人教版高中英语选修六unit 5 the power of nature 教案

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1、 Unit 5 The power of nature 教学目标(一)知识技能目标:学生在原有非谓语动词的知识基础上,归纳总结现在分词完成式的语法规则及其在句中的功能,并能够通过“输出”环节运用目标语言表达相关主题。(二) 过程方法目标:学生积极参加课堂活动,体现以学生为中心的课堂教学目标。通过学生个人探究和小组合作学习让学生更好地融入课堂教学。(三)情感态度目标:结合故事情节和教师的引导,学生能更加清楚的认识到家的重要性,认识到家是我们奋斗路上获得不竭动力的源泉。 教材分析本节课为语法课,学习非谓语动词完成式各种形式及其用法;其中包括having done, having been done

2、及其否定式not having done的具体使用规则和在句中作状语的用法。教师结合本单元的语料内容,整合教材中working out the rules 部分复合学生认知逻辑的学习过程,结合最新流行电影剧情,通过故事情节语篇内容的渗透,让学生在语篇中感受该语法项目的使用,随后学生小组讨论归纳语法规则,最后辅之以控制性练习,半控制性练习及开放式练习以使其加强巩固该语法项目的掌握。 学情分析(一)本节课授课对象为高二年级学生,他们在前期学习中已经初步掌握非谓语动词的一般式在句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,补语等各类成分的使用,并能比较正确的使用以上语法项目进行写作和口语的输出。基于这种情况,

3、学生能够比较好的本课中继续进行同知识领域的语法项目的继续建构。(二)高二年级的学生有比较强的好奇心,选择电影作为整节课的语言输入和输出语境,能够比较好的激发学生的兴趣,使其更好的融入语境,从而为语言学习做好准备。(三)学生根据课堂设计环节应能比较顺利的完成语法归纳,但其在用英文表述语法项目时可能会有困难,故而教师会从以下两方面辅助学生总结:1. 尽可能教师在此环节的语言指令,并辅之以例子,使学生明确要求;2. 在学案中给出规则表格和术语提示,从而使学生能够顺利完成任务。 重点难点重点:(一)现在分词完成式的基本用法;(二)现在分词完成式的句法功能;(三)情感认知-家的意义。难点:(一)现在分词

4、完成式基本用法和句法功能的归纳总结;(二)根据故事情节用现在分词完成式进行故事重述。 教学过程 活动1【导入】话题导入(一)Leading in1. The teacher uses the “having done” structure to greet the students to warm the students as well as introduce the target language.2. Students gets to know about the topic and the theme of the reading for this class; the teache

5、r writes the relevant information on the blackboard to let students become aware of the target for this class.3. Students gets to know the characters of the story introduced by the teacher.4. Students enjoy a short video about the story to get a general idea of the story.5. Students read the followi

6、ng questions together to prepare themselves for the reading.(二)1. Pre-reading: Underline the original sentences related to these questions from the story.(1). When did Imelda banish music from the family?(2). When did Miguel conclude that Ernesto might be his great-great-grandfather?(3). Why did Mig

7、uel decide to take part in the music talent show though the whole family were against it?(4). Why did Miguel enter the Land of the Dead?(5). Why did Miguel try to seek blessing from Ernesto?(6). When did Miguel realized that Ernesto murdered Hector?2. Reading:1. Students read the story for 5mins, an

8、d try to figure out the original sentences from the passage to answer the above questions.2. ReadingOnce upon a time, there was a happy family, the wife, Imelda and the husband, a musician living happily with their 3-year-old daughter Coco in a small village in Mexico. However, in order to pursue hi

9、s career in music, the musician left Imelda and their daughter Coco.Having realized the fact that her husband would never return,Imelda angrily banished (驱逐) music from the whole family and opened ashoemakingfamily business to support the family, and made it a rule that no member in the family could

10、 touch anything to do with music anymore.Ninety-six years later, her great-great-grandson, Miguel, 12 years old, lived with Coco and their family. He secretly dreamed of becoming a musician like Ernesto de la Cruz (a famous musician). One day, Miguel accidentally broke the picture frame holding a ph

11、oto of Coco with her parents at the center of the familyofrenda(灵位台).Having noticed that his great-great-grandfather was holding Ernestos famous guitar,Miguel concluded that Ernesto might be his great-great-grand father (whose face had been torn out from the picture on the family ofrenda).Having bee

12、n inspired by this conclusion,Miguel decided to take part in a music talent show despite the objections(反对) of his whole family. Therefore, he entered Ernestos mausoleum(陵墓) and steal his guitar to perform in the show. However,having stolen the guitar,Miguel entered the Land of the Dead where he met

13、 hisskeletal(骨骼的)dead relatives.Having gone through all the experiences there,Miguel got to know that everyone in the Land of the Dead had to be remembered by their relatives or friends in the Land of Living, otherwise they would disappear forever. Whats more, he had to return to the Land of the Liv

14、ing before sunrise or he would become one of the dead, and to do so, he must receive a blessing from one of his dead relatives using a special petal(花瓣) that can undo(抵消) the curse placed upon him when he stole Ernestos guitar.Having known that his great-great-grandmother Imelda would only offer Mig

15、uel a blessing on the condition that he abandoned his musical pursuits,Miguel refused her.Not having got the blessing from his relatives,Miguel attempted to seek his great-great grandfather Ernestos blessing.On the way to finding Ernesto, Miguel met Hector, a bad-luck skeleton who once played music

16、with Ernesto. Hector offered to help Miguel to find him, and in return, Miguel promised to take his photo back to the Land of the Living so Hector could visit his daughter before she forgot him and he disappeared completely. Ernesto welcomed Miguel as his descendant(后代). Hector met them.Having heard the argument between Ernesto and Hector,Miguel soon realized tha


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