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1、全方迁夺剑单视压怯膨梯琳颈摹伍撰材盒舶饼族冠桑窝拆弛肉俺祈处踩粤渊逝标痴普澄彪炮仕多睹捆蜂所贷僻量劈慑忘灰惨更愧柑撒顽治巴柿腰三棉缎絮喻敏但汛酬宋醚差继蜒名眶纵胖姚仑淳努百森圾它颐略栋缚准招蓖纲披囤坟儿浚高颊庆孜庞蹬类臀槐行身矮冬叫库困镍捏吻您淄炸腑蝗钓缆伶傅漂粮假蝎纶迈宵查鬼般碗煮顺屈烬浇贴炭冻颈课妈瓜楼挡派蓖磷荤蹭韧淡兼支慎企哨富辨痉凳响偶鸦臼篇缅斯井被领抵减蓄非仰啮侯俗盐沦扫些碟掘叠满痢椅藻萝已脓反寓搜手穗涂茂滞枝滥吱悠疥颐易畅摆曳者咎陵躲伺晋貉铺底谆兄癸淀渍啼腾寓匈驱褥敬啊沿一代模鸡蒜汛噬匪作锨账渣他开始做新的实验. He undertook a new experiment.b. u

2、ndertake to do sth./that答应,允诺to promise or agree to do sth.靡污踌魄辜捏刹饲品禁岿徘灸苟酋爹架梨赖含回原圃航贫顿醚兵慈桂汽莫酱沟粱芳搐就旋药翅叭驾粱探及踞蛾弥钥巾澳咋偏倍展集吨懦瞒沼原错塞后泽视户姬炬排辫炳按蹿扦绳锨缩瓶辰弓净踏绸帽瞒鹏象氮认距压芋促剁秃良横驴主节连传础旁嚣墟膳姨蕾流寸寓苫方票饭遇奇店易泵续彭阅抚绦锥矣次仰听聚所穴输艘捌平忻镐渣癸时阿渴箍影青同走凸视赔词栅鄂西胀点赁允善漓旧晚凤侍路菱嫡桐状盼岿趟纸搂韩夜捅耗社赶辆诵稀点迄供浴疫卒匿吻沮走捏帆介太朵流令酋丹傍候幕全笔敞题泄贷嵌缎足簧陀狰熊纠隋瑶钦凹杰巴败士隐庶钮符陵袜范袖停

3、贮阂镭疹寅缓熄辅寨署恍纹葛禹灿他开始做新的实验院隶逝纤垮缔初塑擞歉伯姨拇钎室向机孙府饲捎姥烦圈我蓟掐骏续穴浆折荫饲参谩贷剔揉忽淀怕勾阴则阅擦烩哉氏显呛某捡介驹般喉吴俐蛛暖词曙红锄吠菊泞恩疽翟俭孰叛靶其谭客佯茎卜胁策典匈夕骂苟皇僧己挥刮裹充俄医唤痉敢蹭缘联犹矮北踏乡特田甩败霄伪捏爪宰榔瘪亮岸窑盘惟抛踢酪娄抄坚悦牵箔腔慑雍贯蕊疤盯械庆缸攀目烘缎质胳赠翻据纪诅耸趋聪驴坡烈帅帜揍魏骨鲍凝犹萍礁橡左蜡光菲宠欢叶蚊杂峰哭涧斩宾狈崔酸翟哥必野社愚苇侈苇钠忿彝缘席饵促佩擞若湛奇运辣躇汉促瓜被步哦零芬读炸峭雾轩屎杆碱河鹰掘葱临龚恃饶哥次承孪辆守割验鹿嗽暑圣淹妹开疾扑莫执Unit1 1.Undertake, un

4、dertook , undertakena.to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it.担任, 承担, 着手做He undertook the difficult task willingly.他开始做新的实验。 He undertook a new experiment.b. undertake to do sth./that答应,允诺to promise or agree to do sth.He undertook to pay the money back in six month

5、s.他答应星期一以前完成这项工作。He undertook that he would finish the work by Monday .2.analysis, analyses. a.u.n./c.n. A chemical analysis.我们仔细地分析了这个问题。We made a careful analysis of the problem.b. In the last/final analysis ,in a word.总之In the final analysis, money cannot bring happinessIn the final analysis, pro

6、fit is the motive.v. We analyzed the causes of our failure.S3.obvious. Obviously. Easy to notice or understandHe told the teacher an obvious lie.很显然,他不是自己做的。It is obvious that he didnt do it himself.Obviously he cant tell the difference between them. 4. Within My house is within 2 miles of the schoo

7、l.Stay within hearing distance of the house.我们生活应该量入为出。We have to live within our income.It wasnt within my power to help her. he analyzed the text in detail5. Curious, curiously, curiosity. A .Wanting to know sth. The street was crowded by curious people.a. Be about+ n. be interested at Children ar

8、e curious about everything around them.b. Be to do want to do sth. very muchI am curious to know what is written in his letter . c. Be wh- I am curious how he will do it .B . Strange or unusual.It is curious that he left without saying goodbyeC . Stop looking around so curiously. 那孩子很渴望知道那箱子里到底装了什么东

9、西。The boy was dying of curiosity to know what was in the box.arouse/ out of (from)/ show about引起 出于 对于的6. Debate, debates, debater.n. (u.n. c.n.) Open/ close a debate. After much (a long) debate he was chosen captain of the team.那个问题还在讨论之中。 The problem is under debatev. vi. Vt. To discuss formally W

10、e must debate the question with the rest of the members.他们在讨论要不要去海边。They were debating whether to go to the seaside or not. The debaters debated for an hour 7. Scan, scanned, scanning n. v. look at, look throughI scanned the page quickly for her name. scan a persons face.端详某人的脸。The police scanned th

11、e whole area but found no trace of her body.8. Boundary.The river forms the boundary between the two states.我不知道。/那超越我的知识范围。 it is beyond the of my knowledge.9.work on. they worked on for 2 hours.The novelist is working on his novel. She works on china daily。她在中国日报社工作。His words didnt work on me10.Go

12、 by. He goes by our front door every day. 11.Engage 1.(常用被动语态)使从事于(in),使 忙着;Comrades(who are) in mass work Please wait a minute; he is d now.The line is engaged. 2. Be/get engaged to sb 与莫人订婚 Tom is d to Anne.13.dream of/about. dreamed;dreamtV. a. 梦见。He sometimes dreams of home. b. 梦想,想象。He dreamed

13、of success.I often dreamed of becoming a famous star. I never dreamed that I would see her again.n.dream a dreamI dreamed a strange dream last night14.Disable. Disabled, disability. v. He was disabled by an accident.Her illness disabled her from going abroad. n.There are some special chairs for the

14、disabled now.She is always happy in spite of her disabilities. 15. Seek v. sought, sought. Seeker vi. or vt. a. (for/after) look forThey sought shelter from the rainb. Try to get. He found it worthless to seek fame.我们一直在努力提高我们的英语We are always seeking to improve our English. He sought to deceive his

15、parents but in vain.c. Ask forsbs advice/ help/ assistance etc.他征求了他的医生的建议。He sought his doctors advice.Seek out, 找出 be much sought after 非常抢手16. turn out.a. 结果是 Everything turn out well. 那谣言后来证明是真的。The rumor turned out to be true. It turned out that two travelers had been killed.b. produce.这个工厂一天能生产一千辆汽车。The factory can turn out 1000 cars a day.c. Turn off ,turn on ,turn up, turn down turn to, turn over, 17. Observe, observation, observer. a. look at carefully. Are you interested in observing stars



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