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1、Unit 5 meeting your ancestors. 根据所给的汉语或所给单词的首字母,写出单词的正确形式。1. Living conditions in the camp were pretty _(原始)2. We must stop him seeing her _(以某种方式).3. A stream marks the _ (分界线)between the two farms.4. After another glass of whisky I began to feel _(眩晕).5. Pay attention to the _ (标点符号)of this senten

2、ce.6. After a few years, she became very _ (有技巧)at drawing.7. B_ is scientific study of plants and their structure.8. C_ is a class or group of things in a complete system of grouping.9. When I walked along the shore, I picked up several _ (贝壳).10. One mete4re is equal to 100 c_.用所给短语的适当形式填空。come to

3、 a conclusion, cut up, look ahead, regardless of, to sbs relief, arrest ones attention, have no alternative, but, (be) patient with, become skilful at, lie in wait for 1. Whenever we are in trouble, we must _ and encourage ourselves.2. _, my little son was found safe and well.3. This job is open to

4、all, _ previous experience.4. Her laughter _ and we all stared at her.5. Lets _ the meat _ and share with each other.6. Ralph was _ that Martin was only interested in himself.7. The new method caught on and many farmers _it.8. Little did I know what troubles were _ me when I got home.9. He was endle

5、ssly kind and very _ children.10. If he wants to get to Chicago by tonight he _ to go by air. 指出下列各句中的错误并改正。1. His cool expression suggested that he want to leave.2. He tried to harm other people, only to ruining himself.3. If only I can speak several foreign languages.4. We can all leave together-

6、assumed that the others arent late.5. Your eyes are red. You had been crying.IV. 翻译句子。我们不顾恶劣的天气继续我们的旅行。_新年伊始,她开始为将来设想,制定长期工作计划。_我学英语近六年了。_她的教练宽慰地为她的成功而鼓掌。_V. 选词填空。cut up, cut down, cut off, cut, cut out1. The butcher is skilled at _ pork.2. With the electricity _, people use candles instead.3. Pleas

7、e _ the apple into halves.4. Pictures form these magazines can be _, and used as teaching aids.5. We must _ our expense or we will run out of money.disturb , interrupt1. Please dont _ me when I am speaking.2. She opened the door quietly so as not to _ the audiences who were listening to.VI. .单项填空。1.

8、 After _ for days, the water supply returns to normal today.A. cut off B. cut down, C. cut out C. cut up.2. After saving pocket money for nearly one month he has _ money for a dictionary.A. ample B. more than C. less than3. He hurried to the hall, only _ that the meeting had been put off. A. to tell

9、 B. telling C. to be told 4. If only I _ to Beijing last summer! A. can fly B. could fly C. flied D. had flown5. He has a talent for _ and planning everything well. A. looking ahead B. looking behind C. looking up D. looking for6. The book is of _. A. great significance B. very significance C. great

10、 significant D. very importance7. The noise _ my attention and I stopped my work to see what happened. A. distracted B. arrested C. paid8. He was never _ how much money he earned every day. A. aware for B. aware C. aware of9. He suggested I _ the doctor because my pale face suggested I _ sick. A. see, be B. see, was C. saw, be D. saw, was


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