注意形容词的位置区别,如: present+n.与 n.+present,前者指当前的;而后者指在场的。4. 介词的辨析对介词的辨析要从两方面入手,一是介词的词义,如: across, through, past, over 为动作介词,across 强调从表面横过,越过;through 强调从空间穿过;past 强调从侧面、旁边经过;over 强调从空中越过而不接触,也可以表示越过一段距离、空间等。此外,如 ab

10、ove, over, on; with, by; of, to; to, for 的区别。5. 连词的辨析连词的区别主要在于:一是连词的意义,如:when, while 与 as; because, since 与 for; whether 与 if; though, as 与 although 等。二是注意时间名词短语转化而成的连词,如: every/each time; the first/secondtime; the moment; the minute 等,它们都可作连词,连接从句。三是注意副词转化而成的连词,如: directly, immediately, instantly 等

11、。四是注意连词的词序,如: only if 与 if only, 前者意为“只要” ,后者意为“要是就好了” 。6. 代词的辨析代词的辨析包括不定代词,如: other, others, the other, the others, another 等;人称代词,如: one, it, that 等和关系代词,如: which与 that; which 与 as; whose 与 prep.+which/whom 等。1. Does the teacher_ you to go home this weekend?A. allow B. consent C. agree D. approve2

12、. After the big fire, the house was completely_.A. ruined B. destroyed C. damaged D. spoiled3. The hunter said he was lucky to get out of the forest_.A. living B. alive C. lively D. live4. _ talking with his Grandma, he went away without saying a word.A. Tiring with B. Tiring of C. Tired with D. Tir

13、ed of5. Its necessary to have some_ knowledge for this job.A. electric B. electrical C. elctron D. electricity6. The photo_ on the wall was taken in Beijing last year.A. hang B. hanging C. hung D. hanged7. On New Years Day, people, especially girls, always wear new_-new hats, new coats, new trousers

14、 and new shoes.A. clothes B. clothing C. cloth D. cloths8. He stays up_ in the evenings to go online to get the_ information.A. late, latest B. lately, last C. late, last D. latest, latest9. _ is it to ask her about her about that? She doesnt know it either.A. What good B. How good C. What a good D.

15、 How much good10. _ I had done it I knew I had made a mistake.A. Hardly B. Directly C. mostly D. Nearly11. It is said you went to see Jenny yesterday. What has become_ her?A. from B. of C. into D. /12. Who do you think will be allowed_ there tomorrow?A. visit B. to visit C. visiting D. visited13. To

16、day we can either fly to Hainan Island or take a ship_ the sea.A. in B. across C. from in D. across from14. You wil find what great benefit the computer you own can be_ each time you use it to help you work.A. for B. of C. at D. on15. I thought he was not_ of a professor the first time I heard him speaking to the children at the platform in the hall of our school.A. someth



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