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1、2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试西工大附中第四次适应性训练英 语第I卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共四节,满分55分)第一节 语音知识(共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)1. mosquitoA. involveB. motorcycleC. concludeD. women2. plentyA. experienceB. passengerC. expressionD. generation3. supplyA. yourselvesB. quicklyC. recycleD. bicycle4. singerA. strongB. fingerC. singleD. stranger5.

2、 failureA. mountainB. bargainC. captainD. available第二节 情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)- Hello, can I help you?- Yes, Id like to go on a sailing holiday this summer in Italy.- 6 - No, I wanted to go to Sweden last year, 7 - Well, it is quite expensive. Sailing holidays start at about three hundred dollars.- Ye

3、s, my friends went in August last year. 8 The most I can pay is three hundred and eighty dollars.- Well, that should be enough. 9 - Well, Id prefer a lake in the mountains.- Okay. The Aqua Centre in North Italy will be the best for you. 10 - Okay. Can I pay by credit card? I havent got my cheque boo

4、k. - Yes, thats fine.A. They paid four hundred and fifty dollars each.B. That costs $375.C. but I couldnt spare enough time.D. Would you like to be by the sea or a lake?E. Have you been sailing before?F. Youve got to pay $475.G. but I didnt have enough money.第三节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)11. Do you

5、know if Linda is willing to take charge of the program?_, does it?A. It takes no time. B. It counts for nothing.C. It doesnt hurt to ask. D. It doesnt make sense.12. We all agree that _good knowledge of physics is a must in explaining such _natural phenomena.A. a; 不填 B. a; a C. 不填;a D. 不填;不填13. Afte

6、r that, he knew he could _any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability.A. get away with B. get on with C. get through D. get across14. After the adjustment of financial policies, many netizens put up posts, 90 percent _carried the message of approval.A. of which B. of whom C. of t

7、hem D. of what15. Use your head. Nothing taught by others can have the same effect on you as _learned by yourself.A. those B. that C. what D. the one16. Why did you drop the chance of earning big money?_. You know, I dont want to get rich by taking risks.A. All is well that ends well B. One mans mea

8、t is anothers poisonC. Better safe than sorry D. No sweet without sweat17. Studying alone, you are free to choose what to learn and when, _ you dont need others agreement.A. while B. if C. though D. as18. Full use should be made _our spare time, for the exam is drawing near. Exactly.A. with B. of C.

9、 for D. by19. As is known to all, Montreal is the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _.A. Paris is the largest B. Paris being the largestC. Paris to be the largest D. Paris be the largest20. _seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter universities does

10、 exist in other countries as well.A. It B. There C. What D. That21. Why do you look so worried?My computer broke down and my essay _ unfinished since.A. was left B. has left C. left D. has been left22. We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case _ from practice.A. should

11、theory separate B. should theory be separatedC. theory should separate D. theory should be separated23. “You _not be too careful in the exam. Do and check your papers carefully and you _not take your papers out of the examination room after the exam,” the teacher told us before the exam.A. must; sho

12、uld B. can; shall C. must; shall D. can; should24. Another cup of coffee? Thats your third since lunch.Yeah, well, I _ all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.A. stayed up B. have stayed up C. have been staying up D. will stay up25. What has made him upset recently?_a

13、lone to face a troublesome milk case.A. Left B. Being left C. Having left D. To leave第四节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Steve Kimball started a career in March as a school-bus driver for First Student Norwich.The morning of April 8 seemed 26 , Kimball recalled, except that he didnt quite feel right. Noah

14、got in the bus and noticed immediately that the driver didnt 27 well; he wasnt talking and joking 28as/the way the two of them are used to doing every morning.Throughout the brief ride to 29 more riders, Noah kept asking Kimball, Steve, are you all right?.Kimball said the boys persistence was getting him annoyed. So N


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