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1、Thatchers best quotesApril 9, 2013Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcherwho died Monday from a stroke aged 87retired from public engagements in 2002 following a series of small strokes, and was only occasionally seen in public after that.前英国首相撒切尔夫人周一因中风去世,终年87岁。在发生多次轻微中风之后,她于2002年退出公众视线,此后只

2、是偶尔公开露面。Here are memorable quotes from her public life:以下是她在公开场合的一些令人难忘的言论:AFP/Getty ImagesMargaret Thatcher greeting people who gathered to see her in Moscow, during her official visit to the USSR in March 1987.1987年3月,撒切尔夫人在对苏联进行正式访问期间向围观的莫斯科民众致意。If you want something said, ask a man; if you want

3、something done, ask a woman. - May 20, 1965, speech to National Union of Townswomens Guilds Conference. 如果你想要空谈,问男人;如果你想要成事,问女人。在全国城市妇女公会联盟会议上的演讲,1965年5月20日There are dangers in consensus: it could be an attempt to satisfy people holding no particular views about anything.No great party can survive e

4、xcept on the basis of firm beliefs about what it wants to do. - Oct. 10, 1968, Conservative Party conference. 共识中存在种种危机:共识可能是为了迎合对任何事都没有具体看法的人除非基于对使命的坚定信念,否则不会有伟大的政党保守党大会,1968年10月10日I dont think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime. - TV interview on March 5, 1973. 在我的有生之年,估计没有女性会成为首相

5、电视采访,1973年3月5日Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you tonight in my red chiffon evening gown, my face softly made up, my fair hair gently wavedthe Iron Lady of the Western World. Me? A Cold War warrior? Well, yesif that is how they wish to interpret my defense of values of freedoms fundamental to o

6、ur way of life. - Jan. 31, 1976. 女士们、先生们,今晚, 我身着红色雪纺绸晚装、略施粉黛、秀发轻卷,站在你们面前西方世界的铁娘子。是我吗?冷战斗士?好吧,是我,如果他们想这样解读我对生活最根本的自由价值的捍卫。1976年1月31日The Russians are bent on world dominance, and they are rapidly acquiring the means to become the most powerful imperial nation the world has seen. - From the speech that

7、 led to her being dubbed The Iron Lady, Jan. 19, 1976. 俄罗斯人决心要统治世界,他们正迅速捞取使其成为世界上最强大帝国的资本。摘自1976年1月19日的一篇演讲,正是该演讲为她引来了“铁娘子”的称号。To those waiting with bated breath for that favorite media catchphrase, the U turn, I have only one thing to say. You turn if you want to. The ladys not for turning. I say t

8、hat not only to you but to our friends overseas and also to those who are not our friends. - Conservative Party Conference, Oct. 1980. 对那些正屏气凝神等待媒体最喜爱的U型反转一词的人,我只有一句话要说:你想反转随你便,但铁娘子我绝不会转。我不仅对你们这么说,对我们在海外的朋友和不是朋友的其他人也一样这么说。保守党大会,1980年10月You dont win by just being against things, you only win by being

9、 for things and making your message perfectly clear. - Feb. 11, 1975. 仅仅只是反对不会让你取胜,只有全力支持、并清晰无误地传递你的信息才会取胜。1975年2月11日I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end. - House of Commons, March 31, 1982. 只要我最终能达到自己的目的,我就会有超常的耐心。下议院,1982年3月31日Where there is discord, may we bring harm

10、ony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope. - Quoting St. Francis of Assisi after winning the general election, May 1979. 在有冲突的地方,带去和谐。在有谬误的地方,宣扬真理。在有疑虑的地方,传递信念。在有失望的地方,唤起希望。在赢得大选之后引用亚西西的方济各的话,1979年5月No! No!

11、No! statement in the House of Commons on European Council Summit Oct. 30, 1990 不!不!不!在下议院欧洲议会峰会的声明,1990年10月30日When youve spent half your political life dealing with humdrum issues like the environment, its exciting to have a real crisis on your hands. - May 14, 1982, commenting on the Falkland Islan

12、ds war. “如果你用了一半的政治生命来处理像环境这类无聊问题,那么手头上有了一件真正的危机是令人兴奋的。”-1982年5月14日评福克兰群岛之战。We fought to show that aggression does not pay and that the robber cannot be allowed to get away with his swag. We fought with the support of so many throughout the world.Yet we also fought alone. - July 3, 1982, on the Falk

13、land Islands war. “我们战斗是为了告诉世人发动侵略是件划不来的事,不能允许强盗带着赃物侥幸逃脱。我们这一仗得到了在全世界非常多人士的支持。但我们也是在单独作战。”-1982年7月3日谈福克兰群岛之战。I was asked whether I was trying to restore Victorian values. I said straight out I was. And I am. - July 21, 1983, speech to British Jewish Community. “曾有人问我是否在努力恢复维多利亚时代的价值观,我直截了当地回答说是的。我现在

14、依然致力于此。”-1983年7月21日向英国犹太人社区发表讲话时的一段话。That nations that have gone for equality, like Communism, have neither freedom nor justice nor equality. Theyve the greatest inequalities of all. The privileges of the politicians are far greater compared with the ordinary folk than in any other country. The nati

15、ons that have gone for freedom, justice and independence of people have still freedom and justice, and they have far more equality between their people, far more respect for each individual than the other nations. Go my way. You will get freedom and justice and much less difference between people than you do in the Soviet Union. - TV interview, January 1983 “那些拥护共产主义一类平等学说的国家,他们既没有自由,也没有公正和平等,他们有着全世界最为严重的不平等,那些国家里政治人物相较于普通民众所享有的特权比世界其他任何国家都要大。而那些拥护自由、公正和人们自主性的国家依然享有自由和公正,与其他国家相比,这些国家人民之间的平等程度、对每位个人的尊重度都要高得多。走我指出的道路吧。你们将得到自由和公正,并且人们之间的差别程度也会比苏联小得多。”-1983年1月接受电视采访时说的话。


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