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1、G7M1U1 教学设计目标定位:本单元的教学重点和难点是学生能熟练地在介绍自己或他人,能自如地运用所学英语进行交流,将输入的语言信息在一定的语境下合理输出,能自然地运用英文交谈,做到语音,语调清晰,准确语言知识目标:掌握词汇:lesson, class, Miss , twelve, year, thirteen , open, match, practise , Chinese, teacher 掌握语音:|e|i:|掌握系动词be的一般现在时的陈述句形式。掌握目标语言:My name is .Im a Im years old. Im from.语言技能目标:1能听懂别人的自我介绍,能听懂

2、包含自我介绍的简短对话 能利用做简单的自我介绍呀询问对方信息情感态度:使学生在学习中学会合作交流培养学生与人交谈时要尊重对方的习惯学习策略:培养学生利用图片联想词汇的习惯恰当运用多媒体辅助教学,运用网络视频,音频等素材,设置情境,模拟真实意义的活动教学流程:环节一:Warming upTeachers Activity: 1. Play an English song.2. Teachers self-introduction. (Im Chinese, Im a teacher, of course , Im an English teacher. Do you want to know s

3、omething about me ? Please ask me .板书:Chinese, teacher, friend .) Students Activity:1. Listen and sing following the tape. 2. Ask the teacher some questions .(for example: What s your English name? Where are you from? How old are you?)环节二:In put Teachers Activity: 1. Ask students some questions . Ma

4、ke conversations with the students.(The questions: Whats your name? Where are you from? How old are you?)2.Let the students ask and answer the below questions in pairs3. Deal with Activity 1.listen to the tape and show the question(How many people speak, What are they?)4. Do Activity 2. The question

5、: What can you see in the picture ?5. Ask the students to listen and do Activity4.Students Activity: 1. The students listen and answer the teachers questions . 2.Make conversations with their partners.3.Show the conversations.4.Listen to the tape and do Activity 1,answer the question. 5.Describe the

6、 picture of Activity2.(引导学生尽量用所给的单词描述。)6. listen and do Activity4. Then repeat the conversation.环节三:PracticeTeachers Activity: let the students ask and answer according to the sentences of Activity 5 . Students Activity: 1.work in pairs , ask and answer. 2.Introduce themselves. 3.Activity 6 and 7 .

7、Listen to the tape and repeat . 4. Do Activity 8. 环节四:Out put Teachers Activity: 1.Play the tape of Activity 3,ask Ss to listen carefully ,fill in the form. 2.Now ,ask the students to report .Students Activity: 1.Listen to the tape .Then fill in the form.NameagejobcitycountryMiss LiLinglingDamingWan

8、g Hui 2. First, report in groups. Then choose one member from each group to give the whole class a report . 环节五: Feedback(略)环节六:Summing-up Teachers Activity: Ask: What did you learn this class?Students Activity: Answer teachers questions.(首先,小组讨论,每组一个代表发言)环节七:Homework: (作业分层)1. Some students write a

9、 passage to introduce themselves.2. Make a conversation with your partner.3. Read the conversation of Activity 3 . 教学反思:本节课重点训练学生的听说能力,首先以英语歌曲和老师自我介绍导入本课话题,激活背景知识,教师作示范,激发学生装的热情与兴趣,为进一步的交流与训练打下基础。同时通过师生问答呈现新知识,练习对话巩固句型听力的设计意在训练学生听的能力,捕捉信息的能力及处理问题的反应能力,也为学生的口语交际提供正确的语言语调。语言学习的目的在于应用,在学习了本部分的语言功能之后,可以

10、使学生运用语言的能力有所提高)G7M1U1课堂达标题:一从栏选出与栏中相应的答语。 ( )1.Whats your name? A. Im from Dalian.( ) 2.Where are you from? B. Hello!( )3.Nice to meet you. C. Fine, thank you.( )4. How are you? D. How do you do?( )5. How do you do? E. Im thirteen ( )6. Sit down, please. F: Ma Lili( )7. Hello! G: Nice to meet you ,

11、too.( )8. How old are you? H: Thanks.二用所给词的适当形式填空1. Daming is a _(China)2. Ann is an _(America) boy.3. Tom is from _(English).4. My name_(be) Lingling.5. What is _(you) name?6. The girl is ten _(year) old.7. Nice _(meet) you.8. There are some_(desk) in the classroom.三情景交际A: Thank you . B: Where are

12、you from? C: Whats your name?D: How old are you?E: Im thirteen years old, too .F: Im from America.G.: Im American. The conversations:A: Hello. My name is Ann. 1 B: Im Lingling. Im a Chinese. 2 A: 3 How old are you?B: Im thirteen years old.A: 4 B: Welcome to China. A: 5 G7M1U1课堂达标题答案:一 FAGCDAHBE二 1.C

13、hinese 2. American 3.England 4.is 5. your 6. years 7 .to meet 8. desks三 CBFEA七年级上册Module 1 unit1 检测题一选择填空1. A: Nice to meet you. B:_A: Hi B . Hello C . How are you? D. Nice to meet you , too . 2. A: What class are you in? B: Im in _.A: Class One B: Class one C. Class one D . class One3. Tom is thirteen _.A. year old B . years olds C . years old D . year olds4. David Beckham is a _. A, singer B . movie star C . manager D . football player 5. _ is she from? -America.A. Where B . What C . Who D . How



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