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1、 Sub. Code : 7761GLASS QUALITY CONTROL-IT - P - C2 - 3 - 3AIMS. To the able to understand the modern concept of quality control of glass. To be able to understand the basic concept of quantitative and volumetric chemical analysis of glass. To be able to understand the modern process of preparation o

2、f glass sample. To be able to understand the mechanical strength, chemical durability, viscosity, impact strength and thermal expansion of glass. To be able to perform the experiments on glass quality control.SHORT DESCRIPTION Basic concept of quality control of glass; Quantitative Chemical analysis

3、 of glass; Determination of silicon dioxide, lead oxide and ferrous ion present in glass; Plasticity of glass; Waviness of glass; Density of glass; Mechanical strength and chemical durability of glass; Viscosity of glass; Impact strength of glass; Thermal expansion; Softening point; Microstructure o

4、f quartz and silica; Permeability of glass.DETAILED DESCRIPTIONTheory1. Understand the basic concept of quality control of glass.1.1 Define quality control of glass.1.2 Describe the importance of quality control in glass manufacturing.1.3 Select different test of glass products.1.4 Describe the tole

5、rances and sampling procedure of glass products.1.5 Mention the quality control based on the pattern of varieties.2. Understand the chemical analysis of glass.2.1 List the experiments of chemical analysis of glass.2.2 Mention the equipment needed in chemical analysis of glass.2.3 Mention the precaut

6、ions to be taken for chemical analysis of glass.2.4 Describe the method of preparation of sample of glass for the determination of silicon dioxide, lead oxide and ferrous ion present in glass.3. Understand the basic concept of quantitative chemical analysis.3.1 Define the following: Normal solution,

7、 equivalent weight of acid, equivalent weight of base, oxidation, reduction, titration, neutralization, end point, indicators, buffer solution. 3.2 Describe the method of titration3.3 Describe the method of preparation of N/10 Na2CO3 solution.3.4 Describe the method of preparation of N/10 H2SO4.3.5

8、Describe the method of preparation of N/10 HCl and its standardization.3.6 Describe the method of preparation of N/10 NaOH and its standardization.3.7 Describe the method of preparation of N/10 KMnO4 solution.3.8 Describe the method of preparation of N/10 K2Cr2O7 solution.4. Understand the chemical

9、analysis of glass.4.1 Describe the method of determination of silicon dioxide (SiO2) present in glass.4.2 Describe the method of determination of lead oxide (PbO) present in glass.4.3 Describe the method of determination of alumina present in glass.4.4 Describe the method of determination of ferrous

10、 ion present in glass.4.5 Describe the method of determination of fluorine present in glass.4.6 Describe the method of determination of boric oxide present in glass.5. Understand the waviness of glass.5.1 Define waviness of glass.5.2 Describe the procedure of waviness determination in glass.5.3 Make

11、 a list of different type of causes to form waviness in glass ware.5.4 Describe the importance to prevent waviness in glass ware.6 Understand the mechanical strength of glass.6.1 Define mechanical strength of glass.6.2 Describe the different method of determination of mechanical strength.6.3 Describ

12、e the procedure of determination of mechanical strength by modules of rupture test.6.4 Describe the method of determination of strength by transverse testing.7. Understand the Chemical durability of glass.7.1 Define chemical durability of glass.7.2 Mention the attack of hydrofluoric acid on glass.7.

13、3 Describe the effect of heating high silica glass with metallic oxide at 8000c and 16000c8.Understand the viscosity of glass.8.1 Define viscosity of glass.8.2 Discuss the working procedure of viscosity of glass.8.3 Describe the procedure of determination of viscosity of glass.8.4 Explain the import

14、ance of viscosity of glass.9.Understand the impact strength of glass.9.1Define impact strength.9.2 Mention the equipment for testing impact strength of glass9.3 Describe the method of preparation of sample.9.4 Describe the method of placing sample in the machine.9.5 Describe the method determination

15、 of impact strength of glassware.9.6 Describe the importance of impact strength to control glassware.10 Understand the microstructure of quartz and silica.10.1 State different microstructure.10.2 Draw sketch diagram of microstructure.10.3 Describe the formation of microstructure.10.4 Describe the importance of microstructure quartz and silica.11 Understand the thermal expansion.11.1 Define thermal expansion of glass.11.2 State the classification of different expansion.11.3 Describe the preparation of Glass sample for thermal expansion.11.4 Describe the method of placing of Glass



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