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1、英语电影视听说Unit 4 (Notes)Part 1 Movie Exploration arrogant: Someone who behaves in a proud, unpleasant way toward other people because they believe that they are more important than others. 傲慢的 domineering: those who try to control other people without any consideration for their feelings or opinions 跋扈

2、的;专横的;盛气凌人的;刚愎自用的 tycoon: 企业界大亨,巨头 laughing stock: n. 笑柄 slender: adj. 细长的;苗条的 gossipy: adj. 喜饶舌的 lord ( over sb.):摆架子耍威风;比喻专横拔扈 run errands: 做琐碎的事情 overbearing: adj. 傲慢的;骄横的 humiliating: adj. 羞辱性的;使蒙受耻辱的 hang in: v. to persist 坚持 picky: adj. 挑剔的;吹毛求疵的 escort: vt. accompany 护送;陪同 undermine: v. 渐渐破坏;

3、逐渐削弱 oweto: because of 归因于 at sbs beck and call: 唯某人之命是从,听某人的调遣 be fed up with: 对感到厌烦 vanity fair: 浮华世界,名利场 outrage: v. extremely angry and shocked 使震怒 make up with sb.: 与讲和;言归于好A Review on the MovieTask 4Rather than an ugly duckling tale, The Devil Wears Prada approaches the theme of temptationthat

4、 of (1) fashion, luxury, power and ambitionwhich finds its ultimate expression in Miranda, the most (2) revered and hated woman in fashion. Miranda is in her own right comparable to a devil who puts the poor Andrea, (3) fresh out of college and journalistically minded, to severe physical trials day

5、and night. Yet the real test never rests with the super weird and annoying requests and errands. It begins only when the girl starts to fit in the splendor and superficiality of (4) the fashion circles. Now the devil sets out to transform the girl by offering (5) a wide range of temptations. Changes

6、 on the inside can be easily discerned when Andrea hands out thousands of dollars worth of designer accessories and cosmetics to her friends over dinner, when (6) she misses her boyfriends birthday party only because Miranda wants her to attend a fashion gala and when she manifests indecision before

7、 the charming writer. The tempting move (7) reaches its climax when the devil gives the girl (8) a big speech about office politics to the effect that if you want to get ahead in your career, you have to be willing to (9) step over others. Awaking to the truth that this job which a million girls wou

8、ld die for is not really worth (10) the price of her soul, Andrea leaves the devil. In the end, ideals and self-esteem have conquered temptation.Part 2 Culture Reflection incarnate: represent in bodily form 体现;使具体化 exquisite: extremely beautiful or pleasant, especially in a delicate way 精美的 celebrit

9、y: a widely known person 名人 incorporate: include 包含 range from to: 从 . 到 . 范围 astrology: strldi 占星学;星座 collaborate: cooperate 合作 vintage boutique: 精品服饰店 crucial (to): extremely important 至关重要的 apparel: clothing in general 服装;衣服 accessory: articles such as belts and scarves to wear or carry but which

10、 are not part of your main clothing anorexia: n. 厌食;神经性厌食症 agony: great physical or mental pain 极大痛苦 symptom: something wrong with your body or mind that is a sign of the illness 症状 prostration: 衰竭 loom large: 显得突出 afflict: cause great unhappiness for 折磨;使痛苦Part 3 Language AppreciationTask 12 (for r

11、eference)Slang expressions are used by special groups for special effect. They display a transitory nature because a majority of them die out quickly. Slang words are intended to be vivid and interesting, but at the same time their application is rather limited since they may give offense or cause misunderstandings. Yet on an informal occasion, like the random gathering of friends here, the use of slang breeds intimacy and livens things up. In this sense it is fully acceptable.


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