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1、20182019 学年度第一学期期末教学质量检查 高一英语参考答案 20182019 学年度第一学期期末教学质量检查 高一英语参考答案 第一部分 听力 第一节 听力理解 1-5 BABAC 第二节 听取信息 6. summer afternoon 7. nature 8. Houses 9. bird watching / birdwatching 10. forty / 40 (第 6 题,每词 0.5 分;第 8 题未大写或未加 s,扣 0.5 分,扣完即止。 ) 第二部分 阅读理解 第一节 11-13 ACD 14-17 DBCB 18-21 ADCA 22-25 DCAB 第二节 26

2、-30 CAEGB 第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空 31-35 BDACB 36-40 BDCDC 41-45 CABAD 46-50 ACDBA 第二节 语法填空 51. officially 52. arguing 53. Since 54. what 55. herself 56. which 57. to pay 58. painful 59. whom 60. heroes 61. earlier 62. interested 63. had made 64. to 65. were trapped (大小写错误不给分) 第四部分 写作 第一节 句子考查 66. in da

3、nger of 67. did; find 68. seemed to be 69. In order to see (In hopes of seeing) 70. The household robot is made to work twenty hours a day (by the engineer). 1 71. This kind of book is for the children (,) whose native language is Chinese. This kind of book is for the children, the native language o

4、f whom is Chinese. This kind of book is for the children, of whom the native language is Chinese. 72. It was his efforts (hard work) and determination that made him enter a famous/well-known university. 评分标准参考:评分标准参考: 第 66-69 题 每空 0.5 分; 第 70 题,写出 The household robot 做主语,给 1 分;写出 is made 给 1 分;写出 to

5、 work 给 1 分。 第 71 题,与参考答案不同不给分。 第 72 题,写出 It wasthat 给 1 分;写出 his efforts (hard work) and determination 给 1 分;写出 made him enter a famous/well-known university 给 1 分。 第二节 句子改错 73. ruin 改为 ruins 74. result 前加 a 75. high 改为 highly 76. seen 改为 seeing 77. their 改为 my 78. happen 改为 happened 79. at 改为 on 8

6、0. that 改为 where 81. worrying 改为 worried 82. 删除 but 第三节 书面表达 Dear Simon, Learning that you are fond of Chinese musical instruments and especially want to learn erhu during your stay in China, I think it is a perfect idea and here I would like to introduce it and recommend a training center to you. A

7、s a traditional musical instrument, erhu is quite popular in China. With its unique sound, erhu can calm you down and make you feel relaxed, which will bring a more positive state of mind. Considering youll study in our school, I would like to recommend a training center not far away. This center, w

8、ith qualified teachers, provides different classes for students of all skill levels. I am sure you will find a suitable one. Looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua 2 作文评分标准参考 作文评分标准参考 1.本题总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分。 2.评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量, 确定或调整档次,最后给分。 3.评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构

9、的数量和准确性、上 下文的连贯性。 4.拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考 虑。英、美拼写汉词汇用法均可接受。 5.如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。 .第五档(很好):(21-25 分)完全完成了试题规定的任务 .第五档(很好):(21-25 分)完全完成了试题规定的任务 覆盖所有内容要点; 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇; 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致;具备较 强的语言运用能力; 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑完全达到了预期的写作目的。 .第四档(好):(16-20 分)完全完成了试题规定

10、的任务 .第四档(好):(16-20 分)完全完成了试题规定的任务 虽漏掉 1、2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容; 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求; 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂语法结构或词汇所 致; 应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑达到了预期的写作目的。 .第三档(适当):(11-15 分)基本完成了试题规定的任务 .第三档(适当):(11-15 分)基本完成了试题规定的任务 虽漏掉一些内容,但覆盖所有主要内容; 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求; 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解; 应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯整体

11、而言,基本达到了预期的写作目 的。 .第二档(较差):(6-10 分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务 .第二档(较差):(6-10 分)未恰当完成试题规定的任务 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容,写了一些无关内容; 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限; 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响了对写作内容的理解; 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺少连贯性信息未能清楚地传达给读者。 .第一档(差):(1-5 分)未完成试题规定的任务 .第一档(差):(1-5 分)未完成试题规定的任务 明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,原因可能是未理解试题要求; 语法结构单调、词汇项目有限; 较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误,影响对写作

12、内容的理解; 缺乏语句间的连接成分,内容不连贯信息未能传达给读者。 3 听力录音原文: Text 1 M: Lets go kite flying, Judy. Its such a lovely day. W: Okay, but let me finish my chemistry homework first. Would you mind waiting for half an hour, Max? There are a few sports magazines on the table. M: Arent we required to hand in the chemistry h

13、omework next Wednesday? W: Yeah, but I have a full day of classes on Monday and a birthday party to attend on Tuesday. M: All right, then. You go ahead, and Ill look through some sports news while waiting. (87 words) Text 2 W: Hi, Victor. Its Alice. Do you have any plan for tonight? M: Not really. A

14、ny good ideas? W: How about going to the movies? I should be home from work by 5:30. M: Then shall we first go to the restaurant where we ate last time? W: Oh, no. The food there was not good enough and rather expensive. There is a good restaurant next to the cinema. M: Its up to you. When does the

15、movie start? W: At 7:10. And I hear its a funny story. M: Oh, Alice. I like watching cartoons and action movies better. Maybe we should just stay at home and watch TV. W: Come on! We havent seen a movie together for so long. M: In that case, I think Ill have to go. But lets go to the restaurant firs

16、t. W: OK. Ill get changed. See you there. (147 words) Text 3 Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please. Our bus will arrive at Lake Park in a couple of minutes. You will feel the comfortable cool air coming from the lake. This is a favorite place for tourists in the summer, especially on a hot summer afternoon like today. The lake is one of the greatest wonders of nature. No one knows when or how it was formed. But peopl


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