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1、分类号: 密 级: UDC: 单位代码:10078 华北水利水电大学硕士学位论文位山闸远程调水优化方案研究Weishan Study on optimization scheme of remote water transfer研 究 生 姓 名: 指导教师: 专业名称: 所 在 学 院: 2017 年 3 月 16 日独立完成与诚信声明本人郑重声明:所提交的学位论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的研究成果并撰写完成的。没有剽窃、抄袭等违反学术道德、学术规范的侵权行为。文中除已经标注引用的内容外,本学位论文中不包含其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得华北水

2、利水电大学或其它教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。学位论文作者签名: 保证人(导师)签名: 签字日期: 签字日期:学位论文版权使用授权书本人完全了解华北水利水电大学有关保管、使用学位论文的规定。特授权华北水利水电大学可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容公开和编入有关数据库提供检索,并采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段复制、保存、汇编以供查阅和借阅。同意学校向国家有关部门或机构送交论文原件或复印件和电子文档。(涉密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此规定)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期:

3、签字日期:摘要位山线路远程调水优化方案研究摘 要 远程调水是合理开发利用水资源、实现水资源优化配置的有效手段,水资源优化配置是多目标决策的大系统问题,必须应用大系统理论的思想进行分析研究,传统的水资源配置存在对环境保护重视不够、强调节水忽视高效、注重缺水地区的水资源优化配置而忽视水资源充足地区的用水效率提高、突出水资源的分配效率而忽视行业内部用水合理性等问题,影响了区域经济的发展和水资源的可持续利用,在水资源严重短缺的今天,必须注重水资源优化配置研究,尤其注重新理论和新方法的研究,协调好资源、社会、经济和生态环境的动态关系本文对位山灌区多年来引水时段、引水引沙量、跨凌汛远程调水问题进行分析研究


5、出位山罐区最佳引水时段机凌汛与远程调水之间相互影响。最后在结合位山线路特点以及水量引水特性及综合分析灌区最佳引水时段与凌汛相互作用的基础上确定了远程调水的最优指标。关键词:位山灌区;调水;灌溉IIABSTRACTWeishan Study on optimization schemeof remote water transferABSTRACT Weishan Irrigation District is one of the China 6 large scale irrigation district, an important role. Since 1958, the Yellow

6、River cut, build a mountain project began, more than and 40 years, 1981 - 1983 Tianjin, 1993 -1995 into the Yellow River Wei construction, 1998 -2000 rehabilitation and water saving reform, going through twists and turns, constantly improve the existing design flow of water diversion 240 cubic meter

7、s / sec Weishan canal, East, west two sediment transport canal, two heavy sand and three trunk canal, branch 53, branch 385, a total length of 3335 kilometers, all kinds of hydraulic structures 5000, 650 million yuan in fixed assets, the design of irrigation area of 5 million 400 thousand mu, 8 coun

8、ties (city, district control) in most regions. Over the years, Weishan Irrigation District of Liaocheng City, industrial and agricultural production and environmental Everfount to provide high-quality water, a total of 29 billion 800 million cubic meters of water diversion, the annual agricultural i

9、rrigation water to nearly 1 billion cubic meters, to Dongchang Lake and the Liaocheng power plant 12 million cubic meters of water. Accumulated 2 billion 440 million cubic meters of water to Tianjin, Hebei, to support the countrys economic development to make outstanding contributions. Due to many y

10、ears of water and sand diversion channel brush deep, with the same flow rate before the gate level is low, if the water level difference decreases, influence of sluice diversion. And the Yellow River flood flow during the small hill gate before the water level is low, water diversion difficulties, r

11、esulting in Hebei pre flow is small, and the gate after serious siltation. Since 2008 without channel dredging, sluice gate with high water level after the performance, the water level elevation decreases, cause diversion difficulties. Small flow of water has increased the channel siltation, the for

12、mation of a vicious cycle of water diversion, siltation, making the contradiction between the remote water diversion and irrigation water has become increasingly prominent. The alignment of Weishan Irrigation District for many years of time, water diversion drainage sediment, flood across the long-d

13、istance water problems, pointed out how to coordinate the relationship between irrigation and water diversion, reduce sedimentation, irrigation combined with water diversion, the best time for long distance water diversion, the best combination, to ensure maximum irrigation and remote control water

14、two correct, realization benefit. Remote water transfer is an effective means to rationally develop and utilize water resources and optimize the allocation of water resources. The optimal allocation of water resources is a big problem of multi-objective decision-making. It is necessary to apply the thought of large-scale system theory to analyze and analyze the existence of traditional water resources Environmental protection is not enough attention, emphasizing the lack of water conservation, pay attention to the optimal allocation of water resources in the water shortage area and ignore t



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