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1、2012年12月22日英语四六级(cet-4、cet-6)作文热点预测汇总(十套)目 录2012年12月英语四六级作文热点预测:幸福感12012年12四六级考试作文预测:毕业生频繁换工作22012年12月22日英语四六级考前作文话题预测:世界末日42012年12月英语六级作文预测及范文:大学生就业难52012年12月英语六级作文预测及范文:考公务员热62012年12月英语四六级作文考前预测:网络热词使用82012年12月英语四六级作文考前预测:校园选星比赛92012年12月英语四六级作文热点预测:慈善机构公信力102012年12月英语四六级作文热点预测:合租房122012年12月英语四六级作文

2、预测:网络教育热潮132012年12月英语四六级作文热点预测:幸福感话题:How to Enhance the Sense of Happiness1. 人们对于如何提升幸福感有不同看法2. 幸福感提升不仅包含物质层面,也指范文:The sense of happiness is of great significance. As a vital factor of life, it brings us power, arouses our enthusiasm for loving life, and helps us to create a promising future. Howeve

3、r, in contemporary China, it has become a trend for Chinese people to hold different views about happiness and the way to enhance it.In addition to material basis, the sense of happiness also refers to several others aspects. Firstly, based on a recent survey, a majority of individuals admit that th

4、ey are no longer content with being fed and clothed adequately, and their happiness depends more on their success in careers, friendship and love. Secondly, a great many people claim that health is the key to their sense of happiness. It is health that enables them to build up a solid foundation for

5、 anything significant.As a college student, I am convinced that never can money equal happiness. To enhance our sense of happiness, we should educate, advocate and encourage our friends and classmates to enrich their knowledge, broaden their horizon and cultivate their ability.2012年12四六级考试作文预测:毕业生频繁

6、换工作Job-hopping1、现在越来越多学生毕业后经常换工作2、有人表示支持,有人表示反对,人们对此看法不一3、你的看法Currently,the frequent job-hopping of graduates has aroused wide concern among the public. Does anyone hold the same attitude toward this phenomenon? Definitely not. As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person.Those who hold the

7、 opinion that job-hopping is beneficial to graduates claim that by doing so, the youngsters are more likely to (更有可能)have a better knowledge of (更了解)other fields and then to expand their horizons(开阔视野). Moreover,changing jobs frequently offers workers a chance to move up to a better position(到更好的工作岗

8、位). However, others take a totally different view that job-hopping is detrimental to ones career development. For one thing, as the common saying goes,a rolling stone gathers no moss. (滚石不生苔)The more frequent you change your job, the less likely you are to be an expert in a particular area.(在某个特定的领域

9、) Secondly, this behavior will leave on the employers an impression of (给雇主留下印象)instability and immaturity(不稳定和不成熟). It is no wonder that ,when interviewing a candidate, a employer will raise a question (提问) likeyouve changed jobs quite frequently. How do we know youll stay if we hire you? From my p

10、erspective, frequent job-hopping would not necessarily be a bad thing.(并非是件坏事) it may offer them a broader space for career development. (更大的发展空间)When people join a company,the brand new working environment,new colleagues and new enterprise cultural atmosphere (企业文化氛围) will definitely motivate their

11、 enthusiasm for (激发他们的工作热情) the new job and thus, prompt their career to a new level.(让职业生涯更上一个台阶) thus, I will try several posts before finding the one that is perfectly fit for me and after that I will remain in the post and spare no efforts to have it well done(竭尽全力将工作做好). (277 words)2012年12月22日英

12、语四六级考前作文话题预测:世界末日最近有一个话题经常围绕着我们,成为我们茶余饭后的谈资世界末日,这个话题被赋予了神秘的色彩。带着对未知的恐惧,我们期盼着22日的太阳可以照常升起,同时也不忘活在当下,尽力过好每一天。根据科学,世界末日不会出现,那么现在大家就来假想一下,如果真的有那个“doomsday”,而且只剩下三天的时间,你会如何度过这三天呢?请以此话题用英文写一篇作文。Because of the fiction movie 2012 which describes a horrible scene that the whole world was destroyed by earthqu

13、ake, volcano and tsunami, the view of doomsday is making a great clamor. Mayans predicted December 21, 2012 is the end of the world and the sun of 22th will never rise again。Though it is now seems that this prediction is just a nonsense without any scientific support, it did provoke peoples thinking

14、 about life. As far as I can concern, if there are only three days for me to live, I will not feel so frightened as long as I arrange these three days by my wills. During the three days I want to do some significant things that can help me fulfill my dreams。On the first day, I will return home to ha

15、ve a gathered dinner with my parents, talking and eating, to enjoy the family happiness. On the second day, I will take out of most of my money to help the poor and the needed experience what they have no money to enjoy. On the third day, I will travel with my beloved one, seeing the worlds most bea

16、utiful sceneries. After these three days, I will feel without any pities。(来源:文都教育 编辑:卢青)2012年12月英语六级作文预测及范文:大学生就业难话题:【大学生就业难】1)近年来出现大学生就业难的现象2)产生这一现象的原因3)如何解决这一问题【思路点拨】本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点要求指出目前大学生就业难的现象,提纲第2点要求分析这种现象产生的原因,提纲第3点则要求阐述应该如何解决这一问题,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。根据所给提纲,本文应包含以下内容:提出大学生就业难的现象,指出现象的表现;说明现象产生的原因,如大学生追求目标过高等;从几个方面提出解决方法。【参考范文】Nowadays


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