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1、2013 年高三测试自选综合试题卷题号: 01 题 科目:语文鸟 说清戴名世余读书之室,其旁有桂一株焉,桂之上,日有声啁啾者,即而视之,则二鸟巢于其枝干之间。去地不五六尺,人手能及之。巢大如盏,精密完固,细草盘结而成。鸟雌一雄一,小不能盈掬,色明洁,娟皎可爱,不知其何鸟也。雏鸟且出矣,雌者覆翼之,雄者往取食,辄息于屋上,不即下。主人戏以手撼其巢,则下瞰而鸣,小撼则小鸣,大撼之即大鸣,手下,鸣乃已。 他日,余从外来,见巢坠于地,觅二鸟及雏无有。问之,则某氏僮奴取以去。嗟乎!以此鸟之羽毛洁而音鸣好也,奚不深山之适而茂林之栖,而托身非所,见辱于小僮以死?彼其以世路为甚宽也哉!1.结合全文,理解文中画

2、线句子的含义。 (4 分) 2.此文短小精悍,其实字里行间却蕴含着作者充沛的情感。请就这一点结合全文内容作赏析。 (6 分) 题号: 02 题 科目:语文夜李小雨鸟在棕榈叶下闪着眼睛,梦中,不安地抖动肩膀, 于是,一个青椰子掉进海里,静悄悄地,溅起一片绿色的月光十片绿色的月光一百片绿色的月光,在这样的夜晚,使所有的心荡漾、荡漾隐隐地,轻雷在天边滚过,讲述着热带的地方,绿的家乡3.概述诗人笔下的“夜”的特征。 (4 分) 4.试从艺术手法方面,结合具体诗句进行赏析。 (6 分) 题号:03 科目:数学“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10 分)已知 a, b,c 是正实数(1 )若 ,求 的最大值32

3、3)()(acba(2 )若 ,证明 2)(121题号:04 科目:数学“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10 分)在直角坐标系中,以原点为极点, 轴的正半轴为极轴建立坐标系,已知曲线 :x C,已知过点 的直线 的参数方程为: 直线 与2sincos(0)a(2,4)Pl;,tyx42l曲线 分别交于两点 C,MN(1 )写出曲线 与直线 的普通方程;l(2 )若 ,求 的值|40Pa题号: 05 题 科目:英语阅读理解 (分两节 共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。Milk was a basic food of man long be

4、f ore history was written. It will probably keep on being one as there are animals that give milk. Even the word “milk” is very old. It comes from Sanskrit, one of the oldest languages known to man. 1 It was drawn about 3,500 BC. Milk is often mentioned in the Bible. For example, there is the famous

5、 description of Canaan as a land “flowing with milk and honey”. “Flowing with milk and honey” is an expression that means “rich in things to eat”. This shows what important food milk was thought to be in ancient times. 2 One of the most famous Greek doctors told his patient to drink milk to cure ill

6、ness. The Romans rubbed bread soaked in milk on their faces. They thought that this would make their skin paler. They also thought it would keep their beards from growing. For more than two hundred years most people got their milk from their own cattle or from a nearby dairy herd. 3 In 1851 Gail Bor

7、den, founder of a milk company, found a way to take some of the water out of milk. This made it kept much longer. Four years later, Louis Pasteur introduced the pasteurization process. This process killed the bacteria in milk that caused it to spoil. Next, a special milk bottle was designed. This wa

8、s followed by the invention of machines that could fill on the dairy industry. They meant that milk could be safely shipped over long distances.Just what do all these milk products give to the people who use them? Milk is about 87 percent water. But the solid part that remains is rich. 4 Milk protei

9、n, milk sugar, calcium, phosphorus, and iodine also help make up that important 13 percent. Some people believe milk drinking will become less popular than it has been. But remember how long milk has been a basic food and think of the many ways in which it is useful. It seems safe to say that milk i

10、ndustry will always be important. 第一节 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C 、D 、E 和 F 中选出最合适放入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. But in time new inventions made the dairy industry a big business.B. A picture of milk has been found in the ruins of an ancient city.C. Many ancient people also thought that milk had great

11、 healing power.D. It contains all the vitamins known to be needed by man. E. Milk is useful in many ways in our life.第二节 根据短文所给的信息回答问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。What is the main idea of the passage?_题号:06 科目:英语填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。I was on my way

12、to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car (break) down near a remote and poor village. Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to the night when I realized that the villagers who had around me were arguing as to should have the honor of rec eiving me a guest in thei

13、r house. Finally, I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me (settle) in to a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my to pull it to a small town some 20 kilometres away there was a garage. I had noticed three hen

14、s running free in my hostess courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a on my table. Several villagers brought me goats cheese and honey. We drank together and talked merrily till far into the night.When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the

15、 old woman for the I had caused by me. 题号:07 科目:思想政治“经济学常识”模块(10 分)自 1825 年英国爆发世界上第一次经济危机以来 ,经济便在繁荣与萧条中交替运行,由此而产生了解释这种经济现象的各种经济理论。马克思的资本论和凯恩斯的就业、利息和货币通论在关于经济危机成因和对策方面有着明显差异。运用经济学常识的有关知识,回答下列问题。(1 )凯恩斯和马克思在解释经济危机成因方面有什么不同?(5 分)(2 )凯恩斯和马克思在经济危机对策方面有何差异?(5 分)题号:08 科目:思想政治“生活中的法律常识”模块(10 分)刘先生和某“阳澄湖大闸蟹” 直销店签订了一份购买合同,约定在中秋节前由直销店提供正宗阳澄湖大闸蟹 20 千克。在中秋节前的 9 月 20 日,刘先生收到了直销店提供的 20 千克螃蟹。但是在当天的晚间电


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