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1、巢湖学院本科学生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书题 目Beauty and fickleness An analysis of the female images in The Great Gatsby学生姓名卢灿云学 号10027082指导教师方灵芝专 业英 语职 称讲师选题的意义及研究状况The choice of this topic is firstly to introduce F. Scott Fitzgerald special description and understanding of female image and the background and the influe

2、nce of The Great Gatsby . It then analyzes the images of two female, Daisy and Mrs Wilson , her rival in love , to help readers know more about the status of female at the trend of advocacy of the American dream, accordingly in return have a new angle to see the American dream. It also makes readers

3、 get to know the change of female from the Jazz Age in American.The Great Gatsby, which was published in 1925. At the end of the twentieth century, the academic authority selected one hundred best novels in the past one hundred years, The Great Gatsby in the second place ,still ranked the contempora

4、ry classics. The great gatsby setteled Fitzgeralds position in the history of modern American literature, becaming the spokesman of the jazz age and one representative writer of the lost generation .many researchers have dis cuss it from different views, such as the disillusionment of the American d

5、ream, and so on .主要内容、研究方法和思路 F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby (1926) is, at first sight, a novel about love, idealism and disillusionment. However, it soon reveals its hidden depths and enigmas. For female images , the author showed two typical females in the novel and have a contrast , they a

6、re beautiful and fickle which makes the female image more vivid in the novel , It is also easy to trigger feelings and resonance of readers.1. Introduction2. The Female Images in The Great Gatsby 2.1 The Images of Daisy Buchanan2.1.1 Her beauty2.1.2 Her fickleness2.2 The Images of Myrtle Wilson2.2.1

7、 Her beauty2.2.2 Her fickleness 2.3 The Images of Jordan Baker 2.3.1 Her beauty 2.3.2 Her fickleness3.The Importance of the Female Images in The Great Gatsby3.1 Importance for understanding the American dream3.2 Importance for understanding the whole story4.Conclusion准备情况(已发表或撰写的相关文章、查阅过的文献资料及调研情况、现

8、有仪器、设备情况等)应收集的资料、主要参考文献:1 Leech Geoffrey N & Short Michael H. New Essays on the Great Gatsby. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1985,6:164,224.2F. Scott. Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby. New York: Charles Scribers Sons, 1925.3 Andrew Tumbell. the Letters of F.Scott Fitzgerald .New York : Charles Sc

9、ribners Sons, 1995, 4:1-2.4 Tang, Soo Ping. York Notes on the Great Gatsby. York: Longman York Press, 19925常耀信、李宜燮.美国文学选读(下).天津:南开大学出版社,20086王宁. 20世纪西方现代派文学名著导读.天津:天津人民出版社, 2000.7阿金耶米.爱情与金钱M. 外语教学与研究出版社,1999,8:253-257.8 克罗蒂亚罗思皮埃罗庞.为了爱情和金钱-评了不起的盖茨比J.南方周末, 2004,7:2-3.总体安排和进度(包括阶段性工作内容及完成日期)2014年3月10日前

10、,完成开题报告书的填写工作,确定写作方案,开始论文写作;2014年3月11日4月30日,写出论文初稿;2014年5月1日 5月15日,完成初稿的修改;2014年5月16日5月22日,完成论文的写作。指导教师意见(研究的意义、创新点、前期基础工作、存在的难点和困难、建议等)本篇论文选题角度新颖,富有创意,并且还具有一定的现实意义,有助于了解20世纪(爵士时代)美国的社会特点,包括美国梦,迷惘的一代。创新点在于将现实与当时的时代背景联系,从女性形象的角度对两个女性进行分析,得出有益的结论。论文前期准备工作充分,独立查阅文献,论文结构严谨,逻辑性强。本文的最大缺陷在于在文章布局的层次感不是很好,文内标题太少,文章框架稍显单薄。希望该生注意到这一问题,文章不仅要有血有肉也要富有层次感,赋予文章音乐的律动,从而能够使论文叙述更加流畅和完整。同意开题。指导教师签字: 2014 年 3 月 10 日教研室意见教研室主任签字: 2014年 3月 15日



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