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1、2014年职称英语考试综合类词汇选项练习题 单项选择题1.词汇选项The government is debating the education laws.政府正在讨论教育法律。A) discussingB) defeating击败C) delaying延迟D) declining下降的2.The Klondike was the scene of one of the biggest gold rushes the world has ever known.克朗代克河是一个最大的淘金热的场景所知道的世界。A) location位置B) view视图C) event事件D) landscap

2、e景观3.She has been the subject of massive media coverage.A) extensive广泛的B) negative消极的C) expensive昂贵的D) active活跃的4.The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.A) rejected拒绝B) investigatedC) proposedD) postponed推迟5.The sea was calm and still.A) quite相当的B) quiet安静C) yetD) rough6.In a

3、bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.A) confusesB) excites兴奋的C) scares恐慌D) satisfies7.The committee comprises 包括five persons.委员会由五人。A) absorbsB) concerns关注A) excludes排除D) involves涉及到8.All the people assembled at Marys house.所有的人都聚集在玛丽的屋子里。A) collectedB) fixe

4、dC) asserted断言D) assist协助9.He made an immense amount of money in business.他在生意中赚了一大笔钱。A) largeB) smallC) limitedD) little10.The substance can be added to gasoline to accelerate the speed of automobiles.物质可以被添加到汽油汽车的速度加快。A) quickenB) shortenC) loosenD) enlarge11.We should never content ourselves with

5、 a little book knowledge only. 我们不应该满足于仅有的一点点书本知识。A) convince说服B) satisfyC) comfortD) benefit效益12.We should contemplated the problem from all sides.我们应该从各方面慎重考虑这个问题。A) deliberated审议B) thoughtC) describedD) designed设计13.His health had deteriorated while he was in prison.他的健康已经恶化,而他在监狱里。A) became bett

6、erB) became worseC) became strongerD) became weaker14.I meant to give you this book today, but I forgot.我本来打算今天给你这本书的,可是我忘了。A) intended toB)tended to倾向于C) extended to扩展到D) pretended to假装15.As a matter of fact, I love soft music more than popular music.事实上,我喜欢轻柔的音乐比流行音乐。A) basically基本上B) probably可能C)

7、 actually事实上D) accurately准确地 1.A will is a document written to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are realized.遗嘱是一个文件的书面保证,死者的愿望实现了。A) fulfilled完成了B) affiliated附属的C) advocated主张D) received2.She has been the subject of massive media coverage.她已被大量媒体报道的对象。A) extensive广泛的B) negative消极的C) responsiv

8、e响应D) explosive炸药3.The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.大会探讨了更密切的贸易联系的可能性。A) rejectedB) investigatedC) proposedD) postponed推迟4.Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality.许多优秀的厨师坚持最高质量的成分。A) demandB) rely onC) prepare forD) create5.Since the Great Depression

9、, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.自大萧条以来,美国政府保护农民在粮食价格的下降而损坏。A) slight轻微的B) surprising令人惊讶的C) sudden突然的D) harmful有害的6.Cement was seldom used in building during the Middle Ages.水泥是建筑中很少使用。在中世纪A) crudelyB) rarelyC) originallyD) symbolically7.Our p

10、lan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.我们的计划是分配一个工作人员来处理设备。A) assignB) persuadeC) askD) order8.Her behavior is extremely childish.A) simpleB) immature幼稚C) beautifulD) foolish愚蠢的9.We also want to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.我们也希望利用水来灌溉贫瘠的沙漠土地。A) hairless无毛B) ba

11、re赤裸的C) emptyD) bald秃头的10.The steadily rising cost of labor on the waterfront has greatly increased the cost of shipping cargo by water.在海滨劳动力成本不断上升,大大提高了货物的运输水的成本。A) continuously连续不断的B) quicklyC) excessively过度的D) exceptionally异常11.Hundreds of years ago cloves were used to remedy headaches.年前,数百人用来治

12、疗头痛的丁香。A) disruptB) diagnose诊断C) evaporate蒸发D) cure12.John Hanson helped draft instructions for Marylands delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.约翰汉森帮助马里兰代表印花税法案国会起草说明。A) clarify澄清B) formulate制定C) revise修改D) contribute贡献13.Practically all species of animals communicate either through sounds or through

13、a large repertory of soundless codes.几乎所有种类的动物沟通,通过声音或通过曲目的无声的代码。A) Simultaneously同时B) AlmostC) absolutelyD) Basically基本上14.Americas emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research.每个人都为教育的重要性美国重点推动了科学研究。A) encouraged鼓励B) endangered濒临灭绝C) endorsed背书D) enlarged扩大1

14、5.Photojournalist Margaret White became famous for her coverage of significant events during the Second World War.摄影记者玛格丽特。怀特成为著名的她对重大事件的报道在第二次世界大战。A)baggage行李B)orphanage孤儿院C)reportage报告文学D)usage使用 1.John is collaborating with Mary in writing a book. 约翰是在写一本书与玛丽合作。A) cooperating合作B) merging合并的C) combining结合D) associating关联的2.I can no longer tolerate his actions.A) put up with忍受B) acceptC) takeD) suffer from3.Mary lost control of her car and col



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