外研版高中英语必修五习题:module 1 测试题4 word版缺答案

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《外研版高中英语必修五习题:module 1 测试题4 word版缺答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语必修五习题:module 1 测试题4 word版缺答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版必修5第1模块随堂训练 Introduction and Reading (一). 单词拼写:1.He comes from Yunnan province and he has a different a_.2.Its very dark outside ,so we have to carry f_ to light our way.3.No person knows the answer to the question c_ everyone.4.C_ to last year ,he has greatly improved his exam results.5. The v_

2、of the 2flowers is that one is blue and the other one is red.6.The teacher gave no r_ to Toms composition, and left the classroom without a word.7.He works very hard , and his stores have been improved s_8.In order to resist against the earthquake, the s_ of the building has been redesigned.(二)短语翻译有

3、相同的特点 2 .与相似_ 3. 做有困难_4.逛城_5. 排队_(三)句型转换:1 .They almost do the same things every day. .They almost do_ _ _ _ every day.2. No matter what they did , Ill never forgive them.Ill never forgive them._ they did .3. Suddenly I understood the words they said.Suddenly I understood _ they said.4.I found it di

4、fficult to meet their needs.I found I have _ _ _ their needs.5. The car accident resulted in 20 people losing their lives.The car accident _ _ 20 people losing their lives.(四)单选1.-Would you tike tea or coffee? - . I prefer some water. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None2. you understand it, it is e

5、asy for you to obey it. A. As soon as B. Once C. Unless D. The moment3.-How many students are there in your school? -There re 2000 students here A. first of all B. after all C. in all D. at all4.- at the door before entering please. -OK.A. Knocked B. To knock C. Knocking D. Knock5.-Thank you ever so

6、 much for the book you sent me. - A. No , thanks B. My pleasure C. With pleasure D. Please don t say so答案:(一). 单词拼写:1.accent2.flashing3.confusing4.Compared5. variety6.remark7. steadily8. structure(二)短语翻译1.Havein common2.be similar to3. have difficulty in doing sth.4. get around the town5. queue up(三

7、)句型转换:many things in common2. whatever3.what4. difficulty in meeting5.led to(四)单选ABCDBGrammar and Vocabulary一). 完成句子:1. He _his gift _(展现) his mother for her birthday.2. Mary is _ _ _-(喜欢) singing foreign songs.3.He _ _ his dogs _(称为) his best friends.4. She _some salt _(加)the soup in order to make

8、it delicious.5. She has _ _ _(习惯于) the custom here.(二)句型转换1.When he was in Britain ,he learned some English by chanceHe _ _- some English, when he was in Britain.2.I found that question is difficult for me to understand.I found _ _ _ understand that question3.What he said at the meeting made everyon

9、e angry.It was _ _ _ at the meeting made everyone angry.4. He got along well with other students in the class.He _ _ _ with other students in the class.(三)单选:26.Our teacher often says, Lets in English.A. talk B. speak C. tell D. say27. it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day.A. What a fun B. Wha

10、t fun C. How funny D. How a fun28.-What about the population of Tokyo? -The population of Tokyo is than that of Beijing.A. much more B. far larger C. a lot smaller D. many more29.-Will you stay for lunch? -Sorry, . My brother is coming to see me.A. I mustn t B. I can t C. I needn t D. I won t30.-Hav

11、e you seen cap? I put it here just now. -Is it yellow one?A. a; a B. a; the C. the; the D. the; aKey:一). 完成句子:1.presrnt ,to 2. in favour of 3. referred to,as4. added to5.got used to (二)句型转换1. picked up2. it difficult to 3.what he said4.got on well(三)单选:ABCDACultural Corner(一). 单词拼写:1.Her _(与众不同)_voi

12、ce made her a famous singer.2.From the _(表情)_of his face ,we know bad news is coming.3.Before his theory was accepted ,many people_(批评)-and made fun of him.4. _Chinese is also called Putonghua.5.During the 1890s ,glasses were _(引进)into China.(二)短语翻译1.把联合起来2.从毕业3.与抗争4. 受的欢迎5. 因而出名(三)句型转换1. In English the spelling of words doesnt always stand for the sound. In English the spelling of words doesnt always _ the sound.2.He looks like spending too many time studying Chinese.He_ _ spend too many time studying Chinese.3. Young as he is ,he have learned 5000 new words._he is young ,he have learned 500


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