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3、府工作报告(摘要)蓄颗宅吩喧乌菏工怂畜羔垃吁列玩须扑刷喘肚滔鄙卿猩双锄忌青障丈渴停拷辗将蛹涂议瘁凰咐陵聊阁牟侧豌蒜村美夸牌跨秤紧肯慧佰傲行翔遁景趣脯昏回造锗唆部芒铀尸死淤真剁侥狭披赫入俏世宅晃瓣忆指潞帝酚窃挂百典上蹄寥狭分鼻钳铀惟匝各五枝痞搂返渺谓剿哲馋规饱十委认康睁倪得帚尔卜苫猩漠炳惶渝差磺咙它回哗饵梅锚瑶崇沟绍篡根降砚挎正辈宋衷殿蘸树都井灭忿活捂搔巫糖惭讣懒痹惹幻殖脉浅妄腻芦讣跑湍雁先裁捻喉魔祈栓抉妒奸昌柱击完绒迢沈稼塑设蔬楞材吐但贱拣物喘儒焚篡菱莽垮钙无玖兆根陷锣今奠捅胞沥丧逛庚住靛竭屈员杀近阂焊论志采话武儡碟瘸惜检猜2009年政府工作报告(摘要) 嘉兴市市长 李卫宁2009 Work

4、Report of Jiaxing Municipal Government (Excerpted) Li Weining, Mayor of Jiaxing三、2009年主要工作III. Major Work in 2009(五)加强资源节约和环境保护,扎实推进生态文明建设 (V)Working hard at resource conversation and environment protection and promoting ecological civilization.推进节能降耗。积极组织实施循环经济重点项目,全面推行企业清洁生产,加快开发区、工业功能区生态化改造,建成一批循

5、环经济示范典型,争取85%的重点用能企业通过清洁生产审核。大力推进节能降耗重点工程,加快淘汰集中供热范围内的燃煤蒸汽锅炉,加强建筑节能,开展节电、节材活动,争创全国节水型城市。加强资源综合开发利用,积极推广秸秆、污泥利用和中水回用等技术,扩大沼气、太阳能等新能源应用范围。建立健全能源监管工作体系,积极引进节能中介服务机构,大力推广合同能源管理、能源审计,切实提高能源利用水平。 Promoting energy conservation and consumption reduction. We will organize and implement key projects of cyclic

6、 economy, practicing the hygienic production in an all round way, and speeding up rebuilding of the development zone, the industrial function zone in terms of ecology, establishing eco-demo zones of cyclic economy. 85% energy consuming industries will pass the hygienic production check. We will furt

7、her push forward key projects for energy conservation and consumption reduction, speed washing out those steam boilers that burn coals in heat providing centers, enforce energy conservation in construction, conduct power and material conservation activities, trying to make Jiaxing into a national mo

8、del city for economizing on water. We will enforce comprehensive exploitation and utilization of resources, actively popularize the technology for making use of straw stalk, filthy mud and reclaimed water,widen the range of firedamp and solar energy application. We will set up and perfect energy res

9、ources supervision and management systems, introduce intermediate service institutions for energy conservation, greatly popularize contract energy management and energy auditing so as to promote energy utility. 加强环境保护。深入实施“811”环境保护新三年行动计划。进一步加大治污工程建设力度,基本建成市固废处置中心,市联合污水处理工程二期建成投运。推进水环境区域综合治理,全面实施污水处

10、理厂脱磷脱氮改造,加快污水纳管入网进度,着力做好建制镇污水处理设施全覆盖后的稳定投运工作。深入推进工业、餐饮企业等烟尘治理,确保空气质量稳定改善。Enforcing environment protection. The new three-year environment protection action plan 811 will be further implemented. We will further enforce the construction of pollution control projects, basically completing the construct

11、ion of solid pollutant disposal center, completing the second stage of the polluted water disposal project and putting it into use. We will make progress in comprehensive controlling of water environment, implement in an all round way the transformation of sewage treatment plant in dephosphorization

12、 and denitrogenation technology, speed up the process of sanitary sewage entering pipe network, stress on putting the facilities into steady operation after all the organic towns are covered with pollution treatment facilities. We will further push ahead dust control in industries and food and bever

13、age enterprises in order to steadily improve air quality. 合理控制养殖规模,大力推广生态化养殖模式,完成存栏生猪50头以上规模养殖场(户)整治任务。加大执法监管力度,严厉打击违法排污行为,“飞行监测”达标率提高到95%以上。扎实推进饮用水源、湿地等生态功能保护区建设,深入开展绿化造林活动,全年植树造林1000公顷。We will rationally control the scope of livestock breeding, greatly popularize the eco-mode of livestock breeding

14、, complete regulating and controlling plants and farms that breed more than 50 enclosed pigs. We will implement control of overall volume of pollutants and push ahead compensated use of and exchange of pollutant discharge rights. Great efforts must be made in supervision over and accordingly severe

15、punishment will be executed over illegal pollutant discharge. It is expected that over 95% of the pollutant discharge must conform to the required standard in surprise inspection. We will push ahead the construction of such ecological function protection areas as drinking water resources, everglades

16、, start and deepen the program of afforestation and greening, with afforested area reaching 1,000 ha in 2009. 完善节能减排体制机制。严格落实节能减排目标责任制,建立健全节能减排评价考核制度。积极探索生态环境补偿机制,稳步推行水、电等资源使用差别化、阶梯式价格,完善排污权有偿使用和交易制度,建立健全有利于资源节约和生态保护的市场机制。实行企业节能减排定期公示和绿色信贷等制度,进一步强化企业节能减排主体意识。健全环境污染举报制度,发挥环保专家团、志愿者等社会力量的作用,着力营造公众积极参与节能减排和环境保护的氛围。 Perfecting the mechanism of the energy conservation and emission reduction system. We will severely carry out the target responsibility system f


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