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1、三、Organization Management1. 公众舆论和一些监管方面的改革平息了这场风暴,但并未根除内在的问题Public uproar and some regulatory changes calmed the storm, but did not eradicate the intrinsic problem. 2. 房价适度回落是好事情,但如果全面崩盘,则会引发严重的问题。Modest declines in house prices would be welcome, but a widespread collapse would foster serious proble

2、ms. 3. 上游供货商再也不允许欠款,而要求资金一次到位,之后才会发货。Rather than allowing credit sales, upstream suppliers are asking for one-time cash payments before shipping goods out. 4. 许多银行的继续疲软致使经济持续困难。The continuing weakness of many banks is helping to perpetuate that economic distress.5. 在绝大多数经济活动中,企业的效率随着规模的上升而上升,直到一个最佳规

3、模。In most economic activities, the efficiency of a firm increases with size up to some optimum size.6. 努力尝试把自己当初学者;你就能更好的理解、感受客户的观点。Try hard to put yourself in the shoes of a beginner; you will be more apt to understand and sympathize with your clients point of view. 7. 公司的每一部门都有自己的运作方式,它们互相之间都不相容。E

4、ach department in the company has its own mode of operation and none of them is compatible. 8. 当事人一方经对方同意,可以将自己在合同中的权利和义务一并转让给第三人。Either party may, with the consent of the other party, assign all of his rights and obligations under the contract to a third person. 9. 意识到广告模式是和其他商业是互相协作的还是很重要的。Its imp

5、ortant to recognize here that the advertising model is relatively synergistic with other things.10. 那些曾经创造了日本奇迹的政策和管理如今却开始阻碍了日本的发展。The policies and practices that sparked Japans miracle have come to strangle it. 11. 我主要担心的是,一个庞大的政府机构,无论组织得多么好,也容易窒息创造性。My major concern was that a large bureaucracy, h

6、owever organized, tends to stifle creativity. 12. 监管者在认可的框架内,会被赋予法律权利制定资本重组的条款。Regulators would be given the legal authority to dictate the terms of a recapitalisation, subject to an agreed framework. 13. 尽管你做了最好的打算,员工尽了最大的努力,但是情况往往事与愿违。Despite your best intentions and the best efforts of your emplo

7、yees, assignments can easily go astray.14. 评估小组将进行广泛磋商,不会回避艰难的抉择。The review team would consult widely but would not shy away from tough choices15. 欧元区有可能会变成一个不正当的转移联盟。Thus the eurozone risks turning into an illegitimate transfer union. 16. 报告说,沃尔玛从僱用工人和经理人员的时刻开始,就向他们灌输反工会的思想。The report says Wal-Mart

8、 begins to indoctrinate workers and managers to oppose unions from the moment they are hired. 17. 整个欧元区从欧洲债券中很可能获益甚微。The eurozone-wide gains from European bonds are likely to be negligible. 18. 美国的压力测试成为了该国银行类股反弹的催化剂。US stress tests have been a catalyst for recovery in US bank stocks.19. 你应在十月份就把协定确

9、定下来。You should nail down the agreement in October.20. 他办事独断独行。He had an autocratic way of doing his job. 21. 他们憎恨受一个专横傲慢老板的管制。They resent being ruled over by a dictatorial boss. 22. 如果你和一个人合得来,你就会觉得与他一起工作更加轻松。If you have an affinity for a person, you will feel more comfortable working with him. 23.

10、若中国冒然提升人民币对美元汇率,出口业将被击垮。Export would be devastated by any precipitate Chinese moves to bolster the yuan against the dollar. 24. 相对于更有活力的东亚市场,缺乏地区凝聚力将令南亚处于经济劣势。A lack of regional cohesion will put south Asia at an economic disadvantage to the more dynamic markets of east Asia. 25. 能源产业正经历一场地震式的变革。The

11、 industry was undergoing a seismic shift. 26. 在过去20年中,就在中国变成世界主要出口国的同时,中国的贫困人口也在大幅减少。Over the last two decades, at the same time as China became the worlds major exporter, it was able to dramatically diminish poverty. 27. 欧元区国家的利益与非欧元区国家的利益存在冲突。The interests of the eurozone collide with those of the

12、 non-eurozone. 28. 只工作了一天,他就蛮不讲理地要求增加工资。He had the temerity to ask for higher wages after only a days work. 29. 有了这样的发展趋势,互联网时代将有可能迎来公民空前觉醒时期的到来。With trends like this, the Age of the Internet could usher in an era of unprecedented citizen enlightenment. 30. 日本官员强调,按照他们的设想,日本应主要通过外交而非军事手段来化解区域纠纷。Japa

13、nese officials stress that they envision their role in smoothing regional disputes as mainly diplomatic, not military. 31. 扩大其交易区间也许是第一个渐进步骤。A widening of its trading bands might be a first incremental step. 32. 联邦政府的广泛禁令阻碍了能源的勘探和生产。The broad federal moratorium stands in the way of energy exploratio

14、n and production.33. 面对全球经济衰退和市场动荡,中国最大保险商并未却步,而是正在启动一场海外收购行动。Undeterred by global recession and volatile markets, Chinas biggest insurer is embarking on an overseas shopping spree.34. 散户投资者也加入了这种反向操作的潮流。Individual investors also are taking up the contrarian charge.35. 在网络辩论中普遍使用匿名助长了一种攻击文化。The prev

15、alence of anonymity in online debates has helped to spawn a culture of aggression. 36. 中国流行歌手李宇春带头建立一个新的基金来帮助患有百血病的儿童。Chinese pop singer Li Yuchun spearheaded a new fund to help children with leukemia. 37. 边界冲突能让我们期盼的许多进展偏离轨道。Border conflicts can derail so much of the progress that we hope to achiev

16、e here. 38. 应对国际和国内储蓄盈余问题的常规对策是降息。The normal antidote to both an international and a national savings surplus is a reduction in interest rates. 39. 很久以来,大宗商品一直被吹捧为一种对冲产品,说它对经济变动的反应不同于其他资产。Commodities have long been touted as a hedge that reacts differently from other assets to economic changes. 40. 收购雅虎股票将巩固阿里巴巴创建者马云(Jack Ma)的地位。A


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