人教版高中英语选修六:unit 2 poems 教学设计1

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1、 Unit 2 Poems 教学设计Analysis of the students Students in this stage is lovely, enthusiastic, eager to learn and active in class. They have been accustomed to life and study in Senior high school after two years study here. Since poems are beautiful in sound and picturesque in creating the imagery, stu

2、dents are interested enough and well prepared to understand some simple English poems and ready to try to write the poems of their own.Analysis of the teaching materials The text, Poems, is from Unit 2 in New Senior English For China Students Book 3, published by the Peoples Education Press. Five si

3、mple kinds of English Poems are listed in the reading, among which cinquain and haiku show a clear character. Students can learn to write their own poems of this category. Teaching Objectives: Based on the analysis of students and the teaching materials, this lesson is to achieve the following goals

4、:1. Knowledge Objectives: (1) To learn about the terms in poems and the characteristics of poems.(2) To learn about the features of the five kinds of poems.2. Ability objectives:(1) To develop the students reading strategiesskimming , scanning and careful reading.(2) To develop students inductive ab

5、ility by observing the features of each poem.(3) To develop students creative ability by writing their own poems.3. Emotion and Culture Cultivation:(1) To develop students cooperative and competitive ability through group work.(2) To arouse the students awareness of the cultural exchange by translat

6、ion of the poems.(3) To encourage students to lead a life full of poems.Teaching key Points: To learn about the features of five kinds of poems.Teaching difficulties: To arouse the students awareness of the cultural exchange by translation of the poems and encourage students to lead a life full of p

7、oems.Teaching strategies: Cooperative teaching method, Inductive method and functional teaching methods.Teaching aids : computers and the projector.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Lead-in1. Play the song “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” in order to make students appreciate the “rhyme”and “rhythm” of poem

8、s.2. Read the poem footprints to learn about some terms of poems: line, verse, rhyme, rhythm, and imagery.Purpose of my design: To arouse students interest in learning the text and learn about the terms and general characteristics of poems.Step 2. Presentation.1. Skim to find out the topic of the re

9、ading and five kinds of poems in the reading.Purpose of my design: To know about the main idea of the text. 2. Appreciate each kind of poems and try to conclude their features by filling in the blanks.(1) nursery rhymes Poem A: first listen to the recording and then make students tell the rhymes and

10、 then call one student to tap the rhyme for several lines or the whole poem. Conclude the features of poem A by filling the blanks.Features of nursery rhymes:Strong and . and imaginative wordsSometimes .(2) List poemsPoem B and C: read by girls and boys and conclude the features of List Poem by tell

11、ing the difference of poem B and C.Features of list poems:They _ things._ phrases._ line length.Some _, others not.(3) cinquainPoem D and E: read and then conclude the features of cinquain by observing the words, the length, and the function of the words.(4) haikuPoem F and G: Read and conclude the

12、features of haiku by noting the syllables of the whole poem. (5) Tang poemPoem H: read and tell the Chinese title of the poem. Introduce to students Professor Xu Yuanchong in Peking University who is devoted to translating the Tang Poem into English. Make students appreciate his contribution and the

13、 cultural transmission realized by translation.Purpose of my design: To enable students to learn about the five kinds of poems and their characteristics, which will lay a solid foundation for their further writing activities.Step 3. Practice.Students are divided into 4 groups and each group send an

14、representative to pick out the luck number from 1 to 4 and manage to finish the task. The representative is responsible for collecting all the papers of each team member and decides on the best on for presentation.Purpose of my design: To stimulate students to write their own poems and develop their

15、 appreciation of the poem by selecting the best one among the team members and sharing the best one with the rest students of the class. Students are encouraged to cooperate with each team member and compete with each other through learning from the others.Step 4:Evaluation Students finish the following evaluation form. Standard: A, B,CContents Self-assessmentAssessment from others1. Im active in talking with others.2. Im active in cooperating with others. 3.I can express myself fluently, accurately and appropriate


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