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1、你一直未能达成愿望的八个原因8 Reasons You Never Get What You WantYoure satisfied with mediocrity.满足于平庸We all receive messages from many sources: parents, friends, churches, movies, TV shows, the news messages that tell us we should be nice, well-behaved consumers who are satisfied with mediocrity and dont try to

2、stray too far from it. But this doesnt mean that YOU have to be satisfied with mediocrity.我们受到来自多方面的信息:父母、朋友、教堂、电影、电视节目、新闻.这些信息都表示我们应该做得很好,满足于平庸,行为端正的我们不应该偏离正轨。但是这并不表示你必须得满足于平庸。You say “I cant.”你觉得“不行”These two words, and their cousins “I have to,” should be eliminated from all languages everywhere.

3、 These are loser words. Victim words. As soon as you think or say “I cant,” before youve even gotten to “because,” youve already given all of your power away, and the more words you put after “because,” the faster your power is fleeing from you.这两个字,以及它的近义词“必须”就应该从全世界的语言文字中消亡。那是属于失败者的词汇。在你思考“为什么”之前,

4、只要你想要打退堂鼓或是说出了“我不行”的话,在斗志上你就已经输了,“因为”之后的词语太多,你的斗志失去的就越快。Replace “I cant” with “I could if I wanted to.” Replace “I have to” with “I am doing this because”想说“我不行”的时候就对自己说“只要我想,我就一定可以”。想说“我必须要这样.”的时候就对自己说“我这样做是因为.”。You complain about never getting what you want.你总是在抱怨你从未得到过你想要的Every time we want somet

5、hing, we are also keenly aware of its absence. As Abraham says in this short video, “Every subject is really two subjects.” There is the problem, which is the lack of what you want. For instance, the lack of money and there is the solution, which is what you want more money.每次我们想要某件东西的时候,我们很清楚地知道我们没

6、有得到。就如亚伯拉罕的微视频的提到的那样,“每件事物都有两面。”都会有你想要但又得不到的这种问题出现。比如说,缺钱-解决的办法就是,得到你想要的-赚到更多的钱。Instead of joining in your friends conversations about being poor, lonely, fat or sick, excuse yourself and go daydream for five minutes. What would it be like to be rich? What kind of car would you drive? What kind of h

7、ouse would you live in? What would you do together? What would you talk about? If you had a perfect body, what would you wear? How would other people respond to you? What would your perfect job feel like?不是和朋友谈论贫穷、孤单,为你自己找借口,让自己做做白日梦。应该想想怎样才能做一个有钱人?你应该开那种车?你会住什么样的房子?你会怎么做?你们会谈论些什么?要是身材很好,你会穿什么样的衣服?别

8、人会怎么评价你呢?你最满意的工作是什么样地?You hate rich / skinny / successful / healthy / happy / attractive people.你讨厌富有的/瘦得/成功的/健康的/快乐的/有吸引力的人Jealousy is a colossal waste of time and energy. Worse, it keeps you from getting what you want, because if you get rich, a great-looking body, or a relationship that curls you

9、r toes youre going to look a whole lot like the very people you hate. And then what are you going to do, hate yourself? Thats pretty messed up!嫉妒是一件既浪费时间又浪费精力的事情。不仅如此,它还会让你得不到你想要的,因为如果你想要变得富有,想要有姣好的身材,一份完美的爱情.,你看起来就会像你所讨厌的那种人。那么接下来你会怎么做呢?讨厌你自己?剪不断理还乱!Instead of hating these people, study them! Theyv

10、e figured out how to get what you want! If you can figure out how they got it, and you do the same thing, then you can have it, too.与其讨厌这些人,还不如像他们学习!他们就是你的榜样!要是你能知道他们是如何做到的,照着做了之后,你也能拥有那些。“When the success of another makes your heart sing, your resistance is gone, and your own success soars.” Abraha

11、m Hicks“当你能为别人的成功而高兴的时候,抵触情绪消失不再,属于你的成功也不再遥远。”-亚伯拉罕希克斯You only talk about it / havent actually done anything about it / think reading about it is enough.你只是说说而已/实际上什么都没有做过/认为想想就够了Dont get me wrong; dreaming, reading, talking is great! All of these actions make you feel super inspired, and this place

12、 of inspiration is the best platform from which to launch inspired, productive action.不要理解错了。有梦想、阅读、交流是很不错的!这些行为都会让你倍受鼓舞,这些都是能将你的奇思妙想变成高效的行动。If youve found a perfect diet, a perfect fitness routine, a perfect person, a perfect job, a perfect business opportunity, act! You may never get this opportun

13、ity again! Dont wait until Sunday because its a new week. Throw caution to the winds, and take that first step. If youre hesitating, whats holding you back? Is it that要是你找到一种适合自己的饮食方式,一种适合自己的锻炼方式,认识一个你觉得很不错的人,一份满意的工作,一个不错的机会,那就立即行动起来吧。你不会再有这样的机会了。不要等到星期天,因为转眼就是另一个新的开始。仔细观察风向,抓住机会。要是你感觉犹豫,那么是什么在拖你的后腿

14、?是不是.?6.Youre afraid to suck.你害怕失败Remember, everyone was a beginner: Olympic athletes, top-notch musicians, even you. Remember your first day at work? That deer-in-the-headlights feeling? Remember how many mistakes you made? But you didnt remain a beginner, did you? You got better at what you were d

15、oing.记住每个人都可能是开拓者:奥林匹克运动员、一流的音乐家、还有你。还记得你工作的第一天吗?还记得那种心跳不止的感觉吗?还记得你做错了多少事吗?但是你不会永远新手,对吧?你得熟悉你以前做过的事情。Babies arent born with ripped, perfect bodies, fabulous relationships, or checking accounts full of dollars. Self-made millionaires, entrepreneurs, musicians, bodybuilders, married people everyone ha

16、d to start from ground zero. And in the beginning, everyone sucked. They started businesses that folded. They tried diets and training programs that didnt work. They got involved in horrible relationships. Thomas Edison “failed” 10,000 times before he came up with a light bulb that worked. If you try something and it doesnt work, try something different. But dont giv


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