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1、环球雅思的名师刘伟楠在教学过程中考生对雅思口语的第一第三部分有比较大的关注,同时也会犯一些错误。今天刘伟楠老师就为大家归纳整理了雅思口语section one 和section three的话题及问题讲解,希望能对各位考生有所帮助。 其实对于雅思口语第一部分和第三部分的基本回答方式是差不多的,都是以问答的形式。考生需要做到的就是认真听问题,并且回答问题。而我们中国考试现在最大的毛病就是:1、听懂了问题,但无话可说。2、不听问题,并长篇大论地说自己事先准备好的东西。考官不知所云,而考生自己又不知道为什么自己一直在说,但成绩却不理想。对于第一部分,考生需要知道在对于那些比较简单的问题时,自己的答案

2、不能过于简单,但也不需要长篇大论,一般两三句话就可以了。举个例子:what do you do? 我们的回答不应该是:I am a teacher. 我们需要延长我们的回答:I work as an English teacher and I help students with their problems in speaking and writing.对于第三部分,考生的回答可以需要再复杂一些,因为第三部分的问题本身就很复杂。所以为了考生有的放矢,笔者为你们准备了一些解题的思路。在回答问题时大家基本上可以用四种方法来延长你的回答,特别当你手足无措的紧要关头。1、 Cause & Effe

3、ct 所谓cause,就是讲一件事物的原因,也就是说:为什么会这样?常用的连接词有:because, for the simple reason that, due to/owing to/thanks to/given the fact that.等等。而effect则是由于以上的原因所导致的结果。常用的连接词有:so, therefore, as a result, consequently等等。接下来我们看一个例子:Q: Do you think it is good if children use cellphone? Why or why not?A: I think its a b

4、ad thing because cellphones can affect childrens studies in a negative way. Due to the fact that there are so many kinds of entertainment on their smart phone, it is possible that children will paly games, listen to music or chat with other kids with it during class time. As a result, students grade

5、s may go down and their parents may get worried.大家可以清晰的看到回答里面的逻辑关系:孩子有手机不好影响学习手机上娱乐太多学习成绩下降。2、 Compare & Contrast 有句话说得好:没有比较就没有鉴别。考生在回答问题时可以通过比较(相同点和不同点)的方式更好的让考官看到事物的区别。常用的连接词有:A, while B. Compared with B, A.除此之外,我们也可以用两句话来表达比较,而常用词有:However,On the other hand,等等。我们再来看例子:Q: What kind of entertainme

6、nt do you prefer, TV or radio? Why?A: Well, I definitely prefer watching TV. This is because on TV we can enjoy our favorite sports, while itd much less interesting to listen to the game on the radio.通过比较我们清晰地阐明了电视的不可替代性。当然,我们也可以这样来回答:Compared with radio, TV offers viewers live and moving pictures s

7、o that the watching experience becomes much more interesting.3、 General to Specific 对于一个比较大或比较复杂的话题,我们可以选择先总体(general)再具体或说明自己的看法(specific)的解题思路。Q: Do Chinese people like having pets? Why or why not?A: Chinese people generally are fond of raising a pet in the family, and it is quite common to see people walking their dogs on the street or holding their favorite cats while watching TV. But in my opinion,/as far as Im concerned,/as for me,/honestly/frankly, pets are messy and troublesome because.对于某些话题,我们不必急于下结论。其实我们可以先对它总体的概况和背景进行简单的陈述,然后再说出自己的看法。



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