人教版高中英语选修六:unit 5 the power of nature 教案(6)

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1、 Unit 5 The power of natureTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 cyclone, fierce, damage, tear from, pull up, turn overb. 重点句式 P70Im looking forward to.I cant wait.Everything will be all right.Stay where you are.2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to plan a play and act it out,

2、using expressions listed under each scene.Enable the students to write a diary entry describing how they felt during and after the disaster.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to plan a play, make up a dialogue and act it out.Help the students learn how to write a diary entry d

3、escribing how they felt during and after the disaster.Teaching important points 教学重点Get the students to learn to plan a play and act it out, using expressions listed under each scene.Teaching difficult points 教学难点Enable the students to write a diary entry describing how they felt during and after th

4、e disaster.Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, task-based learning, discussing and writing.Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder and some pictures.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Talking (P69)T: Look at the picture on page 69, Talking. What happened to the house? Can you guess?S1: Maybe it was damage

5、d in an earthquake.S2: Maybe a fierce cyclone happened in the area.T: You got it. The house was damaged by a cyclone. Have you experienced a cyclone before?Ss: No.T: How about typhoon, snowstorm or hailstorm? What are they like? You can choose one and describe it to your partners.Sample descriptions

6、:HurricaneOne Friday, a hurricane struck the southeast of England. Between the midnight and 6:00 am the hurricane crossed the southeast corner of England with winds of up to 160 kph. It had been raining heavily for two days and the ground was very wet. Besides, it was autumn and the trees still had

7、their leaves on. So the strong winds pushed over the trees easily. Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the strong wind. Power lines were brought down by fallen trees or branches. Electric and telephone services in some areas were cut down.SnowstormOne night there was a heavy snowstorm, and

8、in the morning people find their gardens were covered with thick snow. Its very difficult to walk in the street. Dustman had to clean the snow with forklift. Meanwhile, the early arrival of snow caused extensive damage to the trees. With the majority of trees yet to shed their leaves, the burden of

9、the snow proved too heavy for many, and by Friday morning, the streets were littered with broken branches.HailstormIt was rare to see such a heavy hailstorm. A heavy downpour and table tennis-ball-sized hailstones attacked our town at 7:50 pm on Wednesday. On the street some big trees fell down in t

10、he hailstorm. Mr Wang stopped his car at the roadside to take shelter from the hailstorm, but the hailstorm almost broke the windows of his car. Farmers suffered a lot. Their corns and apple trees were destroyed completely. T: Excellent description. Look at the picture again. We know the house was d

11、estroyed by a fierce cyclone. It happened in Darwin, a city in the far north of Australia. Suppose we live in Darwin. What would you feel during the cyclone and after it was over?S3: I would be frightened by the strong wind and the huge noise it would make. I would stay in bed still and wait for the

12、 end of it. After it was over, I would be astonished by the big damages it had caused and feel helpless. How weak humans are before the natural forces!Step Listening (P69)In this part, the students will listen to Christine talking about a cyclone she experienced. First get the students to read the s

13、even sentences quickly and write 1-7 beside the events to show the order in which they happened. Then listen to check their answers. Listen to the tape for a second time to finish Exercise 2 on page 70.T: Now lets listen to Christines description of a cyclone and see how she felt during and after th

14、e cyclone. The events have been listed but they are disordered. Read them quickly and write 1-7 beside the events to show the order in which they happened according to your own experience. Then we will listen to the tape and check your answers. Understand?Ss: Yes.The students listen to check their a

15、nswers. Then the teacher shows the correct answers.T: Where were the family members during the storm? Look at the floor plan on page 70. Write the names of the family members in the correct place on the floor plan. You can use a letter to stand for a family member when listening. Then rewrite their

16、names after listening. Lets begin. Are you ready?After listening, check their answers in class.Step Writing (P74)T: Turn to page 74. We are going to practice writing a diary entry. Choose one of the natural disasters on the list or any other disaster you know about. Then imagine you were caught in this terrible natural disaster but you are safe now. Write a diary entry to explain


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