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1、东莞长安 金榜教育 英语教研室 咨询电话 8115369620112012学年度五年级英语春季讲义English Lectures from GOLEDU for Grade Five Name: Grades: Lesson One When do you get up?Part one : 温故知新 根据答句写问句。(每空3颗,共15颗) 1._My P.E teacher is tall and strong. 2._No,I can wash the dishes. 3._We have mutton for lunch on Wednesdays. 4._Today is Monda

2、y. 5._ Yes, there is a mirror on the wall.Part two: 考点精讲 1.英语读写时钟的方法 整点时间直接读小时,也可以在后面加oclock 7:00 可以读 seven oclockpast 是超过 ;to 还差多少到 不是整点的时间要先读小时,再读分钟 6:45 可以读作 six forty-five 当分钟在十分钟以下进,需要在小时和分钟之间加上“o” 3:05读作 three o five 时间的其它读法 3:30 也可以读 half past three 3:05 可以读作 five past three 1:50 也可以读作 ten to

3、 two 在时间前面我们要用介词_哟! 2.本单元我们也学习了许多表示时间的词组,你能写出它们的汉语意思吗? in the morning _ at noon_ in the afternoon_ in the evening _ at night_ on the weekend _ 3.时间向导when 用法 Hello,大家好,我叫when,中文名字是“什么时候”,我的爱好是询问对方什么时候做某事。下面给大家展示一下我的才能吧! 用法一: When do you +动作? (你/你们什么时候做?) I /we +动作+时间 When do you go to school ? I go t

4、o school at 8:00. 用法二:如果主语是第三人称单数那么助动词用does When does your mother go to work ? She goes to work at 7:45. 用法三:When +be? When is your birthday? Its March 2nd. 小练笔 根据提示回答问题。 1.What do you do at 7:30? (do morning exercises)_ 2.When do you have Chinese class? ( 8:00)_ 3.When do you do your homework? (Mon

5、day) _ 4.When do you go home? (5:00)_ 知识回顾我们还学过用what time 来询问对方什么时间做某事,你还记得吗?What time do you go home?-I go home at 5:00. 我来总结:询问时间的方式有两种,一种是_引导,另一种是用_引导,二者的用法差别不大.区别是what time 答语只是具体的某一时刻,而when 的答语既可以是具体的的某一时刻,又可以是某一时间。 Part three: 活学巧练一、单项选择。(每空3颗,共21颗) 1._do you go to school ?-_7:20.A. What in B.

6、 How At C.When At 2. I have English class _ 12:00 _. A. in , afternoon B. at , noon C. at , evening 3._ do you usually go to school ?A.What B. Where C. When 4.What sports do you like?-_. A. Breakfast B. Football C. My parents 5.There _ many desks in the classroom ,and there _ a book on the desk.A. a

7、re are B. is are C. are is 6.When do you get up _ the morning?- I usually get up _6:00. A. on at B. in, at C. at at 7. I can play football , _. A. to B. too C. but 二、根据答句写问句。(每空3颗,共15颗) 1. _Im a student. 2. _She is a policeman. 3. _Yes , they often watch TV. 4. _She does homework at 7:00 in the even

8、ing. 5. _Its red and white. 三、小小翻译家。(每空3颗,共12颗) 1.你几点吃饭。_ 2.你们什么时候写作业?_ 3.你妈妈的生日是什么时候?_ 4.我的书包在哪里?_Part four: 难点突破一、阅读理解,判断下列句子是否正确,对的打,错的打。(每空3颗,共15颗) Hello! I am John. I am a policeman. I work at night. I drive my car and go to work at 9:00 in the evening every day. So I eat dinner at 20:00. I go

9、home at 5:00 in the morning. I eat breakfast at 5:30 am ,then I go to bed . I get up at 1:30 in the afternoon . I usually eat lunch at 14:00 and read some books at about 14:30. I like to play sports from 16:00 to 17:00. On the weekend, I usually go hiking with my family.( ) 1.John is a policewoman.(

10、 ) 2.John goes to work at 9:00 in the morning.( ) 3.John goes home at 5:00 in the afternoon.( ) 4.John reads some books in the evening every day.( ) 5.John usually goes hiking with his family on the weekend.二、根据表格内容完成下列句子。(每空3颗,共12颗) timetableget up 6:40eat breakfast7:00go to school7:30play sports15:301.-When do you get up?- I usually _.2.When_? -_ 3.When _? -_. 4.When_? -_Part five: 日积月累小小单词 (共12颗)1.书包_ 2.铅笔盒_ 3.尺子_ 4.书_ 5.老师_ 6.学生_ 7.男孩_ 8.女孩_ 9.朋友_ 10.家_ 11.房间_ 12.学校_


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