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1、大学英语跨文化交际课程要求一、 教学进度: 教学周 数授课内容教学时数1.Introduction + Chapter 2 Text D2学时2.Chapter 1 Culture Text A, B (Case 2)2学时3.Chapter 1 Culture Text C, D (Case 4)2学时4.Chapter 2 Communication and Intercultural CommunicationText A, C (Case 12)2学时5.Chapter 7 Cultural Patterns Text A(定义), B (Case 41)2学时6.Chapter 7

2、Cultural Patterns Text C, D (Case 43)2学时7.Case Analysis and Critical Thinking (Case 19, 58.60.64)2学时8.Chapter 7 Cultural Patterns Text E (Case 44)2学时9.Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers Text A, B(c:five dimensions 删掉) (Case 21)2学时10.Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Barriers Text C (

3、Case 23)2学时11.Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication Text A(定义),B (Case 7) 2学时12.Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication Text C and D (Case 25)2学时13.Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication Text A, B, C (Case 33)2学时14.Chapter 6 Nonverbal Intercultural Communication Text D, E (Case

4、36)2学时15.Chapter 8 Cultural Influences on Contexts Text B (Case 48)2学时16.Chapter 9 Intercultural Adaptation Text A, B (Case 54)2学时17.Chapter 9 Intercultural Adaptation Text C, D (Case 55)2学时18.Revision2学时二、考核方式:成绩构成: 成绩构成= 期末考试(50%)+观影报告/讲座心得(20%)+议论文写作(10%)+案例分析(10%)+平时表现(10%)Chapter 2 Communicatio

5、n and Intercultural CommunicationIntercultural communication: It is the communication between people whose cultural perception and symbol system are distinct enough to alter the communication event.( 跨文化交际:跨文化交际指的是那些在文化认知和符号系统上存在差异的人们之间的交际。这些差异足以改变整个交际事件。)a. International communication: it takes pla

6、ce between nations and governments rather than individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized. (国际交流:国际交流是指发生在国家和政府之间而非发生在个人之间的交际;此种交际非常正式和仪式化。)b. Interracial communication: It occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from different races. (跨种族交际:跨种族交际是指交流信息的信息源和信息接受者来自不同的种族的交

7、际。)c. Interethnic communication: It is the communication between or among people from different ethnic groups in a country or culture.(跨民族交际:跨民族交际是指来自一个国家或文化内部的不同民族群体的人们之间的交际。)d. Intracultural communication: it is defined as communication between or among members of the same culture.(文化内交际:文化内交际是指同一

8、文化内部的成员之间的交际。)Chapter 1 Culture1. Keywords(1) Culture (from anthropologic perspective): Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; th

9、e essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values”.(从人类学角度定义文化:文化由清晰和模糊的行为模式构成,这些模式通过符号获得并传播,这些符号由人类群体的特别成就构成,包括具体的人工制品。文化的基本核心由传统思想和与其相关的价值观构成。)(2) Culture ( from psychological perspective): culture is the collective programming of he mind which distingu

10、ishes the members of one category of people from another。(从心理学角度定义文化:文化是使一个人类群体成员区别于其他人类群体的思维的总体规划。)(3) Culture (from socialogical perspective): Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perceptionincluding both verbal and nonverbal language, attitudes, values, belief system, disbeli

11、ef systems, and behavior. (从社会学角度定义文化:文化是一种可习得的、基于群体的认知模式包括言语与非言语符号、态度、价值观、信仰和非信仰系统以及行为。)(4) Culture ( from intercultural communication perspective): is the deposit of knowledge, experience, belief, values, actions, attitudes, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concept

12、s of the universe, and artifacts acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving. (从跨文化交际学角度定义文化:文化是个人和群体在种族发展过程中所获得的知识、经验、信仰、价值观、行为、态度、阶级、宗教、时间观、角色、空间观、宇宙观和艺术品的集合。)Chapter 1 CultureKeywords (6) Culture Identity: refers to ones sense of belonging to a

13、 particular culture or ethnic group.(文化身份:认为自己归属于某一文化或民族群体的感觉。)(7) Subculture:refers to a culture that exists within dominant culture, and is often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region. (亚文化:指存在于主流文化中的文化,其划分通常基于经济地位、社会阶层、民族、种族或地理区域。) (8) Co-culture: refers to grou

14、ps or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics, perceptions, values, beliefs, and practices that are significantly different enough to distinguish them from the other groups, communities, and the dominant culture. (共文化:指具有独特的交际特征、感知特点、价值观、信仰和行为,区别于其他群体、社团以及主流文化的群体或社团。)(9) Subgroup

15、: usually does not involve the same large number of people and is not necessarily thought of as accumulating values and patterns of behavior over generations in the same way as cultures do. (亚群体:相对于亚文化和共文化群体,亚群体通常规模不大,也不一定有文化群体世代相传积累的价值观念和行为模式。)VI . Reference1. 关于文化的定义关于文化的定义,一直是一个令人头痛的问题,这主要反映在文化定义的众说纷纭及其内容的丰富多彩方面。因此,对于文化研究中的文化定义,进行梳理和分析是非常有必要的。我们不能对由文化定义问题形成的文化定义现象绕道而行。 文化定义现象主要体现在对于文化定义的众多观点上。目前,学术界公认的意见认为,被称为人类学之父的英国人类学家EB泰勒,是第一个在文化定义上具有重大影响的人。泰勒对文化所下的定义是经典性的,他在原始文化“关于文化的科学”一章中说:“文化或文明,就其广泛的民族学意义来讲,是一复合整体,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗以及作为一个社会成员的人所习得的其他一切能力和习惯。”显然,这个定义



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