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1、目 录目 录i摘 要iiiABSTRACTiv绪 论1第一章 民间金融概念的一般解析31.1民间金融的相关概念辨析31.1.1民间金融与非正式金融31.1.2民间金融与官办金融31.1.3民间金融与地下金融、非法金融41.2 民间金融的涵义及特征51.2.1民间金融的涵义51.2.2民间金融的特征51.2.3民间金融的主要形式6第二章 民间金融存在与发展的理论基础102.1金融抑制深化理论102.1.1金融抑制论102.1.2金融深化论102.1.3发展民间金融符合金融深化112.2制度变迁理论112.2.1制度变迁理论内容112.2.2民间金融发展符合诱致性制度变迁12第三章 我国民间金融发


3、间金融对我国经济发展的负面影响213.4.3正确认识民间金融的利与弊22第四章 各国(地区)民间金融的经验借鉴234.1各国(地区)民间金融发展实践234.1.1美国民间金融发展实践234.1.2日本民间金融发展实践244.1.3台湾民间金融发展实践244.2各国(地区)民间金融发展经验及借鉴意义25第五章 规范我国民间金融发展的措施285.1 政府转换观念,正确对待民间金融285.1.1制定和完善法律法规体系,确立民间金融的合法身份285.1.2区别对待不同形式的民间金融,实施差别化监管政策285.2提供宽松的政策环境,促进民间金融与正规金融之间的合作和竞争295.2.1提供宽松的政策环境,

4、减少不正当干预295.2.2促进民间金融与正规金融之间的有效合作和适度竞争305.3健全民间金融发展的制度环境315.3.1建立存款保险制度315.3.2建立市场准入和退出机制315.3.3健全信用担保体系325.3.4加快征信制度建设33结束语34参考文献3540摘 要随着改革开放的不断深化和市场经济的发展,金融的地位日益突出,社会对金融服务的需求不断增加。但是,国有金融机构在很多地方和领域并不能满足市场上多元化主体对金融服务的需求。于是,作为一种非正规金融体制安排,民间金融便应运而生。目前,我国的经济体制正处于由计划经济向市场经济的转型时期,在这一渐进的体制变迁过程中,金融体制改革的进程明



7、的创新和金融改革与发展都具有重要现实意义。关键词:金融,民间金融,制度分析。ABSTRACTAlong with the continuous deepening of reform and opening up and the development of market economy, finance has played a more and more important role in our country. In the situation of modern market economy, finance has become the center of economy, det

8、ermining the speed and efficiency of economy.But the State-owned financial institutions cant meet the diversification of markets needs, and informal finance emerged as an institutional arrangements.In China, the financial reform is a gradual institutional structure transition which always falls behi

9、nd the reform in economy from plan economy to market economy. Taking the transitional economy as the special background, various economic sectors elements coexist and uneven economic development are current national conditions, and this situation will exist for a long time. At the same time, our cou

10、ntry implemented a monopoly of state-owned financial institutions. A single financial system is obviously unable to adapt to this complex, multi-level economic situation. Whether the huge number of farmers who are widely distributed, or the private economy which has been the backbone of the national

11、 economy, especially small and Medium-sized Business, their own characteristics and weaknesses decide that they cant meet loan demand entirely through the formal finance, so they had to turn to inform finance. This is the driving force for Chinas informal finance development. The existence and devel

12、opment of informal finance not only is a historical process, but also a realistic demand. Chinas current conditions decided informal finances existence will be long-term financial viability, and will be an integral part of Chinas financial structure.Folk finance in our country form extremely diversi

13、fies,mainly includes the mutual economic assistance organization,the folk lends money, the folk gathers capital,the illegal money shop,financial guarantee company,investment company, pawn shops, Small loan companies, rural banks, center slightly operates privately bank and so on.Since long ago,the f

14、olk finance through out is lacks the protection in one kind under the condition to develop,this is extremely disadvantageous regarding the folk financial research. And transports the artificial thorough theoretical analysis the folk financial production,may clarify in the theory understanding the de

15、viation.The paper indicates that, how to promote and regulate it are all important issues with theoretical and practical significance.Key words: Finance, informal finance, institution analysis,绪 论金融是一国现代经济的核心,决定着经济的发展速度和效率,而民间金融是金融市场的重要组成部分。在金融的发展史中,民间金融往往既是金融制度变迁的初始状态,又是金融创新的源泉。正是在民间金融充分发展的基础上,由政府或者其代理人对民间金融的活动进行规范的进程中,才产生了各种正规的金融活动。近年来我国民间金融日渐活跃,在促进经济发展中发挥了积极作用。同时,由于这些资金游离于监管体系之外,在一些地方出现了民间金融的无序发展,给金融和社会带来了不稳定。因此,研究我国民间金融的发展和规范具有重要的理论意义和现实价值。研究背景民间金融最简单的形式为亲友间的自由借贷。随着市场开放程度的提高和经济的不断发展,传统的简单形式不足以满足人们的需要,民间金融组织形式应运而生,甚至出现了专业化程度和机构化程度较高的民间金融


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