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1、P班英语(4)单元口语话题Unit-1 A The Tail of Fame(名誉之尾) B The Power of a Good Name(美名的力量)读写:I Why does the writer give the passage the title “The Tail of Fame”? II Is fame something you will strive to seek? Give your reasons. III How do you understand “for most people, failure is the end of struggle, not the b

2、eginning”?听说: The trouble of fame The meaning of a good name The ideals people have about meUnit-2 A Charlie Chaplin(查理*卓别林) B The Political Career of a Female Politician(一位女政治家的政治生涯)读写:I Browse the Internet and find out more about Charlies movies and his life. Make an oral report to the class. II W

3、hat kind of emotional conflict is reflected in Charlie Chaplins creations? III What impresses you most about Charlie Chaplins life?听说: An original person in my life Why being original is important A one-of-a-kind person who achieved fameUnit-3 A Longing for a New Welfare System(渴望新的福利制度) B A Blind M

4、an Helped Me See the Beautiful World (一位盲人让我看到了美妙的世界)读写:I How do you know about welfare system in the US? Find out more and make a report to the class. II What should an effective welfare system be like? III If you were a caseworker, what would you do when faced with welfare clients cheating?听说: The

5、 most difficult situation I have ever experienced Lets learn from each other and help each other The life of a blind personUnit-4 A The Telecommunications Revolution(电信革命) B The Information Superhighway(信息高速公路)读写:I What are the characteristics of Information Age? II Why is telecommunications a key f

6、actor separating the winners from the losers? III Discuss what impact the telecommunications revolution may have on our life?听说: How I use the Internet The reasons why a country/business should invest in information technology Information found on the InternetUnit-5 A Choose to Be Alone on Purpose(有

7、意选择独处) B Roommate Conflicts(室友间的矛盾)读写:I Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of solitude or living alone. II Do you have the moments when you feel solitude is the best companion? III Do you think solitude can give rise to inspiration? Give your reasons.听说: The best/worst roommate Ive ever had Le

8、ssons a person could learn from having a roommate Humans live in groupsUnit-6 A Bribery and Business Ethics(贿赂与商业道德) B The Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers(对警察职责的最大威胁)读写:I Do you think it necessary to include business ethics in business courses? Give your reasons. II Do you think the gi

9、ving and seeking of bribes can be banned by law? What might be a better solution? III Give your comments on the code of conduct proposed by ICC.听说: A victimless crime Theres no such thing as a small crime A life of honestyUnit-7 A Research into Population Genetics(对人种遗传学的研究) B Geniuses and Better Pa

10、renting(天才与良好的家庭教养)读写:I How much do you know about human genetics? Try to find more by searching th Internet. II What are the scientific and social consequences of the research on population genetics? III Will the findings about genetics help eliminate racial prejudice?听说: Traits Ive inherited from

11、my family What genetic maps show us about migrations How different populations compare with each otherUnit-8 A Slavery Give Me Nothing to Lose(奴隶的身份并没有让我失去什么) B Why Are women Afraid of Wrinkles?(女人为什么怕皱纹)读写:I What is the attitude of the villagers toward the Northerners when the writer was little? II

12、 What does the writer think of herself and blacks? III What is the major figure of speech employed in the passage? Give some examples.听说: Old people in the workforce The evolution of womens rights Why equality mattersUnit-9 A Make Euro Disney More European(使欧洲迪斯尼乐园更欧洲化) B Not to Expect Profits Soon

13、from Euro Disney(不要期待欧洲迪斯尼会很快盈利)读写:I Browse the Internet to find out more about Disneyland. Make an oral report to the class. II Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of opening Euro Disneyland in France. III Do you think Disney in foreign countries is a cultural invasion? Give your reasons.听说: M

14、y first encounter with Disney How Id design Disneyland The spread of Disneylands around the worldUnit-10 A How to Cultivate EQ(如何培养情商) B EQ Plays a Role in Personal Success(个人要成功,情商起作用) 读写:I Why is the adaptive ability the key to survival in the age? II Do you think the four adaptive skills the writer mentions useful? III Do you have any other advice to improve Emotional Intelligence?听说: Is EQ more valuable than IQ?



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