physical disorders and health psychology

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《physical disorders and health psychology》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《physical disorders and health psychology(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Physical Disorders and Health Psychology,Physical Disorders and Health: An Overview,Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Factors Major contributors to medical illness and disease Examples include genital herpes, AIDS, cancer, cardiovascular diseases Psychological Approaches to Health and Disease Be

2、havioral medicine Prevention, diagnosis, treatment of medical illness Health psychology Psychological factors in promotion of health DSM-IV and Physical Disorders Coded on Axis III Psychological factors can affect medical conditions,How Do Psychological and Social Factors Influence Medical Illness?,

3、Two Primary Paths Psychological factors can influence biological processes Behavior patterns may put people at risk for disease AIDS is an example of both forms of influence 50% of the Leading Causes of Death in the U.S. Are linked to behavioral / lifestyle patterns,Overview of Stress and the Stress

4、 Response,Nature of Stress Stress Physiological response of an individual Stressor Event that evokes the stress response Stress responses vary from person to person The Stress Response and the General Adaptation Syndrome Phase 1 Alarm response (sympathetic arousal) Phase 2 Resistance (mobilized copi

5、ng and action) Phase 3 Exhaustion (chronic stress, permanent damage),The Biology of Stress Stress activates the sympathetic nervous system Neuromodulators & neuropeptides Like neurotransmitters Stress activates the HPA axis, producing cortisol The relation between the hippocampus and HPA activation

6、Function of the Hippocampus in HPA-Stress Response Cycle Hippocampus Limbic system, responsive to cortisol Hippocampus helps to turn off the HPA cycle Chronic stress may damage cells in the hippocampus Hippocampal cell damage can keep the HPA loop going,The Biology of Stress,Psychological and Social

7、 Factors: Their Relation to Stress Physiology,Primate Research: High and Low Social Status High cortisol is associated with low social status Low status Fewer lymphocytes and weak immune system High status Benefit from stability and controllability Psychosocial Vulnerabilities Contribute to Physical

8、 Illness Stress, perceived uncontrollability, low social support, negative affect Interpretation of Physiological Response and Situation Seems Critical Self-efficacy,The Immune System: Overview and Its Functions,Divisions of the Immune System Humoral branch Blood and other bodily fluids Cellular bra

9、nch Protects against viral / parasitic infections Function of the Immune System Identify and eliminate antigens (i.e., foreign materials) Leukocytes are the primary agents,Figure 9.5 An overview of the immune system.,Leukocytes: Subtypes and Functions Macrophages First line of defense, destroy antig

10、ens, signal lymphocytes Lymphocytes B cells (humoral branch ) and T cells (cellular branch) B cells produce antibodies, but T cells do not Functional role of B cells, T cells, and memory cells Stress Dramatically and Quickly Alters Immune Function,The Immune System: Overview and Its Functions (cont.

11、),Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS),Nature of AIDS Course from HIV to full blown AIDS is variable Median time from infection to AIDS is 7.3 to 10 years Most die within 1 year of diagnosis 15% of AIDS patients survive 5 years or longer Stress of getting an AIDS diagnosis can be devastating Role

12、of Stress Reduction Programs High stress and low social support speed AIDS progression Goals Reduce stress, improve immune system function Psychological, Behavioral, and Social Factors Influence AIDS,Cancer: Psychological and Social Influences,Field of Psychoncology Study of psychological factors an

13、d their relation to cancer Psychological and Behavioral Contributions to Cancer Perceived lack of control Inadequate / inappropriate coping responses (e.g., denial) Overwhelming stressful life events Life-style risk behaviors Psychological factors are also involved in chemotherapy Influenced by Psyc

14、hological, Behavioral, and Social Factors,Cardiovascular Diseases: Hypertension,Cardiovascular Disease Heart, blood vessels, and related regulatory mechanisms Hypertension High Blood Pressure Major risk factor Stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease Causes wear and tear of the blood vessels Essent

15、ial hypertension is the most common,Associated Features of Hypertension Affects 26.7% of all adults between the ages of 35 and 64 African Americans are at greatest risk Salt, fluid volume, sympathetic arousal, stress level Expressed anger and hostility Influenced by Psychological, Behavioral, and So

16、cial Factors,Cardiovascular Diseases: Hypertension (cont.),Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Blockage of arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle Angina pectoris Chest pain from partial obstruction Atherosclerosis Artery plaque (i.e., fatty substances) Ischemia Deficiency of blood supply (too much plaque) Myocardial infarction Heart attack, death of heart tissue,Cardiovascular Diseases: Coronary Heart Disease (CHD),Psychological and Behavioral Risk Fa


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