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1、全新版大学英语二级第五单元课文词汇1,straighten: v.(cause to) become straight or level 变直2,absorb: v. (usu. Passive) completely hold ones attention (usu. followed by in)完全吸收住(某人的)注意力或兴趣.2,take in: understand; absorb 理解;吸收;吸进.3,margin: n. one or both sides of a page near the edgewhere there is no writing or printing 页

2、边;空白;空白边缘.4, reflect: v. be a sign of, show 表现;表达.5, thoughtful: adj. (showing that one is)thinking deeply 深思的;思考的.6, previous: adj. happening or coming before or earlier 先的;前的.7, locate: v. 1, find the exact location of 找出准确位置或地点2 fix or put in a certain place.使坐落于 安置8 correspond: v. exchange lette

3、rs regularly. 通信9 overseas : adj. to or in another country . 在 向 来自等 海外的 国外的10 fertile : adj. (of land) able to produce good crops . 肥沃的 富饶的11 disgust : v. cause a strong and often sick feeling of dislike . 使反感 厌恶 嫌恶n. strong dislike 反感 厌恶 12 schedule .v. arrange for sth. to happen or to be done at

4、a particular time (It can be used in thepattern: be scheduled to do sth ,be scheduled for sth.) 安排13, sustain :v. support emotionally; keep (an effort, etc) going maintain 支撑 支承 保持14 slim : adj.1, slender 钎细的 修长的 2 small 不够大的v. eat less, take exercise, exercise, etc in order to become slim 使变苗条15, d

5、elicate : adj . fine; well-formed; soft, tender 柔和的 优秀的 精致的16, thrust: v. push suddenly or with great strength 猛然的或用力推 向前挤n. act or movement of thrusting 推17. split: v.(cause to ) break into two or more parts 裂开 碎裂,分开 劈开n. act or process of splitting or being split18 keen :adj 1.(of interest ,feelin

6、g ,etc) strong :deep 强烈的 深刻的19.interested ;eager (usu. Followed by on /about ,or in finitive to ) 热切的 热情的20. sensible : adj showing or having good sense 合理的 识别加强的21. glow : n. a warm light 熔融之光v. send out light and heat without flame 发出光和热22. hesitate : v . pause before doing sth. or making a decisi

7、on .犹豫 迟疑23. grip :v. take a very tight hold (of )紧抓 掌握n. action of gripping ; firm hold 紧抓 掌握24 Identify : v. recognize or say who or what sb. or sth. is 确认 鉴别出25. make ones way go 去26. Take a chance (on sth) : attempt to do sth . in spite of the possibility of failure; take a risk .冒险做某事,尝试,碰运气27.

8、 long for : want sb .or sth . very much .渴望28. grateful (to sb )(for sth) : feeling or showing thanks to (another person) because of (sth) .29. in response to : in answer to 回应,反应30. clue n. fact or piece of evidence that helps to solve a problem or reveal the truth in aninvestigation. 线索 端倪31. iden

9、tity n. who or what sb/sth is 身份; 本身(state of) exact likeness or sameness 一致性32. forbid v. (a) order (sb.) not to do sth. 禁止, 不准, 不许(某人) 作某事(b) order that (sth) shall not be done; not allow 禁止某事物; 不允许make (sth) difficult or impossible; prevent or not allow 妨碍某事; 阻止或不准33. exchange n. giving one thing

10、 or person in return for another 交换; 互换;更换 v. give or receive sth/sb (of the same kind of value) in place of another 交换; 更换34. relief n. lessening or removing of pain, distress, anxiety, etc (痛苦, 困苦,忧虑等) 减轻解除relieve vt. 使轻松, 缓解, 使得到调剂, 接替35. erect a. standing on end; upright; vertical 直立的; 竖直的36. bu

11、ild; set up; establish 建造; 设立; 创立37. come across: meet or find sb./sth. by chance 偶遇 偶然碰见38. make out: manage to see or read; identify 看出 辨认出39. hope for: desire and expect sth. 希望 期待40. other than: except; apart from 除了41. match up to: be as good as (sb. or sth.) 与 一样好; 比得上42. for sure: (infml) cer

12、tainly so, without doubt 毫无疑问43. come to an end: finish 结束44. bear out: prove that (sth.) is true 证实45. sweat: drops of a liquid similar to water that come through the skin when one is hot, ill, afraid, etc. 汗水46. grace : quality of being smooth and elegant, esp. in movement or structure. 优美,优雅;温雅 4

13、7. mere: nothing more than 仅仅,只不过 48. fantasy: imagination, esp. when it has no connection at all with reality 幻想49. numerous: very many 许多的,无数的50. passion: strong feeling, esp. of love 热情have a passion for: have a strong interest in sth. and like it very much 对有强烈的爱好 51. detail: n. small, particula

14、r fact or item 细节.go into detail(s): explain sth. thoroughly 详述,逐一细说in detail: fully or thoroughly详细 52. recur: v. come or happen again 再来,再发生53. coincide: happen at the same time (followed by with) 同时发生 54. core: the most important part 核心55. alternate: every other or second; happening by turns 交替的

15、,轮流的56. relax: make or become less tense, worried or nervous松弛;放松57. on one/ two/ several occasion(s): once / twice / several times in the past 有一(两,几)次58. vain: too pleased with ones own abilities or looks 虚荣的,自负的59. emotion: a strong feeling of any kind情感,情绪,感情60. preparation: the act or process of preparing准备,预备61. be ashamed of: feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of (sth.) 因感到难为情62. startle: give a sudden shock or surprise to 使大吃一惊63. intensity: the state of being intense强烈,激烈,紧张64. anxiety: a feeling worry or fear 忧虑,担心 65. tensi


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