active & passive - extramarks:主动被动extramarks &amp

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《active & passive - extramarks:主动被动extramarks &amp》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《active & passive - extramarks:主动被动extramarks &amp(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ACTIVE & PASSIVETHE PROCESS OF MAKING A CRICKET BAT1. The Handle is made (make) from pieces of Sarawala cane, formed into blocks with strips of rubber, and bonded together tightly with strong glue.2. The Trunk Each 70 cm length of willow trunk (a) (Cut) into segments or Clefts and then bark (b) . (R

2、emove).3. The Seasoning: The C1eft (c) . (Saw) into “blades”, stacked and left to dry for 24 weeks. Then they . (d) (put) into a kiln to dry for a further 4 6 weeks.4. Shaping and Pressing: After the seasoning process, the dried blades (e). (shape) and (f) . (press) by a special machine.5. Cutting t

3、he Splice: Each bat (g) (plane) and (h) (smooth) by hand and the “V shaped slot” or splice (i) (cut) into the top so that the handle can (j). (insert).6. Fitting the Handle: The handle (k) (turn) on a lathe and (l) .(shape) to fit the splice. Then it (m). (fix) into place with strong glue. Twine (n)

4、 .(wrap) around the handle.7. Finishing Touches: The complete bat (o) (soak) in sand and (p) .(polish). If the wood is not of a uniform colour, it may (q) (bleach) or covered in linen before the makers seal of approval (r). (give).HOW TO POLICE SHOES1. Spread an old newspaper on the floor.2. Remove

5、the dirt from the shoe using a cloth.3. Apply shoe polish evenly with a shoe brush. Let the shoes remain in the sun for a while.4. Work up the shine by brushing vigorously.5. Finally, close the polish container and place it and shoe brush in the shoe rack.Complete the following:-Polishing shoes can

6、be fun. It can make one quite methodical and disciplined in life. Here is a simple process for a shiny pair of leather shoes. First of all an old newspaper is spread on the floor to prevent it from being spoiled with dirt and polish spills. Next, a cotton cloth (a). the dirt from the shoes. Then (b)

7、 .with a shoe brush and the pair (c) in the sun for a while. A vigorous brushing (d) . to work up the shine. You have a sparkling pair of shoes. Once the process is over, the polish container (e) in the rack.STRAWBERRY MOUSSESMETHOD1. Wash, hull & cut strawberries into quarters.2. Put a little water

8、 and cook the strawberries till they are half done.3. Strain out the water and keep aside and leave the strawberries separately.4. Make the jelly as directed on the pack using the water that was left from the strawberries.5. Add in extra water if needed.6. Put the jelly in the fridge to set.7. Put i

9、n the milk powder and the lemon juice in a bowl and whisk it with a hand blender till it forms soft peaks.8. Into this fold in the strawberries and the jelly which should be half set.9. Once the entire lot has been folded put it into a serving bowl, and leave it in the fridge till ready to serve.10.

10、 Just before serving decorate with whipped cream and fresh strawberries.Complete the following:-First, strawberries are washed, hulled and cut into quarters. A little water (a) . half-done. The water (b) separately. The jelly (c). . from the strawberries. A little extra water is added. The jelly (d)

11、 . to be set. The milk-powder (e) till soft-peaks are formed in it. Into this (f).half-set. Once, the entire lot has been folded (g). till it is ready to serve. Just before serving (h)FIVE WAYS TO STAY HEALTHY1. Monitor your diet very strictly. Avoid tea or coffee, bread and fried food.2. Dont harbo

12、ur any negative feelings or energy.3. Take exercise regularly.4. Keep gloomy thoughts at bay.5. Sleep well for about 8 hours.Complete the following:-Health is Wealth is an old maxim having present day relevance. For staying healthy, you should remember that what you eat shows on your body. So, your

13、diet needs to be (a) Tea or coffee, bread and (b). Love all human beings and everything around you. Negative feelings like hatred and anger ruin ones health. These (c). at all. Next important thing for staying healthy is exercise which (d) Another important thing is happiness. You will automatically feel better if (e) Last but not the least is sleep. A sound sleep for about 8 hours (f) if you want to stay healthy for long:



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