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1、武汉经济技术开发区第一初级中学 九年级(7)班 英语 短语练习九年级第一单元词组1 ask the teacher for help 2 deal with 3 solve the problem 4 regard as 5 be angry with sb 6 be angry about a small problem 7 complain about too much homework8 get lots of practice 9 take notes 10 improve spoken English 11 It helps a lot. 12 the best way to lea

2、rn English13 make up 14 look up a word 15 make mistakes 16 practice speaking English 17 laugh at 18 have trouble doing sth19 do ones duty 20 Its ones duty to 21 try/do ones best 22 with the help of the teacher23 worry about 24 have too much homework to do25 an important lesson 26 face the challengei

3、n face of 27 compare to 28 get excited about /at sth 29 break off/out/down 30 what impresses me most31 read English magazines32 watch English-language TV33 stay angry/still 九年级第二单元词组1 used to be used for doing sthbe used to doing sth 2 be terrified of 3 with the light on 4 chat with sb 5 daily life

4、6 be afraid of being alone 7 be afraid to do sth 8 cause problems the cause of9 be patient with look over patients 10 in the end 11 make a decisionmake up ones mind 12 to ones surprise/surprise sb/feel surprised 13 even if/though 14 no longer 15 take pride in 16 pay attention to 17 give up doing sth

5、 18 waste time 19 on the swim team 20 spend time doing sth /on sth 21 take me to concert 22 hardly ever 23 have time for concert 24 have time to do sth 25 miss the old days 26 get stressed out 27 change ones life 28 pay for ones education 29 afford sth 30 afford to buy sth 31 get into trouble 32 be

6、in trouble have trouble doing sth 33 send.to /send for a doctor 34 feel good about oneself 35 My life has changed a lot.36 Its necessary for sb to do sth.九年级unit 31 get in the way of schoolwork 2 make my own decision 3 on his school running team 4 achieve ones dream/goals 5 the importance of working

7、 hard 6 be serious about 7 spend time on his homework 8 have a chance of doing sth 9 have nothing against running10 be for/against sth 11 obey/break the rules 12 old peoples home 13 perform a play /give a performance 14 take time to do sth 15 have Friday off 16 concentrate on studies 17 that is good

8、 for studing 18 get noisy 19 learn from each other 20 at present 21 have an opportunity to 22 reply to 23 be strict with sb 24 stay up until 11:00 pm 25 be allowed to do sth 26 allow sb to do sth 27 get ears pierced 28 talk instead of doing homework 29 succeed in doing sth 30 become successful 九下uni

9、t 4短语1 be confident about 2 without permission 3 ask my permission 4 permit sb to do sth 5 be/make friends with 6 bother sb 7 annoy sb 8 get annoyed 9 plenty of 10 enjoy the company of sb11 be easy to get along with 12 have a small circle 13 get nervous 14 represent the class 15 English speech conte

10、st 16 come top in the exam 17 a top student 18 let sb down 19 come up with a good idea a good solution20 the rest of the students 21 have experience in sth22 have experience in doing sth23 come out 24 cover.with 25 be covered with We covered 30 miles.50 dollars will cover the expense.26 in a hurry h

11、urry to school hurry to do sth 27 by accident a car accident 28 get the medical help 29 speed up at a high speed 30 burn oneself/ get burned 31 get/be injured 32 hurt ones feelings My legs hurt.33 offer sb sth offer to help others offer a job/get a offerWe offered him2000yuan for the house34 refuse/

12、accept to do sth 35 the danger of smoking 36 hide something from children37 an internet friend 38 worry about What worries you?My life is full of worries.39 what if 40 would rather 41 introduce oneself 42 say something bad about others43 give a speech 44 not.in the slightest 45 correct mistakes 46 e

13、veryone else 47 be pleased 48 get along well with 49 help me relax 50 relax oneself 51 feel relaxed 52 speak in front of 53 give money to charity /donate money to charity54 agree to meet in a public place九年级第五单元词句1 belong to 2 drop sth /drop litter 3 drop English4drop out of school5 have an appointment 6 be worried 7 look worried 8 be anxious about 9 be anxious to do sth10 the owner of/own 11 catch the bus 12 catch up with 13 have an interview 14 interview sb 15 make a noise 16 get noisy 17 smell nice 18 pretend to be asleep 19 use up 20 attempt to do sth 21 attempt sth22


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