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1、高一年级unit 15 The necklace发表日期:2007年4月12日 已经有230位读者读过此文一、重点词汇 1. recognize vt. 识别;认出 2. explain vt. 解释;说明 3. continue vt & vi. 继续 4. call on 访问;号召 5. bring back 拿回来;使恢复 6. day and night 日日夜夜地 7. pay off 还清;付清 8. at most 至多 9. attend vt. 出席;参加 10. besides prep. 除之外 二、课文精讲 1. Im sorry, but I dont think

2、I know you. 对不起,我想我不认识你。 Im sorry常和but连用,表示礼貌的拒绝或不赞成,如: I am sorry, but I cant agree. 很遗憾,我无法赞同。 2. She married a man with a lot of money. 她和一个很有钱的人结了婚。 此处的with短语是修饰man的,表示“拥有,带有”,又如: She lives in a house with a garden. 她住在一座有花园的房子里。 3. In those days I may have been pretty. 那时我可能还是漂亮的。 may have done

3、表示对过去不太肯定的判断,又如: They may have finished the work last month, but I am not sure. 上个月他们可能按时完成了工作,但我不确定。 4. There was no way he could pay back the money he borrowed from his father on time. 他按时还从他父亲那儿借的钱是不可能的。 这是一个定语从句,way是先行词。当way作先行词时,定语从句通常可以用that或in which引导,也可以省略,如: I dont like the way you talk to

4、your parents. 我不喜欢你和你父母说话的方式。 5. I dont like plays that much. 我不那么喜欢戏剧。 that和this可以修饰形容词、副词,相当于so, 如: I never expected the car to be that/this expensive. 我从来没想到这辆车会那么贵。 6. You dont look very well. 你看起来身体不太好。 此处well是形容词,相当于healthy, 表示“身体好”。look为系动词,意思为“看起来”,和后面的形容词构成系表结构,又如: He looks happy/tired toda

5、y. 他今天看起来很高兴/很累。 和look用法相同的其他感官动词有:smell闻起来,sound听起来,feel摸起来,taste尝起来,如: This dish smells nice but tastes bad. 这道菜闻起来香但尝起来却难吃。 三、词语辨析 1. in front of, in the front of 前者表示在外部的前面,后者表示在内部的前面,如: There is a big tree in front of the building. 楼前面有一棵大树。 There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

6、教室前面有一块黑板。 2. wear, put on, dress, be in wear表示“穿着衣服,戴着饰品,”为表示状态的动词,如: She always wears earrings. 她总是戴耳环。 put on表示“穿衣服,”为表示动作的动词。 She put on her coat and ran out. 她穿上大衣跑了出去。 dress表示“给穿衣服”,为及物动词,后面接动作的对象,也可用被动语态,如: The mother dresses her baby every morning. 妈妈每天早上给宝宝穿衣服。 She is dressed in a red suit

7、today. 她今天穿者一套红色西装。 be in: 表示“穿着(某种颜色的)衣服”,表示状态。 She is in red/a red suit today. 她今天身着红装。 3. call on, call at call on表示“拜访某人”,相当于drop in on的意思。 He called on the old lady every Wednesday. 他每周三拜访那个老奶奶。 call at表示“拜访某地”,相当于drop in at的意思。 I always call at my uncles office on my way home. 回家路上我总去舅舅的办公室看看。

8、 4. try on, try out try on表示“试穿(衣服),试戴(帽子)”,如: He tried the hat on and decided to buy it. 他试戴了那顶帽子并决定把它买下。 名词作宾语可放于on的前或后,可以说try on the hat或try the hat on,如代词作宾语则必须放在on前,如try it on. try out表示“试用(机器等)”。 Having made the model plane, he tried it out on a sunny day. 做完了模型飞机,在一个阳光明媚的日子他进行了试飞。 5. pay for,

9、 pay off pay for表示“付款买”。 He paid a lot for this machine. 他花大价钱买了这台机器。 pay off表示“还清(借款)”。 I have now paid off all my debts. 我现在已还清所有的欠债了。 6. reply, answer reply表示“回答,答复”,为不及物动词,后接宾语时需加to。 He has never replied to my letter. 他不曾回过我的信。 answer是及物动词,可以直接加宾语。 Please answer the question in English. 请用英语回答这个

10、问题。 四、语法讲解 本单元的语法重点是表示推测的情态动词的用法。 1. must表示对某事做特别有把握的肯定判断,如: Someone is knocking at the door. It must be Tom because he phoned just now saying that he would come very soon. 有人在敲门。 一定是汤姆,因为他刚才打电话说他马上就过来。 2. 觉得某事可能但却没把握时可用could, may, might,如: You could borrow some jewelry from your friend Jeanne, who

11、is married to a rich man. 你可以问你的朋友Jeanne借点首饰,她嫁给了一个有钱人。 He may/might be at home, or may/might not be. I am not sure. 他可能在家,也可能不在。我不太确定。 3. 做特别有把握的否定判断或疑问时用cant,如: He failed the exam just now, so he cant be happy now. 他刚刚考试不及格,所以他现在不可能高兴。 Can that be true? 那可能是真的吗? 五、练习检测与解析 1. For the ball she spent

12、 much money on an evening _. A. clothing B. clothes C. dress D. suit 2. We sure believe that we can pay _ all our debts by the end of this year. A. out B. away C. off D. back 3. I _ her voice at once on the phone, though we hadnt seen each other for more than ten years. A. knew B. heard C. realized

13、D. recognized 4. The scholar said life wouldnt be worth _ without _. A. live;friendship B. living;friendly C. living;friendship D. to live;friends 5. Is this the man you _ dinner that day? A. were invited to B. invited C. invited to D. inviting 6. The book I bought last month _ me 30 Yuan. A. costs B. spent C. took D. cost 7. Its not allowed for a student to _ a ring in school. A. put on B. pull on C. dress D. wear 8. Though he is not rich enough, his wife often asks him for _. A. jewels B. jewelri



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