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1、托福写作实现表达方式的多样性托福写作对语言表达的多样性有一定的要求。不仅如此,就一般的英文写作而言,能够用不重复的词汇和句式表达相同的意思也是非常有必要的。 如何才能实现表达方式的多样性呢?在这里给大家介绍几种常用的方法。一.词汇与词组要想在英文写作中避免多次使用同一个词,可以采用以下的方式:1) 词性转换通过转换词性来避免重复不失为一个好方法。常见的有把动词变为名词,把名词变为形容词等。例:A. Making money is important for the youth to lead a decent life.B. Making money is of importance for

2、the youth to lead a decent life.A. A countrys prosperity has much to do with its education.B. A prosperous country has much to do with its education.2) 近义词和同义词的转换另一种避免用词重复的方法是使用近义词或同义词进行替换,确保用词的多样性。例:It is necessary/essential/important/significant/ vital/ crucial/critical/ momentous/paramount to dev

3、elop education in a country.A. The government decides to develop local economy by means ofthe policy to build more factories.B. The government decides to develop local economy byadopting / applying/ using/ employing/ embracing the policy to build more factories.3)词汇和词组的替换第三种方法就是将词汇与相同意义的词组进行替换,来避免文章

4、啰嗦重复。例:A. Some people approve my standpoint.B. Some people are in favor of my standpoint.A. The man owned large amounts of fortune.B. The man was in possession of large amounts of fortune.4)词组与词组的替换不仅是词汇和词组能够相互替换,词组与词组之间也是可以的。例:A. As far as I am concerned, I do agree with this opinion.B.To my way of

5、 thinking, I do agree with this opinion.A. Some people are against this standpoint.B. Some people are opposed to this standpoint.二.句式变换1. It 作形式主语It is universally acknowledged thatIt is widely recognized thatIt is unavoidable thatIt is an undeniable truth that例题:Improving schools is the most import

6、ant factor for the successful development of a countryIt is widely acknowledged that education has played a significant role in a countrys prosperity.2. There be 句型There is no denying/no doubt thatThere has been divergence overThere are couples of factors worth consideration.例题: Movies and televisio

7、n programs should present stories in which good people should be rewarded and bad people should be punished.There is no denying that justice is always expected to be done in movies and television programs. However, should stories be presented in these programs in which there are good people rewarded

8、 and bad people punished? From my perspective, it is impossible to find out a common standard to decide goodness and evil. And certainly this issue needs a more comprehensive analysis.3. 名词性从句做主语What is not supposed to be neglected is thatWhethergives rise to a heated discussion among individuals an

9、d the society.例题: Money is the most important aspect in a job.Whether money is the most important aspect in a job or not gives rise to a heated discussion among individuals and the society.4. When it comes to/refers to结构的使用例题: Competition between friends always has a negative effect on their friends

10、hipWhen it comes to competition and friendship, usually people wont believe that there is any positive correlation between them. However, I tend to agree that this issue needs a case-by-case analysis since in some circumstances competition does harm to friendship while sometimes the contrary is the

11、case. A specific analysis is given as follows.5. Given 过去分词短语作状语Given that.表原因例题:In order to succeed, you should be more like others than be different from everyone else.Given that people are more eager to succeed than ever, there is a divergence among individuals and the society about whether one w

12、ho wants to succeed should be more like others than be different from everyone else.6. With 结构的使用例题: Good communication skill is the most important characteristic for a person who wants to be successful.Withthe economy blooming, whether or not good communication skill is the most important characteristic for a person who wants to be successful turns out to be a controversial issue.


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