人教版高中英语选修六:unit 3 a healthy life 教案7

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1、Unit 3 A healthy life 教学目标I. 目标语言1. Practise seeing a doctor医生询问和提建议What can I do for you?What was the matter(with you)?Lie down and let me examine you.Let me have a look.Where does it hurt?It is nothing serious.Youd better have a good rest.Take this medicine three times a day.And I advise you not t

2、o do .Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.Youll be well/ all right soon.病人描述病情Ive got a pain/cough/headache.This place hurts.I dont feel well.There is something wrong with .2. Giving advice and making suggestions劝告和建议You had better/ ought to /should .I advise you(not) to .3. Practise ordering

3、 foodMay I take your order?Yes. Id like . , please.What does that come with?It comes with . and .What would you like to drink?What can you recommend?Anything else?Id like to try . , please.学情分析本单元以Healthy eating为话题,旨在通过单元教学使学生了解健康饮食以及饮食习惯与健康的关系,学会看医生,能正确使用情态动词had better, should 和ought to 进行劝告和提建议,掌握

4、一些有用的烹饪词汇,读懂食谱并能写出自己喜爱的食谱。重点难点junk, vitamin, snack, Sharon, calorie, nutrient, nutrition, notorious, protein, muscle, calcium, dairy, product, carbohydrate, vegetarian, vegan, yoghurt, eco-food, organic, supplement, refuel, recipe, roll-up, ingredient, chop, dice, stir4教学过程Step I Leading inT: Welcom

5、e back to school. How did you spend the Spring Festival?S: Every day I watched TV programmes and slept late. During the Spring Festival I had a lot of delicious food.T: The Spring Festival is the most important Chinese traditional festival. During the festival, we usually have delicious food. But no

6、t all delicious food is health food. Please look at some photos of food. Can you tell what health food is and what junk food is?(Show some photos of food on the Powerpoint.)Step II Warming upFirst the teacher will show students how to describe the food shown in the photos, using the pattern “I think

7、 that . is junk/health food because .”(This pattern will be shown on the PowerPiont). Then ask students to tell what is health food and why these are health food while those are junk food. The teacher will give an example, talking about the photos with students.T: What do you think is junk food show

8、n in the photos, Student 1?S1: I think that ice cream is junk food because it has a lot of fat and sugar.T: What is health food in your opinion, Student 2?S2: I think that vegetables are health food because they contain lots of vitamins.Then ask students to work in pairs talking about the photos and

9、 make sure students know what is junk food and what is health food.Every student should stand up and walk around the classroom to make a survey on five of his classmates of their eating habits. Try to find out how many meals they have every day, what their favourite food is and how much water they d

10、rink every day. Fill in the following form and decide whether what they eat is junk food or not.After students finish the form, show one or two on the projector and discuss with the whole class.Step III ReadingT: Eating habits are very important to our health. In this class we are going to talk abou

11、t what we should eat. Now open your books on Page 3 and read the title together.S: We are what we eat.T: At first Id like you to do the scanning. There is no need to look through the whole text. Then fill in the form. (Show the form on the Powerpoint.)ScanningThis is individual work. Ask the student

12、s to scan the text and fill in the following form. The students should finish the work independently.Sum up main ideas of the text.Ask the students to read through the text and grasp the main idea of the text. Before giving students the answers, ask them to discuss first.In this procedure, students

13、should sum up the main ideas by themselves first, then discuss with group members.(cooperative learning)Main idea: If we want to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.T: Now lets sum up the main idea of each part. This time

14、 I will play the tape for you. While listening, please think carefully and decide how many parts the text should be divided into.After listening to the tape, Ss will think carefully and then they will discuss with their group members. Then some spokesmen will stand up and speak out their opinions.T:

15、 OK. Im glad you have thought actively and had a heated discussion. Lets look at the suggested answers.(Show the suggested answers on the Powerpoint.)The main idea of each partPart 1 (Para. 1):In order to keep up with the high pace of modern life, we had better learn to make the right choices about what and how we eat.Part 2 (Para. 2):Different foods have different nutrients and different functions.Part 3 (Para. 3-5):How we make choices about what we eat. The best way to keep healthy is to develop healthy eating habits.Step IV ExplanationDuring this procedure Teacher will play the tape for


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