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1、8遵义市中考英语模拟题(二)一单项选择填空A词语替换 选出与句中画线部分意思相同或相近的选项。词语替换。 从A、B、C中选出能替换句中画线部分的选项。21. The foreigners from the USA like Chinese dishes very much.A. plates B. food C. fruit22. Sometimes I take a No. 31 bus to work.A. by B. catch C. get23. I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students.A. f

2、unny B. serious C. strict24. She rose from being a nobody to become a superstar.A. a famous person B. an unknown person C. an important person 25. People should order their food, wait a few minutes and carry it to their tables by themselves at fast food restaurants. A. look for B. ask for C. look af

3、ter B. 语言知识运用26_ man in black is from _ England AThe; the BThe; / CA; / DA; the27Im very thirsty now Would you like some _? Atea Bfish Cnoodles Dpotatoes28When did the earthquake in Lushan happen? It happened _ 8:02 _ the morning of April 20, 2013 Aon; in Bat; in Cat; on Don; on29Amy, I hear youve g

4、ot many foreign coins_ I have a look? Of course, Ill fetch them for you AMay BMust CShould DNeed30My uncle is repairing some old bikes these daysHe plans to _ to charityAgive them away Bgive them up Ctake them away Dpick them up31The iPad isnt _It belongs to _ Ahe; me Bhers; mine Chis; me Dher; mine

5、32Could you tell me _ a meeting in Guangzhou next week? Aif there was going to be Bif there is going to be Cwhether is there going to be Dwhether there is going to have33Peter likes pop music, but _ his lather _ his mother likes it Aboth; and Bnot only; but also Cneither; nor Deither; or34Would you

6、like to go out to play basketball with me? _, but I should finish my homework firstAIts hard to say BYoure welcome CId love to DYoure right35To keep the road safer, the new traffic rules must _ by everyone. A. follow B. be followedC. are followed Dfollowed36.This math problem is _ hard to work out.

7、Why not ask Miss Chen for help? A. tooB. very C. so D.enough37.Jack, what does this word mean?Oh, I dont know. You can look it up in a _. A. newspaperB. dictionaryC. magazine D.advertisement38. I called you several times this morning, but you didnt answer. Sorry. I _ tennis the whole morning.A. play

8、edB. is playingC. would playD. was playing39.Have you finished your project? Not yet. Ill finish it if I ten more minutes. A. give B. am given C. will give D. will be given40.He _ dinner at restaurants last year, but now he usually comes tack home after work andcooks supper for his family.A. used to

9、 haveB. is used to have C. was used to have D. is used to having二完形填空Zhao Chao, 14, of Hubei, feels quite tired since the Junior 3 year began. After a long school day, he only wants to 41 as soon as he returns home. But he cant do that 42 he has lots of homework to do. Many Junior 3 students have th

10、e same problem as Zhao. 43 can a student still be full of energy after a long school day?Wang Fengling, 14, of Guangdong, hasnt watched TV 44 more than four months. However, she does some interesting 45 instead of studying on weekends. “We need to relax ourselves. I 46 listen to beautiful western mu

11、sic and play the guitar,” Wang said. “Also, on weekdays I walk back home after school. In the 30 minutes walking, I dont have to 47 my studies. When I get back home, I feel refreshed(精神振作的).”Cao Tingyu, a Senior 1(高一) student, had a(n) 48 year in his Junior 3. “Some of my classmates kept studying an

12、d didnt stop to have a 49 ,” Cao said. “I didnt agree. I know that all work and no play makes Jack a dull(愚钝的) boy.” Cao 50 hours playing soccer or tennis on weekends last year. He is now at the best senior high school in his area.41. A. studyB. sleepC. work42. A. untilB. unlessC. because 43. A. How

13、B. WhyC. Where44. A. fromB. forC. on45. A. activitiesB. exercisesC. sports 46. A. seldomB. neverC. often47. A. think aboutB. give upC. find out48. A. nervousB. hardC. easy49. A. lookB. restC. drink50. A. spentB. tookC. used三口语交际A: Wow! The box is so big. Let me help you, John!B: Thanks, Bruce. 51 Therere only some empty bottles and cans(金属罐) in it.A: What will you do with them?B: To make something. 52 A: A model robot? Sounds interesting. 53



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