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1、 http:/ 快乐学习,尽在中学生在线Unit 15 A famous detective 一、教学目标与要求通过本单元教学,学生领略和感受英国著名作家柯南道尔侦探小说中复杂的情节和神探福尔摩斯的机智勇敢。学生在理解课文的基础上,能运用自己组织的语言复述故事,或以故事中不同人物的角度,描述事情的经过;通过对话课的学习与操练,复习表达良好祝愿的常用语句;学习并初步掌握过去分词作定语和状语的用法;正确完成练习册安排的练习。二、教学重点与难点1重点词汇affair;delay;quarrel;dare;fasten;doubt;strike;blow;scream;have a seat;long

2、 before;paya visit;in silence;connect to2重要句型1)I dare say my uncle willI have no other relatives2)Why would a builder make a hole in the wall between two rooms when he could easily make the same hole in an outside wall?3)He examined the red bell rope,the end of which lay upon the pillow of the bed4)

3、The young lady rushed into the room immediately she heard the noise5)No doctor would have noticed the tiny teeth marks of the snake on your skin3语法 过去分词作定语和状语(The Past Participle as Attribute and Adverbial)1)There was once a detective named Sherlock Holmes 2)Well known for his expert advice,he was a

4、ble to help many people3)Scientific experiments carried out by students without the teachers instructions can be dangerous4)Frightened by the noise in the night,the girl did not dare sleep in her room4日常交际用语表示良好祝愿(Farewells and good wishes)1)I called to tell you that the conference has been delayed

5、until the 15th and 16th2)Im afraid I have togo nowIts time I went and picked up my little girl from school3)Goodbye,Dr ZhangI hope you have a good journey back to Guangzhou4)Thank you verymuch It was nice to meet you5)GoodbyeThanks again for callingPlease remember me to your wife三、课型 (一)对话课 教具 录音机、投

6、影仪。课堂教学设计1教师通过向学生提出以下问题导入本课:1)If you have something that you want to inform somebody,what would you do?(Make a phone call;tell him/her directly;ask somebody to send a message;write to him/her,etc)2)Just now we talked about some ways that we may choose when we want to tell other people somethingNow l

7、ets listen to the dialogue and see what ways those people use2准备放对话录音。借助投影片打出以下听前提问:1)How many people are talking?2)Where does DrZhangcome from?3)What is the message in the conversation?放录音一至两遍,请学生回答上述问题,教师予以必要订正。Key:1)Three people are talking2)DrZhang comes from Guangzhou3)The message is that the c

8、onference has been delayed until 15th and 16th3再次放对话录音,学生跟读。将学生分为三人一组练习对话。数分钟后,请两三组同学到前面表演,教师予以讲评。4根据本课对话内容和有关情景,教师再提出一些问题,要求学生使用对话中所出现的日常交际用语进行应答。1)If you want the one who is at the door to come in, what would you say?2)If you want to ask someone to sit down,what would you say?3)If you want to intr

9、oduce somebody to someone else, what would you say?4)If you want to leave,what would you say?5)If you want to express that you feel nice to have met someone,what would you say?6)If you want to say hello to somebody else for you,what would you say?Key:1)I may say:Do come in,please2)I may say:Please h

10、ave a seat3)I may say:Id like you to meet4)Imay say:Im afraid I have to go nowIts time I went and5)I may say:It was nice to meet you6)I may say:Please remember me to your wife,etc5教师指导学生归纳本课中有关表示良好祝愿(Farewells and good wishes)的常用语句(见日常交际用语部分)。要求学生能熟练掌握这些语句,并在编练新的对话时加以运用。教师提供如下情景,组织学生三人一组编演新的对话:Situa

11、tion 1:You are talking with your neighbourThen a classmate of yours calls on youHe tells you that the whole class will go to a kindergarten to help with the cleaning thereYou introduce your classmate to your neighbourMake a dialogue in your own wordsSituation 2:You pay a visit to your friend and mee

12、t with a relative of his from HainanYou want to take your friend to an exhibition but your friend says sorry to you because he has to go shopping with his relativeMake a dialogue in your own words学生也可以自己设计情景,编演新的对话。数分钟后,请一两组同学到前面表演,教师予以讲评。6布置作业 1)预习第58课;2)完成练习册中安排的练习。 (二)阅读理解课() 教具 录音机、投影仪。课堂教学设计1检查

13、生词及短语。2教师向学生提出以下问题:1)Do you like reading detective stories?2)Who like reading detective stories better in this class,the boys or the girls?3)Have you ever read detective stories about Sherlock Holmes?If not,have you ever heard of him?3准备阅读课文,教师给出读前提问:1)What could the young lady often hear at night?2

14、)How did Holmes manage to get into her uncles room?教师给学生数分钟,要求学生快速阅读课文,之后请同学回答上述问题。Key:1)She could often hear a long low whistle and the sound of a metallic noise at night2)He opened the door of her uncles room with a thin metal wire which he always kept in his pocket4放课文录音,学生跟读一至两遍。教师用投影仪打出以下statem

15、ents,要求学生判断其正误,并对错误的statements进行修改。1)The famous detective Sherlock Holmes helped a great number of people with their personal affairsHe usually found the answer with the help of local police2)One day a young lady came to visit Holmes because her parents had died and she didnt know how to deal with the moneyleft for her3)According to the reading passage,theyoungladys uncle was the only one to get the moneyleft forher if she died4)Holmes and his assistant managed to pay a visit to the young ladys house because her uncle was in India during the daytime5)After a careful examinat


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