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1、本片改编自查尔斯狄更斯创作于1843年的同名小说,本片是迪士尼第一部将以IMAX 3D方式发行的影片,影片中的人物表情都是通过“表演捕捉”完成的。精彩词句学起来:I dont make merry myself at Christmas, and I cant afford to make idle people merry.我在圣诞节不寻欢作乐,我也没有钱让游手好闲的人寻欢作乐。Let me hear another sound out of you, Cratchit, and youll keep Christmas by losing your situation!克拉奇特,如果我再听

2、到你发出声音,今年圣诞你的饭碗就丢了!If I were to dock you a half a crown for it, youd think yourself ill-used. And yet you dont think me ill-used when I pay a days wages for no work.如果我因为明天放你假而少付你半克朗,你会觉得自己受到了虐待。但是你什么都没干我还要白付你一天工资,你却不会觉得我遭受了不公正待遇。You, who weighs everything by gain?像你这种用收益来衡量一切事物的人吗?I am prepared to

3、bear you company.我准备与你同行。And Scrooge was better than his word.斯克鲁奇做的比说的好。精彩对白欣赏:There are many things from which I have derived good and have not profited. Christmas being among them. But I have always thought of Christmas as a kind, charitable time. The only time when men open their shut-up hearts

4、and think of all people as fellow travellers to the grave and not some other race of creatures bound on other journeys.You fear the world too much, Ebenezer.He frightened everyone away while he was alive. Only to profit us now that hes dead.Mens courses in life foreshadow certain ends.Next year we must have this dinner at my house. I insist. Ill spare no expense. After all, you cant take it with you, can you?更多 英语学习方法:企业英语培训 http:/


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