schools ordered to observe ‘constitution day’:学校要求遵守宪法日

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《schools ordered to observe ‘constitution day’:学校要求遵守宪法日》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《schools ordered to observe ‘constitution day’:学校要求遵守宪法日(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Schools ordered to observe Constitution DayFeds set aside Sept. 17 for mandatory lessons on documentThe Associated PressWASHINGTON - The Constitution long has ensured that Congress cant tell schools what to teach. But thats no longer the case for at least one topic the Constitution itself.The Educat

2、ion Department outlined Tuesday how it plans to enforce a little-known provision that Congress passed in 2004: Every school and college that receives federal money must teach about the Constitution on Sept. 17, the day the document was adopted in 1787.Schools can determine what kind of educational p

3、rogram they want, but they must hold one every year on the now-named “Constitution Day and Citizenship Day.” And if Sept. 17 falls on a weekend or holiday, schools must schedule a program immediately before or after that date.Historically, the federal government has avoided dictating what or when an

4、ything must be taught because those powers rest with the states under the 10th Amendment. The Education Departments Web site even underlines that point, saying matters such as the development of curricula and the setting of course requirements fall outside federal authority.Congressional lesson plan

5、But Congress stepped in when it came to the nations foundational document, thanks to Sen. Robert Byrd, the West Virginia Democrat who keeps a copy of the Constitution in his pocket. Byrd inserted the Constitution lesson mandate into a massive spending bill in 2004, frustrated by what he called a hug

6、e ignorance on the part of many Americans about history.It so happened that the Education Departments new guidelines emerged just as Byrd and the Senate, engaged in a fight over judicial filibusters, debated the Constitutions checks and balances.Neither the department nor Congress has required a spe

7、cific curriculum or a particular interpretation of the Constitution, Byrd said in an interview Monday.“I hope that schools will develop many different, creative ways to enable students to learn about one of our countrys most important historic documents,” he said. “The Constitution protects their fr

8、eedoms and will impact all facets of their lives.”Department spokeswoman Susan Aspey said “there are enforcement options” that may apply but said it is too early to speculate on what happens if schools dont follow the law.“We expect institutions to comply,” Aspey said. The departments guidelines dir

9、ect schools to Web sites for information, including the one run by the National Archives.The federal law championed by Byrd also affects all federal agencies. They will have to train new employees about the Constitution during orientation and train all employees about the document every Sept. 17. Th

10、e Office of Personnel Management is expected to post guidelines in those areas soon. 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Constitution and Citizenship Day will be Observed September 16, 2005NATIONALLY: A national si

11、multaneous recitation of the Preamble to the U. S. Constitution will be recited across America by schools and the military. President George W. Bush signed Constitution Day into law Dec 8th, 2004, (Public Law 108-447) mandating an educational program every September 17th, Constitution Day. So that a

12、ll schools may participate, Constitution Day will be celebrated on Friday, September 16, 2005, 2 PM EST and 1 PM CST. Should President Bush lead the Preamble on September 16, 2005, Fox News will broadcast the event. President George Bush Sr., US Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy, and A

13、labama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, have led the Preamble in previous years. It Will Be The First Time In American History That America Will Simultaneously Recite The Preamble. The nation can join in the first unique patriotic celebration by stopping for three minutes on September 16 in your cor

14、rect time zone and recite the Preamble with all America simultaneously. The nation is invited to post individual, school, group or organization names on a national website by emailing their plans for observing Sept. 17 to ConstitutionD Churches are invited to simultaneously ring bells immediately fo

15、llowing the reading the of Preamble.LINCOLN PUBLIC SCHOOLS A packet of material will be developed over the summer for all K-5 teachers that will include grade teaching suggestions such as: literature books, webquests for students, activities and projects, media resources, and suggested lessons from

16、the Harcourt Social Studies texts at each grade level. Social Studies teachers in grades 6-12 will receive information and instructional suggestions appropriate to their grade level and aligned with curriculum standards. Schools may decide to observe Constitution and Citizenship Day 2005 as a part of a building-wide activity or special event, or allow teachers to de



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